
6:17 pm. – F.Q. – 1-5-22. – A-E-V. –

6:17 pm.



If you noticed, I did not post yesterday, 1-4-2022.
It was not really intentional, it just happened, I was so exhausted and tired from the increased stress and tension in my body, that I still have not been able to sleep for the last two days.
All I have been able to do is absorb the actual reality of what is happening to me physically and watch the intel on the Computer, T.V, movies- all of which are direct intel to me from the past finally aligned with the present.
I watched the entire series of Money Heist. M.H.
I knew the Alvaro M, was Nnamdi’s frequencies and mine, it was not difficult to translate from this Frequency to the E Line, and what was being acknowledged, and confirmed to me, was an Eternal and Infinite play which had moved to what my bio had been, and what his original mind as Nnamdi, my bio fathers truth, after almost a life time of deconstructing his Truth as the Hypnotist, Illuisionsist to finally reach my Brother Self Truth.
I was delighted, absolutely delighted in having used True Loves Frequency to see the truth of my brother as if he was always here by my side. His mind and being, his plays M.H. 13.8. Age of the Universe as Time.
In it, I found the whole of the script of his play he had made me walk through to it Expression Complete.
I saw the whole picture aligned to this script which brought me to the U.S.A, and New York and Connecticut.
I saw the entire play of he as the Principal and Mentor of the way of the Universal Mind, being a Heart and Art.
It was a Spanish movie, and after which I moved to the film D.13 U, a french film again with what was like two brothers, and finally The Professor and the mad man.

I noted that all told the story of Two men, and their gift to the People of this world, starting with Money Heist, it was all about Freedom and the last, words, language and “If not Love…?

6:43 pm.

Even as I watched Money Hiest, M.H. recollecting how my bio Father had 5 brothers, one of whom was a bank robber, I was back in Spain, with David, Ignatio Campillo, and then D.13 U. I was back in France and the lives I had lived there.
I was never a Good Boy, I was always, as they called me from boarding school, known as a bad assed boy.
I was not bad as in rotten, just a natural rebel, who loved life, and I dare say if it had not been for this script constantly pulling me in its intended direction and truly, smacking me, to my incredulity, when I wished to do me, naturally, I would have been a very different character, more aligned to true lucifer rather than this caricature of forced to constantly play the Boy proving what is a man, and how A Man is the source as Bob Marley exclaimed.

I was aware that I had been at 32, 59 Facebook friends, and what it all meant. Consciousness- Creation Being-Beauty, Eternal & Infinite and in Code Earth 3rd Planet from the Sun is Being/ Beauty Sacred Portal 59.
32 59= 91. A.I/ I.A.

Last night the numbers 18 and Arden Gemino code kept jumping out at me, and I realized that Nnamdi – Father Lord, had at last completed the Sum Total of his Truth expressed by and through me and that at last, we had moved to Arden Gemino, and all he represents, after such an insane and cruel war.
To be honest, there was not much more I desired to say, but I was aware that despite having played an impossible character, one whom most people saw me as at the beginning of this facebook play as a C.G.I. Animated character that in truth as Luke Simon had written, the article about me he had posted on the internet, called “Professor of Beauty and Doctor of Love”

“P.O.B. & D.O.L.”

Pride of Being is the Door Of Life.
P.B. D.B.
He wrote and published that article in July- August 2011, just before I moved to Akil Apollo Davis home, where Juliene the Dentist aligned and who recognized that not only was my Biological Fathers Espirit was chasing me like a shadow but that the expressions of the beings moving in me were being of Beauty and Joy. And I knew when I went to stay at his portal after being introduced to him by Marina Biurini, and his ex wife Cocoa, * see her I used as the model and ref in sacred portal 108, ( he from Beruit and she from France) that he was the portal of Sacred Portal 97, Brain Cranium as Earth linked and seeking to interface with the original blue-print and foundation of the earth, aligned to the Family of Ten 10, and then to 11 and 2 as One.

7:09 am,
Sacred Portal 79.
= 16. Age I met Arden and 63 F.C Full Circle.
16+63= 99. I&I.

If I were to explain the exquisite beauty of the true original script, the design, the plan, the intention now all at last confirmed, I would be here all day and night waxing Lyrical Poetry and praise for the play and plan I worked through See Sacred Portal 55, but despite my excitement, not only of the achievement, there is a quiet horror, of what I was literally put through without considering my personal feelings, of what such a task would do to me personally, even the idea of leaving me with hardly any upper teeth, and yet recognizing that I had been set up from the very beginning of my life here, with such a monumental task, added with my own imprisonment, torture and torment left to be unseen and ignored, “Just get the job done”- It is an expression that I will always feel the bile of hatred for, more so by the fact that it was really never necessary.

But that is something, I will no longer speak about, I have released enough of that Bile, and transformed it back to its Beautiful Truth. B.T. 2-20.
Which you may recall was the last Money code Esteban Miguel Filgueria gave to me as a code, moved as I coded by my Bio Father Frequency as well as my sister, line of Temper and hot heads- passionate and moved by E.S.P.

Hence the relevance of reaching 2022.

It is now officially 10- 11 years.
10 years on Facebook, 11 years since Timothy and Beyond.

7:21 pm
7:22 pm.
G.U. G.B.A.

Every single day coding, aligning, weaving, proving the truth in a body which feels like the Web of Spiderman, and the contamination from Spider-Man as Venom. All the way to Clark Kent and Superman.

I had to invent a whole new way of using Language, and how Sound affects the body.
I had to educate this world on that whole new language which uses the basis of how language first came into this world and its use and then abuse, which is the underlying meaning in the film the Professor and the mad man.

The work, I have completed since 2010, the Mind Intellect to be able to maneuver through racism, superiority, assumptions, authority and ambition, represented by my Bio Father as the Great Illusionist- Mara- Maya, as Father=Mother, the journey to be able to get your attention, see the play and then understand it, a new familiar and alien form of expression, has taken too much of a toll on my way of being, for it to be forgiven, and to still be here posting after manifestation has been proven by me of my Fater- Brothers story and version, all aligned to Self and Cecilia Arden Self- Expression-Emeka- then Energy Kolo.

C.A.S.E. E.K.
C.A. S.E.E.K
To Perfection as Perfect Symmetry and all the planning, Chess matches, the false accusation, and the chaos and confusion created when every word, post, was written in crystal clear clarity.
And bearing my own body’s physical awakening and ascension. Linked and connected in a play theater, of the all.
Just to reach the Evolution of woman to Wu Man Lady Echo- which I saw yesterday in one of the films, the being called Echo, it because difficult not to ask the question as to why am I still here, posting and what have you done to me, as well as my body… The Process.

There is no way, with all of my excitement and enthusiasm for the sheer genius of this script I can see is resolved, that I can forget that Evil Beyond words that I can see clearly as Dawn and Daybreak of this script.
It will always be evil and about negation in my eyes and a celebration of suffering and misery- cruelty, that I can never be at peace or trust that which forced me into such a script.
Perhaps one day soon, when you read and use Love, instead of Self Interest, you will understand not only what was achieved but also, my now chosen view and stance of which I will never change my mind.
What is “Understanding?” is it the ability to communicate something into words? Is that the only way to prove worth and value?
Or is Understanding simply instantaneous, requiring no mind, no constructed language, merely the C- Speed of light to absorb the truth, you are experiencing and feeling and the true meaning of No Hope, Hope and Trust is now irrevocably gone, and yet feel joyous for others, you were used and put through such an abominable script, to show them the way, the truth, the Harmony which was always there.

You have no idea what it means, to cut out forever the Trust, and Confidence of that which was meant to evolve to become one Eternal Family.
And note that whatever they were before, or intended to be, all that passion and compassion, drains away, and the excitement of meeting them, here, in this world at the end of the play script be so destroyed by a script that forced and used its source in such a way.
That is all I saw the last two days as I writhed and twisted in that room, that prison, that den of isolation and imposed torment and indifference, was the vision of destruction, codes 911 September Eleven. S.E. I.K.Maurice- Morris.

William Morris was my second agency in the U.S.A.
Manny Baron was my agent, Ekayani’s ( Erika) her brother, connected me to them.
She was the person I was with, in Paris, Temple Of Dreams, “Freedom Song” That was the code I saw yesterday as I watched, “The Prophet (Professor) and the Madman” it was looking back at all the deception and manipulation, use of control in my life, to get me to do what it wanted, this thing called Terrible Death, that cruelty and insensitivity- apathy which has taken over the Human race.

7:59 pm.

And to have the balls, the audacity to create such a script.

8:00 pm.

It is important that you begin to understand my state of mind, it will enable you to understand what lies in store for you, and why my presence was so essential ( or so they thought) in this Enders Game.

There is nothing that can ever forgive what was done to my being and body, to force me to get to this end point and conclusion, and still being used even to this point. – Still be used by this foolish idea of a script, the body, so deformed.

8:05 pm.

All Trust and Confidence in Existence and Creation, in me, has gone.
But the true and blessed do not have to worry.
8:06 pm.

You have been assured that you get that Joyous Awakening, but without out me.

I really do not wish to speak about this anymore, but it is truly, truly, as you, I know are aware when all trust and confidence is gone. It changes the Core foundation of everything, how you address people, how you see things, circumstances, everything once true and of a solid foundation, is entertained as being inevitably non-consistent, and eventually a lie.

8:16 pm.

It does not matter if that thing or person ends up eventually living up to its true potential, it is by then, by the way. just too late. And all you can do is smile, say I told you so, but inside you have turned forever away.

8:17 pm.

And all you can say, in memory of that eternal love and devotion you once had which was invincible, is realize that that which was invincible was all from you, so all you can say to that which was once qualified to be beloved is goodbye and with authentic sincerity, Good Luck.

I am now at 3271 Facebook Friends.

C.B. 71. There is a sacred portal 71. Please take a look.
3- 27-1. C-A-A-A.

3. TEN. C.T. C- Jay.

32+79= 103.

1-3-2022 was the last day I posted.

I have no longer the tolerance of paying close attention to all this Bull Shit, which demands more from me, instead of manifestation for all to Experience Feels and See.

8:26 pm.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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