
6:16 p.m. – 22. – V. – 5-8-2022 – 5

6:16 p.m.




E H -F.


I have 13… now 14 Facebook Friend Requests.

And I woke up with one simply but urgent desire which was to leave.

No Anger nothing but a grim satisfaction that what I had been sent here to do and accomplish had been done.

I had understood my last exchange with Liberty C as The World and knew she would rise to become the Liberarian but I was also aware of how much it costs.
The price it took to keep that world aware and awake.

I also felt a horror but not regret of how naked and Transparent I had to be on Facebook and all I could hear myself saying to myself was no.



But I felt my little sister My mother Cecilia Onuabuchi her presence and the deep sadness and quiet anger that my body and this amenable play Script had not even allowed me to see her one last time in Human form nor even attend her funeral as her first born son.

No, no…I have solved the equation of proving my Father Selfs Truth.
Even in this truly fucked up lie ridden world.
It was and is Evil.
Which means it is Self Negating, Self Destructive and even though I had done what was called Mission Impossible 7, so named by the E Family Sacred Portal 56.
And 11O by using Art of Story Telling and walking through 7 Continents and 5 seas of Expression and moving them back to One and proving Harmony even here, I really am as this Script stated and confirmed publicly and to my detriment…. oh so much to my disadvantage,
A Man who happens to be brown and The Source.
Nor would my own Self Awareness in me allow me to hide that fact or find a more diplomatic way to say it.

I had to be Transparent Supremacy And it would serve as Rocket Fuel to others.

I had witnessed it, shared it by being used by my Awareness and Body Awakened and Consciousness give me no choice to come that clean even my anus and large intestines had to examined probed and checked and publicly and painfully I might add.

Supreme Harmony is now in the world and indented in the Present Future world people.

To stay here in this reality to witness this never before seen Event had actually been one of the prime motives of my fighting so hard all these years to prove E Harmony.

6:43 pm

But I knew that even the witnessing that after all these years of non stop work seemingly so Unseen and appreciated was no longer worth it.
I just want to go.

It will happen with or without my presence now, it is programmed, indented coded forever in Everything all 4 5 Elements in ever Potential possibility

No, I am good to go and all I felt was a francine and anger at Death, for not quickly comming and leading me home.

Today is the 5-8.
Sacred Portal 58. “Spirited Home The Correct and right way.”

No show, every Math 8th that Sacred Portal was confirmed starring with Dawn Chimento in 2014.
But it never manifested. Into my intention and interpretation just its acknowledgement but no Go.

It did occur to me that a moment ago that perhaps that unlike 29 + years ago when my body just drained of Energy and I instantly knew it was Beautiful Death calling me, summoning me, that this Time he, it would not appear or summon me the same way…
That very thought horrified me to my core.

I am not staying here in this realm I vowed to myself with such force and passion.
I have met the Line represented by Arden Gemino-
Ferrill Gemino
Aurelia Gemino

All proven Harmony, I do not care, I can not stay here, I did not care if the whole Awakening Evolution was threatened.

I have had enough.

Enough of people of this world as well as the cast of Characters I did not myself chose.

But I worked with it, them and somehow still proved Harmony Symmetry Petfrct Timing via an insidious narrow minded self serving species Script.

And get this.

I was cast as Lucifer
The True Original Lucifer.

I do not know why that Truth and realization never really sunk in before l. Lord knows their were enough indications to me and all

Right to it being the fioms Jae Sherman and Kim Arthur Hinds Jr had been watching on Netflix at the same time.

Me, no could never get into it
And of course who else would Nnamdi be if I was playing in his True Story.
Awareness Light Fantastic

Nnamdi was so stunning so handsome and beautiful as a boy that people saw him as Gods literal Grace.

And look at this

L.U. C.I. F. E.R.

12 21 3 9. 6. 5 18.
= 74.

7 +4= 11!

Emeka & Kim yesterday

= 28.

Albert Santana and his Mother Lydia Rodriguez
Both born 47 and 74!


I sat down to let that sink in for a moment, as I stared at the Sacred Portal I had pulled out of Fritz Venneiq black box like a black note book
“LaCie” it is called.

I had pulled up Sacred Portal 94.


Now it all made sense, I was in a Story
A Story Book reality where I was seen and cast as Lucifer

Really the Light Bringer
Light Fantastic Luminosity Facts.

But also the Fallen Angel.
F A.
Instead of the Beautiful Devil Mischief Delight and Fin, Fun.

I was Cursed… by the People as God.

God Lord.

I could not get on my phone because the orange chord given to me simply stopped working.
And he had gone out.

7:27 pm

2:27 pm was when I first looked at the time.

So irritated and annoyed with everything I began to search for a charger and stumbled upon my Brief Case and that Corner Stone in the play, which I had not seen since I left 900 South Road.

Amazing Grace.
How Sweet The Sound.

H .S.T.S.

I paused and found two Golden C.D’s
Youth Factor.
And Agenda 21.
Depopulation Review and one blank one.
They were all in Gold and Silver.

I placed them quickly and almost annoyed on my Altar Arts Science Desk pausing enough to recollect that it is manifesting and that 3 days after I placed the Ram with horns Balm from Jae Sherman on the Altar near the Soap and Gemino light blue mug.on my last trip to 1544 C-Town I had literally walked into a Car Rim with a Silver Hubcap with the very same image of a ram.

So despite my desiring to throw the objects on the desktop out and cease communication with all Unseen Transmission on the Outer and inner A. E.M.F.
I let it be

And a moment later Kim was back.

He gave me a Black chord for my charge from his Camera r… it walked like charm to my Suspicious arched eyebrow..
The Story of Colors all done
Red Orange. Yellow Green Golden Blue….

And now back to Black.

From the moment I got up, a voice kept on whispering so quietly to me deepest self.

” You must talk to, Kim… you must hear him Speak Talk”

And so I did.

And that is when I knew that I was listening to literal Grace.

He just spoke and talked.
Told me what he had learned or understood by talking with me together
From our conversation
how he applied it and integrated in his daily life
He spoke of understanding that there is no duality.
He had really read my posts.
He had really understood
He had stepped out of his own mind and listened paid attention applied.

There was no fuss.
It was not that :” He Got it”

It was way more, it was him.
He Embodied it.

7:54 pm

Using what he observed from our living here together and piecing together an articulated eloquence from a step by step learning experience which ended up being his.

He broke down complex social and philosophical ideas into such simplicity.

Flowed with Wisdom Intelligence and the true Meaning and Expression of Naturalness Expresed Beautifully as well as the adding of Mischief Awarenees of Cunning and Deception

I just listened one part of me Curding E Nnamdi and E Arden.

No one ever has ever, ever spoken to me that way…Ever in my entire life.
Or given me such praise and well Done by being the Exemplification of all my meaning my own Exemplification naturally expressed.

It was as Kolo and Kim.
Last Name and First Name had become one.

Zion 17…

Arden had been 17 when I lost saw him

Ferrill 19 20.

Kim is 34.

17 +17

1 34.

The 1 was his Awareness all of his own, they way he put together the 17 +17.

The seamless way he moved from the 3D Illusion to the 5th…The E Language seamless with out a pause except to pause at times to articulate the difference which he made sure to State there really was none except for the way the so called 2D Story masquerading as 3D did.

8:13 pm


I will not so that I was stunned he always had it in him but I had also been very tough on him and it showed perfectly that he had understood why.

Just like a younger brother from the same tree.
But with his own I.D
Identity as an Individual

Its is True that Arden Gemino- is more a Individualized version of I.
His own self Creation especially living together for 11 months.
With Kim it has been 18 months.

Both of them had Freedom Liberty to do as they please.
Aurelia Gemino too.

While I had been stuck to one place for 29 months unable to move.

Arden had Compassion Empathy.
But it never let it get in the way of his Freedom

Kim had Love and Compassion Empathy

But Both had Naturally within then Equality.

Justice and Awareness -Fair Play.

8:25 p.m.

I am not totally sure what this new development means to me now.

The Evolution done
Evolution Of Consciousness
S.P 14.

Reflection Nevi Ehko ?

Merged into N E. S. A.T.

I know what it is saying even as I stop myself from using the code to spell it out.

Harmony with Kim.
8 11.

Harmony with Arden Gemino-
Ferrill Gemino
Aurelia Gemino
6 Children

And perhaps with Liberty.

But I think I should better stop this post now.

I have said what I need to say.

Arden – Kim.

Kim Grace.

7 11.

Always Open 24/7…8

Kim Gemino Gemini
Arden Gemino-Gemini

8:34 pm

What an ingenious and yet brilliant way I was made.moved to post today when I said No.

I am more impressed than irritated and annoyed.

8:36 pm

8:37 pm


Boys. To Gentlemen

Via understanding Girls LA D.Y.E.A.H.

8:39 p.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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