
6:16 p.m.

6:16 p.m.


F P.

A-B I-T.S…

A B I B O S… A B I B S…

( A B I @ 219…Being Supreme A Supreme exemplification and representation of Being)

A B F S./S F..B A

-A Best Friend Supreme .. Harmonious Expression

A B.F.. S H E.

Free Person

– Meaning of the word Franco- France


A B F S./S F..B A

-A Best Friend Supreme .. Harmonious Expression

A B.F.. S H E.


The Source…

It was all about who is The Source

All this fuss, this terrible game.

I am not of your world.


I am E…

E H O M E…

6:29 p.m Time.


*I found myself compelled to call Esteban for help today, when I found myself unable to complete 15 min walk to the local Metro pcs. The pulling and twisting, the physical rising- a normally beautiful experience, transformed into a literal tug of war in my body, was such that even after 17 years, since I last physically rose, I am stunned what it has been transformed into because of what I have finally understood, was a play- script transformed into a Deadly Play of those who use the Dark Arts

Alien Wizards.. consciousness.. I call then Kling Ons parasites viruses, diseased ideas, ways of being which Kling On and K.O- Knock Out the will of others to live.

-Was all about who is the The Source.

See the reasoning, all links to 2016, 9-16-2016.

And the play of 2017, the Total Solar Eclipse, which I publicly stated was a challenge created by the line of what is called Nature, or those using Natures tools, to prove I could affect the weather, and that I am the source of the Ethereals and the Elementals. E E.

This is and was never a Human Play, it was a play of the Supernaturals, the E.T and the Aliens.. different from the A-Liens.

Aliens are those thought processes, ways of being which are alien to Nature and True Existence.

A-Liens are the Baby E the Seeds of the Eternal planted in each one- they are called Babies and Children here but they actually come from the first explosion of light which moved backwards through the full cirle of The Creator and The Sources reflection which created what is known as Light Clarity Dawn.. Eos..

Light Particle Photons…Speed of Light…

Tell me, how fast does it take you a human being to review your lifes, or the process it took you to build.. lets say a house, a company… bake a cake?

Is it the same Time as the time it took to do it physically?

No, the physical process takes much longer, but the viewing in Hindsight can take 0-6 secs…

Outside of Time, is how we perceive that process of Doing which created Physical Time

Rays McKayla seeing the Universe open before her as she looked up at the ceiling, John Mack seeing the ripples like waves, curtains, a waterfall parting…

Link Nathaniel Thomas Bywater’s water fall also noted by Isabelle Ilic

See my Sacred Portal 5.

See the meaning of the name Lynne…

*Link Brittany Lynn.. B L.. the name of Christopher Filgueira mother and sister- each passed through this portal as well as my heart.

and Jordan… Jordan Colon, Johan Jordaan, Jordan Colon

Link my Story of Colors set in Istanbul…

Bob Marley poster Colors

C is the Speed of Light.. S O L..

I am on the 3rd Floor…

I am in harmony with only 2 other people here; Rays McKayla and John Mack age 19 and 21…( Youth)

19 21.. S.U…/ U S…

S U S A… S U S A N.. Train the discoverer of my Journals in Ja 1993 in Paris.

S T/ T S…

19 20../ 20 19… 39 39.. C I C I… 78.

MW87… NASA Classification.

MW 60..My Classification.

MW87/78… My correction of NASA’S Code

Tree Sage is born 1987…

19 93. 39… S A I..( D) I C…/ C I…

* I watched Aqua Man Last night..

It showed a scene where the Princess and the Valykire like Queen who survived herself being sacrificed, leads her son Aquaman to pass through the portal- whee he does not battle the Kracken, but insteads communicates with him- and again with the Dead Kings Energy gains the Golden Trident.

Aqua Man… A M…

Man is Water…. by Nature…

He She must be transparent… Fearless… Clean Fresh..

Man can not survive without water for more than 3 days.

We are three here in Harmony…

Yellow.. Gold.. 3rd Color.. Earth.. Golden Dawn.

Zoraster Eternal Heroes of the Golden Dawn

Ancient Susa Persia.. Iran… Ancient Iraq.. Mesopotamia…

I I… I A M… Africa Middle East.. M E

Tree Sage and are rep of the E are in Harmony…

And Sosa…

Every where I look in the script and on the playing field here at Hartford Connecticut the code reflects my initials E.K.

Even to the code Edward and Kelsie on a Netflix account I have been using.

E K…


even to the House number 509-511 Farmington next to a Pegasus – Winged Horse.. W H.. Whitney House.

T S… The Source.

T C.. The Creator.

T O… The Origins.. The Origin..

T.A The Author…

T.D… The Designer…

The same day that Rays McKayla saw the universe and was told by a person that her seeing it meant that it was herself…

7:11 p.m.

Seven Eleven.. S E…

Always Open 24/7…

That she represented the proof, just as John did, that they were used to check my truth, I called her the Librarian.. The Akashic records- recognizing her as well as John, instantly…

– I was not focused on proving myself The Source

I was focused on solving this riddle of my body, and my being in this existence, then The Script the Riddle and play not of this manifest world.

I have been focused on solving this Riddle, Maze, Labyrinth and Web I found myself in, and the Truth, the Beautiful Truth rising in everyone’s awareness being and consciousness to see, the Evolution and Awakening is here.

But I did notice that something was wrong, that the challenges wwere non stop. many of them so spiteful that I felt its truth as Evil Hate beyond imagination…

Something was wrong, it felt more like a War. a terrible cruel war..

Which tuns out to have been a contest to the Death… no even beyond that…

To non existence…

Winner takes all..

And this play of S U… U S…Universe Supreme the First Universe or Star, as Rays McKayla observed, having graduated to my Cee See, have observed versus U S A…/ A SU.

ASU-SU inOINri Igbo means Language

Please see sacred portal 75…

Link 75/57…World and Solfeggio Rainbow…

Flora Rainbow

F R… 6 18.. Linked to Sarah Kaizer..T L E…

Total Solar Eclipse.. T S E…

The Source E…

I was challenged to give evidence, proof, facts that I authored the Total Solar Eclipse after stating that onpage in 2017 the evidence that I was aware that I was doing it.. from the moment 2017 began with a Death in the Shelter and that deadly cold that year started with…

And then, I had to prove the meaning I had attributed it .. The Shadow of Death, the cleansing,the purging…

33rd State to evolve back to the 8th state..

Oregone meaning Hurricane Rep of Cleansing…Hurricame has a physical representation as a Spiral…

The Miky Way is a Spiral.

The Trajectory of this Universe is a Spiral…

The Golden Ratio is a Spiral…

South Carolina… Carol links to the same meaning as Charles as well as Andrew… It means Man..

Carol is also another word for a Song or Psalm of acknowledgment…

To acessthe frequency of the Universe you must be vibrating and acting out ( Particle Wave) Frequency of 8..9… Harmony Infinity…

The Graduates.are…

Then Elham Hailey Milani arrived the same day after the completion of Rays McKayla linked to Halley and Holly, John Mack sister, who is initials H M..

M H M…A Full Circle…

Then E H M… 5 8 Manifest…

M H…

E M H.

E M F…

E H M..

E.F M F M.. Father Mother E ..F M BAND…Broad Band Radio.

Esteban Miguel Filgueira and even as I found myself forced to call him ( he was gracious and accommodating and solicitous of my condition.. The only one I have ever met aware conscious and who has always had empathy in expression and action of Doing something, anything to help.. that physical suffering imposed upon me, caused by being so near the frequencies which hold disease… Bad Habitsa

He is really the first to fully acknowledge the one thing I will never forget or forgive… The Elephant in the room- despite not really being able to do anything about it.

But empathy does not require that you solve it, especially if you can not it requires acknowledging it, just as one must acknowledge a person who is blind, or missing both legs… Not pity or even a plea for sympathy- none of which I desire or require, but as a literal fact… which has a cause and effect…)

And so with all this evidence, all of this responding to an invisible wave, and logic of connecting the dots,

Right to T S/S T…

Supreme Truth.. Test…

OF T S.. The Source of Everthing including Woman evolved to WU-Man of the 5th Dimension…

That this was all about the I.D… 94 Of the Source not even the Source Codes…

It was used as one of the tests to prove for Them, You… all that T S E..

The Source E K… 5 11…

And so with all this evidence, here is the Facts.

What all this means…

Tree Sage

Emeka Kolo

T S.. E K…

T S E T/ T E S T…




That was the Bloody Test…!

Had to call Esteban Miguel Filgueira..at 29 Street.

D A T E…

E T T E S T…

5-20- 19 73/37…

My brothers Mike Obum Ndubisi… M ON… E Y E..

Wife Noriko…

I represent Nourishing The True.. not the false.. the lie

To 74/ 41… 11 4/ 4 11…

Date of Birth K A H…

Tree Sage

An E T ..Play

8:45 pm.. for planet E A R T H…

4.5 Billion years old

k old 5575…

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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