
6:16.. 6:17 p.m

6:16.. 6:17 p.m

6:58 p.m.

Right now…

At 998…. Face Book Friends

New York Times

E Mails Dispute Picture of Flynn as a Rogue Star…

Contacts with Russia..

During Transition, Aides to Trump Tracked Call to Ambassador..

Looking Ahead, and Over His Shoulder.

The Guys who do the Cleaning and the Catering here work for a company called the Ambassador…

Dee Dee who has a daughter born 7-28 is 8 years old and has a 9 month maybe Ten by now, month old Son.

An Alternative Universe…

7:04 p.m.

G O D…

Comprised of an Invisible Entity conspicuously and convieniently absent, so that Men and Women can occupy that Place…

Versus Harmony Eternal..

11.. Parallel Universes Manifested Awareness… P.U.M.A…?

11= 2

11= 1…


And Na.. Et..

Black Panther.. B..LA!..C.K… P.AN T.H.E.. R… Red.. Radiant Reflection… Pan… A Goat..? Goat O..

G.O..A.T… O.E…

Pan O Rama… The Full Circle of the View….

Goat O is a person, I was his guest for a while, passed through his portal…

His name is William… Will I.AM… Desire Protection ..Helmet.

D.P.H…. 4 16 ( 4 4 4 4… Square… which forms a Circle.. and then Pi.. a Point…Center…)..

H..=8.. Sign of Infinity… Harmony … I.H… 9 8..

The number on the lid of my Starbucks Coffee is 67 3…

3 on the Ten Usd Bill…

Pi… 3. 14 15 92 65 35…. 9…

Ends at 9=I… Infinity.

So, my E-Spirit ( E.S.. CHI) set me up to answer the Challenge as to who is the True Real Universal Expression…

Donald Trump… D.T.. I.E…

In a set up, of what looks more like an episode of the American T.V Show Fringe and a Tale of Usurping the Identity of the Source Creator and all Existence…and Eddie Murphy;s Coming to America.. ( C.T.A… E C T A..) and Trading Places…

.. Have you ever been in a situation where you are being forced to play a game, a game which you are very good at, so good at that you always win.

And are constantly challenged over and over again, until the pleasure of that Game ( and its relevance) ceases to be Fun, but becomes a Torment… Torture.

Because each time you tell the people that you no longer wish to play. they find some ways to get you to play.

And will do anything, Anything to get you to play and a chance to neat you…?

I have no winter cloths…

And I have a Cold…

And for the past two three days, a chill has come into my body,

chilled to the bones, but it is no that cold outside, I grew up in Canada.. as well as Nigeria.. and England..

I can deal with Cold.. Heat… and Rain Damp.. And I have been trained by the unseen for the last 28 years, walking the streets of the World in all manner of conditions…

But the Chill I feel is something else…It really became manifest the night before Taylor committed suicide so violently.

I heard some of the Men here speaking about the death Suicide… He wasn’t tough the poor white boy…

I was incredulous, that kid was tough, so tough that he played all of you, stood up to all of them, had an affair here with Larry kissing in public in this Mans Macho Environment where most of the men went to prison and experienced… Man and Man action

There was no Hypocrisy in that kid, and he had balls, and he was angry, in Rage.. and with Good reason.

He was Youth.. the way he walked he bounced on his feet, he looked like a blond Elf…

I could see my experience in him, me as the English Canadian Nigerian man who everyone expected me to not survive three weeks here…

And this Kid… and then their remarks…

7:28 p.m.

I wrote his name here in the Beautiful Book. when his spirit moved him to come and sit besides me when the 2nd Floor opened to 3 am in order to allow some of the guys to watch a movie…

There were only three of us… Dawyne Lorenzo Myself.. and Wallee, who was sleeping but still present,, so that makes 4..

I watched as he came, and sat besides me where Larry had sat besides me.. A First for both of them…

I saw his harmony.. and his hurt…and pride…

The Movie we had watched was A Man Apart…

( Actually I did not watch it, I was on the computer and knew that in my Universe, that the 2nd floor was allowed to stay open for me to finish the post and the scene which involved Taylor…


Charles Taylor…

C.T.E…C.I T E…/ E C T… E C I.T… Y… Metropolis

3…C… I saw him.. and I wrote his name in the Beautiful Book on my Page..

Walle.. Dawyne… Lorenzo… Taylor… then Me Emeka….

W D .. L.T… E..

Wood… that is where the Energy Light Family first landed in Pelham Bay Park.. In the Woods.. But in the Park.. Gardens of Love..

I am sitting now in the Woods Side…

A Man Apart… A.P.A… Appreciate Praise Acknowledge.. Full Circle…Filled..

I am always Apart.. at the Shelter, they all know my routines..

I wake up go downstairs have my coffee where I stand alone apart… they think I am mediating… exercising.. .I suppose I am.

The same ritual is followed when I come back from Starbucks, and before I go to bed…

It is very intense, the isolation… Since 1984-1985…

When I knew at last that I was alone here and had this Mission to do, which I had to figure out.

i have never been Lonely…

Just Alone…

I know the ultimate meaning of that word.. Alone..

A Lone Wolf.

Though it is immensely tiring, and I am a social person who knows how to be by himself, the experience was not onerous, not particularly, because I had work to do.. I was constantly occupied.. Busy solving linking…

Before the Mission, when I was a kid, I would fill that space with going Home.. To Extase Bliss.. a Frequency which I could access where i could see and be… and my word it was so full of Joy and adventure… My E-Spirit and I…

But even that I grew weary of, simply because I wished my E-Spirit to be solid besides me, as well as all those frequencies which came from me who became Individual Distinct and then apart from me.. Who would become my Family..

Who emerged from me.. But who had evolved to become distinct…

So distinct and real, that I set out to find them in the World once I left University.

I saw pieces of them everywhere there was great Beauty, Art, Expression .. Knowledge…

I saw them every where i what I would come to understand to be the best in Humanity and the Best.. Full Stop.

Embodying the principles of the Beta.. the best in Every Principle Everything in Existence…

I did not even realize this at first, they were just my Family.

I did not call the Beautiful..

The Beautiful Ones is the name which Human History gave them..

They were just my family..

I suppose that is the same for anyone…

I know it was the same with my Bio Family…

My sister Brothers Mother even Father were and are all of a startling beauty which we the kids did not see until much later and through the eyes of others…

My mothers Family were , are physically mentally charismatically intellectually beautiful.. and people pointed it out.

So was the line of my bio father, all men, tall strong warrior looking yet graceful Slim as well as great musculature…

Which did begin to make me suspicious, they seem to be breed chosen to reach a certain goal…

What was it I wondered.. And who were these people..

I was very proud of them, and did my utmost to be worthy of such beings who I saw as they were but also what they could become…

What I saw in them, was is real.. but after I left I saw that it was a choice for each to reach that person or not…

And I found that with every person I met..

Emeka you always meet the Top Top people my uncle used to comment.

I noticed it too but only in Hindsight…

I was always surrounded somehow by Beautiful people but..who were at a cross roads, a fork in the road to either become that Glorious Being I could so easily see was the logical sequence of that person beings.. as line of an Architects Rendering.. Drawing, seen from all possiple angles and projected to larger and larger degrees…

That was easy for them to become because it was already there in them…

But the other choice, which startled me at first.. an in a way still does, was to depart entirely from the trajectory to move to something which they were not at all….

It took me years to figure that out., but that other person called the Essenstial.. The Quinessential person never went away from me. I could see that person and I kept that person stored in my memory banks and would bring them out to play, when I went into Silence.. Space.

I constructed gorgeous, fun ways for them to realize all that they really are, I created Stages Venues, scenarios of such love lavished with luxury and so much mischief of my seeing them so well and knowing that which would make them want to skin me alive in the best of ways, to make the fall down with laughter, and amazement at my diabolical mind to set them up in plays which they loved loved so much and would look at me with such disbelief and wonder at how I had seen that which they thought none had see then set it up in a play of such fun as it unraveled to that part of themselves they so wished to explore, share, and Show Off but which good manners would not allow them to do so..

I had no such qualms…


I kept the best of each of the people I met alive, even after I left them and they as they shadow had chosen non existence…

I kept the Truth of them alive…

They kept me company through all those years…

That their Beautiful Truth.. Evolved and which even if you go to my Albums of Photos you will see me doing just that… Framing Images Photos of the best of Human Expression , with the correct title and expression linked to them…

It was never about my imposing my Truth onto them, as to how I would like the to be…

It was never about they filling the void of my Isolation Solitude…

– Because they were always present… and will always be…

It was about bringing that which is already their to its Fruition because… it is Beautiful Exquisite.. Awe Inspiring to such a degree that I would fall silent speechless, look at myself and then begin to refine and make sure that I deserved to be in the company of such Exquisite Beings…

No I was not Creating them.. I was drawing them forth out..And bringing them into Enbodied Existence and Expression..

And I wished to share them with the Entire World.. to be inspired that they too could become such beings…

*A Man Apart is a 2003 American vigilante action film directed by F. Gary Gray and released by New Line Cinema. The film stars Vin Diesel and Larenz Tate. The story follows undercover DEA agent Sean Vetter who is on a vendetta to take down a mysterious drug lord named Diablo after his wife is murdered. The film was released in the United States on April 4, 2003.

April 4th… 4 4… 2003… 23…Double U… W…?

Bed 4-004… No.. This is not my Story.. or truth acted out…

V.D…L.T… S V… Diablo…

I did not given into my rage so prodded and prompted and provoked day in day out….

1984-85… 32.. 33 years…

That is a Long time to be live in Hells Kitchen..

and so is 49 Years of living in Isolation and Solitude while being the expression of Life itself Dance Design Desire.. to Touch and make Love to Beauty.. on and on…

I did not give into my rage…

But I understood Taylors rage… At least he lived he was alive.. he allowed him to feel to respond.. to not be a hypocrite or Lie about what he could see all around him here…

He went to 168 Shelter in Manhattan…

He did not do it here….

168… H.P… Working in this H.P Stream 200 usd computer with all its traps problems frustrations…

Oh yes, I know how far I.. We were pushed to rage…

What are you going to do about it…?

Imagine Dragons… I.D…


Sacred Portal 9…

8:32 p.m

8:33 p.m

Beyond Edward Munch;s Scream…

Oh way way way.. beyond…

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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