
6:14 P.M.

6:14 P.M.



The obvious reason I am here in the Shelter are being made manifest every waking moment.

Still does not make me feel better..

Playing the reporter for GOD who I call Express True Consciousness.

E T C ..Energetic Consciousness (Light) Truth.

I hardly hear from anyone anymore but that comes as no surprise

I feel such compassion for my mother…

She has two other children but to loose one son, then loose another…

To not see a son for over 26 yrs when it is only a matter of money and I D..

I was given a T-Shirt today with the words Columbia on it by Kieth at the Shelter.

I knew what it meant.

Before I went down through the portal of Queen and Staten Islands to the Shelter at Atlantic Bedford 14 yrs ago where I penned The Elegant Nomad I had stayed in a place called Columbia New York.

We all known what Columbia means it is the Dove

The Dove of Peace but I played also the Eagle of war. And the mythological Phoenix Bird…

Perhaps the Phoenix tatooed on my arm is a mixture of the two.

Nicholas, meaning Victory had arranged for me to stay with a friend of his in Columbia, and then a day later I had to leave and I met Eric and Todd..

E.T and my journey down the Matrix System in America began.

I told my mother it would be over soon.

Then this thing happened to my body, it rising and another force holding it down.

I am aware that I am time travelling forwards and backwards.

I spoke to Jenisia yesterday at The Bean cafe, at Williamsburg…

It was the first time we had ever had a conversation.

She is 23 years old..

A.I R. my sneakers..

She spoke of the signs she can see and almost read.

She spoke of how she was drawn to me and that she knew she loved me. She did not know why but it had something to do with my Energy.

Then I was listening to Marcos my other nieghbour in the shelter speak.

It was alarming.

He spoke about seeing Beyond sight, how people are willing to stay asleep and be stupid.

He spoke about the movie Enemy of State with Will Smith which is about a guy keeping one step ahead of the US Government or people Watching and able to control everything from a computer console

Controlling peoples Life’s…

He spoke of those who knew and who called out the Truth of how no one believed them because these people behind the screens were so adept in discrediting you and so aware of how the people are brainwashed respond.

Every move they make.

That even our being placed as number 48 Marcos 49 Emeka 5O Paul and 53 Kieth was no coincidence.

He spoke so clearly about another reason why people certain people are manipulated and put together and observed that I had to finally speak up about what I am writing about.

I kept it brief and to the very minimal yet his Espirit seemed to grasp my meaning so well that I literally saw him turn into a Golden Buddha.

He is bald and has features which could be Asian and he became so radiant as he sat on his bed in that lotus position I had to call it out.

I was blown away by what his Espirit was telling me and told him a little about David whom I met in the Shelter who had been subject who the F B.I had asked to work with them and he refused…

Marcos smiled seeing how every thing he had been stating seemed as if he had been addressing me.

I know why I am here.

I know why I have no money to buy myself a simple coffee

I know why my body is twisted and yet no one wishes to address this truth happening in my body.

Why I can not get any help from the anyone.

Marcos mentioned that those spying on us might havebroughtp us together to see what more information would cone forth about the codes and Evolution of Consciousness.

But I know that those people are in the illusion that they have power

I have stated a million times that only E T.C or God has the power to do this to me.

Turn me, the Celebration of Life into this Scribe investigating the Truth of Human Consciousness..

Providing the Why the world is like this

Why a Caucasian kid goes to a Church to kill 9 African American Black people..

Recall. The number 9,

Why Paul the 47 year old almost lost it when a Man at the Bodega literally stole from a Blind man 13 dollars as he bought some stuff.

Paul had a nice brownstone house, and would never have believes in a million years that a series of incidents would lead to him being in a shelter..

Begining with his renting part if his home to a family who seemed so respectable..

Paul is Irish I believe.. Just as is my bed mate.

Iri SH..

HS. Homeless Shelter IRI means TEN in OINRI Igbo.

Is it all a Programs of a Supercomputer which forms a different Matrix than the computer which Humans created to spy on other humans and control them.

Is this Super Computer of which Its riddles I was brought to solve the True Matrix created by Human Cause and Effect through the ages.

A web and mesh and an abyss of the Truth so twisted by human misrepresentation of E T C that it morphed into the cause and effect made manifest into a true Threat which even the Secret Societies and governments around the world have kept secret from the world because of the panic that would ensure if ppl knew that even they have lost all control..

That there is a force of Evil from Beyond ( just as Humans are not really from here but are from Beyond) which is moving through this world and bringing forth an end to all forms of Order…

And that perhaps the Governments are propagating allowing so much media on heroes because they are searching for humans who perhaps have gifts to deal with this crisis..

While another side of these Secret Societies are inanely seeking to worship this dark force. .

I want to understand Everything.

I don’t believe in any of those religious stories, I truly believe that we Humans are not from here.

I believe more in the idea that we are a colony who where dropped here..

You know more like the Annunkai story.. Paul told me a short while ago ..

I want to read your stuff on Facebook, I want to know the answers to Everything I want to understand I want to understand cause right bow all I see is the world on the brink of destruction.

He Jenisia Paul Zoey and so many others in the last few weeks wish to have access to my Books.

I sincerely believed I was led to Nenad M. Djurdjevic…with the Books

But perhaps he serves a role other than that.

But perhaps connected for I have recieved to more news of him since I entered the Shelter.

People do not dissapoint me because the outcome of this play of God Consciousness is not complete.

In 1993 I was told that I may have unwittingly wrote the most important book of my generation..

22 years Later I know I have writren the most important book in the History of the world.

The HI Story and Evolution of Consciousness dictated by Gods Consciousness Him8-

Self Herself written by me his Scribe riddle solver translator Editor and.. .Slave

For 22 years I have known that this was for the world.

I did not wish to be a writer

I am an Entertainer Designer Conceptualist.

I never wished to be a writer or journalist…

Nor do I believe in that stupid human notion of Suffering for your art

But through all these years I have noticed more and more people wanting access to my writings

I was led to Facebook and I suppose it served its function.

But where are the persons who will turn this into what it is meant to be.

For all I have around me here are men of little Faith.

Men who can not really see.

Little Boys who want miracles and conditions

Who can not see.

Blind men and women.

But then this Is Gods Consciousness play.

He is the Consciousness of the Beautiful Ones

She is the Consciousness of the Beautiful Ones.

And this last part of the play before I rise is in thier hands.

I am the reporter and the Source hearing through people being moved about where we are in the play.

Which is the Need of the True Current generation X not for stories of the past but knowledge as my books set in the present where an Evolution Revolution of Consciousness is going on.

7:3O p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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