
6:12 pm. – FL – Florida the Sunshi

6:12 pm. – FL – Florida the Sunshi

6:12 pm.
Florida the Sunshine State.

* See what I mean about that Time Code aligned to Arden Gemino-“Gemini Man”?

4-19-20 21.
D S.T. B A U. Being Golden Boy.

This is the date that Robert O Sullivan was born.
R.O.S. R.S Robert O’Sullivan.
/ E R O S-
He is Donna O Sullivans Father and was the date I left 18 Mountain View after spending 9 months to the literal day since being invited there and then asked to leave.
They had organized that as the day for me to leave themselves- and it was amicable ( to a certain degree) it was Jon Blackwell ( J D B) who had made the suggestion and Donna had… well moved to her Husbands side.
It was about Money.

Anyway, the day I left, she realized that it was the exact date of her Fathers’ Birth.
You should have seen her face… Bless her, because she understood the play much better than Jonn who wished to see the Magic and money.
He painted houses – Back-Grounds” Which was the play of the Green Screen- Blue Screen.
Green Blue 4 5.
But Donna was more 5-4 Blue Green.

See Sharia Aallah image and portrait of me- as Osirus and the Blue Extra-Terrestrial.

It is also R O S -E
/ E S O R…E
Initials and Date. D S. R S. D R- S S/. D R. SS. D R A. Y D R. C I… E K. Robert O Sullivan R O S/ S O R ..E… S O R IS. T R U E.

And Lord Knows I am Sore, my muscles… Oh, Man.

6:21 pm.
( 6 12/ 21 ).

I was meant to have been given rest, respite yesterday but look what happened.
I was up all night last night again, still, be made to post to Jaws.
Teeth… My Jaw Hurts.
Jaws Swallow – Throat.
(American Rag)

Geoff La-Cour.
Samuel Beckett.

The Summation Summary.

I was seeing the entire play including the Bridge Port of I going home alone but with the I & I line.
E I A I – I A.

I was incredulous, I had watched a movie recently where the girl ends up at the Ritz becoming a Star.
Beluga “Caviar Bayou”

I was aware that I was being given the confirmation of my own translation of the Script which I decoded and was confirmed as going through the last portal of the Ritz where I would see the Awakening taking place from my window where I was alone but there were people- there and “Alien Father as I” as the older version of Arden had organized.

I already saw myself in a car being driven over a bridge and so when I saw the Tree Sage and Stephan- first, had liked it and then saw it in Tree Sage painting Bridge Port.
The BR.ID-GE ( G E 75 SP 75.. 750 756) and then the intel of how everything I had coded for the last 19 years all aligned ( Beautifully) it was moving through me, so clearly last night, how the Cosmic Egg had been put back together but even more, much more beautiful before.

Kintsugi (???, “golden joinery”), also known as kintsukuroi (???, “golden repair”), is the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery by mending the areas of breakage with lacquer dusted or mixed with powdered gold, silver, or platinum, a method similar to the maki-e technique.”

I was in delight, despite having been deceived that I would rest yesterday based on the intense soreness in my body.

and yet I had been put to work, all day and night to the very evening and the sophisticated and elegant riddle of the sound which was causing me “Flight Fright.. or Fight reaction”

I was still being set up to code…?

Afte the Deception and Lie or Noah Noah

*From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Noah is a given name and surname most likely derived from the Biblical figure Noah (?????) in Hebrew. It is most likely of Babylonian origin from the word “nukhu” meaning repose or rest, which is possible in view of the Sumerian/Babylonian source of the flood story.”

Rest and Repose…
Leanders Friend who was present when I first met him with his mom when they came to collect me witnessed by Andrey Klebanov and John Mack.

I had no rest there, rather it was the Hebrew Jewish version of the Flood story,
I was flooded overwhelmed with Infomation Data rising in me.
I was in a house where the 4 Children and Baby Jeron were in such harmony that never every word they said ( without full awareness) was intel like a “Fil” thread which I had to rapidly piece together.
And then there was Libert – and Thomas plays. stuck in the forms of Adult Mentality See of Children in Adult Form and the mentality of this world, their past traumas- of not only this lifetime but the generation all the way to they being able to look into the eyes of each other and see a Viel and recognize.. with fear that Arden was this powerful being who appeared with such a power of sexual energy when they were in private swallowing them in a Vortex.

I had been Promised Rest and Repose” RE POSE I DON, and instead, for 11 Months I was in the most complex and Dangerous play which continued to Stephan Johnson and Tree Sage

6:42 pm.

To Jennifer and Jae- Donna and Debbie…
To Kamora Herrington and Kim to Anmla Qayin and
Qusaria Allah
to Sharia Perry.

The play of Stephan now back o his birth name code Esteban M F.

Playing the Principle and Principal of the School in which the Pupils ( Eye of the Pupil – Eye of the Tiger- Rocky… had been transformed into the Eye of the Tiger)

Solving manually the Meaning of Existence- the Question of Existence – Quantum to a bunch of Spoilt Brats, who were the Children in the 4th Dimension as Spirits exacting revenge and retaliation to me for bringing them into an Existence and Life ( which I had to convince them was a Simulation and that the Adult Monsters they loathed where actually their own reflections who in turn had been once Children. Of Love and Light and prove it to them as they did things to me, and my ass which…
Well you know how children pissed off can be, especially those with justification and who was never able to let go and “Go To The Light”
“What Light they had grumbled, What Truth… All Lies”.
“There is no way out” they complained.

While I the luxury-loving play Boy of Existence had been blinded sided into coming to New York and entering it a play which celebrated the idea made real fact A R F/ F R A N C E… PA RIS.E TR-OY E S- P
( and so contemptible to me) of self -sacrifice and service, slavery “Suffering is Good for the Soul”

To Sacrifice my literal embodied SELF age 16 .. 17 for the Greater good, after my own Youth was sacrificed at age 15 16, 1982, and which has been done so as a child age 9-8 “Knight in Shinning” 1975 and then back to the birth 1965 lie 1966 Emerging from what they called the Black Hole which turned out to be the Nothingness Sumethingness and B H Beautiful Harmony Being I.
B I… AT E 001 as a power to challenge me and instead flip it to 100 E T A… I B/ B I A. T E OO 1 ( OO7-8)A Play which I was never meant to be part of, just an Observer and an Elegant Example of why my Mother Father – really Masculine Feminine decided I was the only one who could clean up this mess.

And all through 20 years of absolute Deception. Lies…
Telling me its over, and done and yet nothing but more work and a groaning body, heaving to be set free, and constrained, bound to help the bratty children I found myself having to Teach while paying their school fees, and their indifference to my own physical Torment, Reasoning, and insane work to get them to pay attention in The class Room, until finally, they do and then I am made to repeat what I had been saying over and over again since I arrived in New York and began publicly tell the story of the Family, until 2004, when they manifested through my body muscle memory and moved with me together to wrote the Creation story which allowed me to confirm that which I already knew but added was the details they had veiled from me.

And then after all this, get the confirmation when ready to finally chill, and zone out content that I had finished, and that I was leaving, at last, only to be deceived yet again and moved to watch the movie O Finale.
and my connecting it to Ozone Flyer meaning Sacred Portal 45 to 46 and back to 45.
Earth Heaven EARTH.

7:05 pm.

And now, just as I had suspected 9 years ago, that this play demanded that I even code my own departure into existence and being in nauseating detail after all this “Figuring out” and rebuilding all the scattered particles, fragments of that which was never broken and putting it back together again into something new… while the world people slept and starved me to death unless I asked for monies used for their benefit.

Oliver Twist. O T/ TO.
Harry Potter H.P/ P H.

And now I am flooded with all the Beautiful Story after dealing with the onslaught of the ugly story and weaving it.

Odysseus Penelope.
Ariadne Thesis.
Neo Mr. Smith & Mrs Smith
Back to the Middle East. M E
Out of Africa. O O A-O O G
and to
The Full Moon.
F M/ M F

When is it enough you “Needy Greed Fucks!”

N G F.

14 7 6.

7:11 pm.

They caught me off guard this morning when I was Spirited Away into the play of the present 8-29-18.

Back to Animal Farm.

Agusta Georgia.
Tiger Woods.
Story of Pi.
and then to the present Now.
When I had mopped the Kitchen yesterday- It was hard I was puffing and panting but “Will I am Hunndit Percent”
I have to be in clean surroundings.
It is part of the play and also my true Nature.
Come Clean.
That done, I woke up to the sounds of Jae Sherman doing that which I had already done, and my being aware that her body suffered from a similar condition of mine by the 3 D Version.

Next moment I knew I was in a play of Deception and Masterful Water Fall of Liars…
The “Bloody Movies”..
That I had already figured out 20 years ago.
8 years ago.

In 1996 Complete at The Collection. Cafe Jay, Taun Jerome… Manisha Juan.

In 1992- 3
19 82- 3
19 72-3.
19 62-3 before I was even born, but through my mother telling me her story.
My 62nd move in U S A was here on the 3rd Floor.

And now, after all, that, Lies Deception- Dangerous Play- Death Power.
All of which I had already known by using how children make models which here they transformed into Voodoo Voddum- to models I used in my Univerity thesis of Nri Towns Yesterday Today Tomorrow.
Sacred Portal 100 Pan.
PAN DOR ( RM 4B- bed 4-018 D O R0 to Arden- Arden Aurelia who are not that Pandora Box, but rather Adults with Big Mouths who should have their Voice Boxes cut off and third eyes plucked out and long sent to the bottom of the sea for their abuse of power and manipulation, spell casting using words, spells deception, ingenuity in placing blame on other, intention, tone, manipulation deception on their own children – on themselves.

But not MY SELF… No, no…
Not my S E L F Perfection

And now, I am being asked to share all the, yes, Beautiful Knowledge of the New Cosmic Egg of “Humpty Dumpty” H D= 48 Beautiful Transformation with everyone here who has yet to transform and who put me through such hell to prove a point they already knew…

7:26 pm.

I was blindsided this morning and thrown into the script.

Jae’s patches work but only because her Generation shit going back to the birth of the Matrix Web- Simulations has been proved and cleaned up.
She was Purity Innocence.
Only after being off the masterful Liars.

So how do you trust a World, Matrix Peoples who lied to you to such a point..

Trust is Broken- that can not be repaired.
You can never o back and do what you have said and done.
Not when here was a witness, the one who bore it, absorbed it and uses Alchemy and Self Discipline.Dharma Santana & Self Mastery of not slaying you there and there to Transform it into Gem Stones- A Crown made of Platinium Silver Gold of the Eternal Heros of the Golden Dawn. Grace and Del.
Z to N to E to I.

The Pot Brownies from Kim- Tree Sage friend at Brook Street also work and were my first preference as Earth and Natural and much less contaminated than the Chemicals in the patches from Jae S but I am made of the Universe
Organic and chemical- such things do not affect me, but in this play they did, since it was part of the Healing and Cleaning.

Fool me once, Fool me Twice…
But after using me for a lifetime… I know that I was right to break Trust Completely.

Love? of I Love- See… Cee you beautiful still.
My revenge.

Truth. I am the truth, it’s the most Beautiful Truth.

Deception Lies…/ I see through the greatest walls of solid rock
*”Obsidian (/?b?s?di?n/) is a naturally occurring volcanic glass formed when lava extruded from a volcano cools rapidly with minimal crystal growth. It is an igneous rock. Obsidian is produced from felsic lava, rich in the lighter elements such as silicon, oxygen, aluminum, sodium, and potassium.”

I am called in this play code names Black Diamond.
19 years I have seen that name used to code me and identify me by HQ.
I am all the Cut Refined Polished Diamond and I walk on the lines of the Rays from the Diamond Clarity of the Diamond Ring.
D R.
Death Rays

Lazer Sight L S
Which cuts through everything

Radiance, Radiant Lines of Diamond Clarity walking on the Lines of the Mesh of Light which hits the Diamond Rock Polished.
Robert O!
S E.
Sullivan Emeka.
The Unsullied.
Game of Thrones… G.O.T
G O T.
Gotti of the mafia who the dying man on the bench at Thompkins told me the story about of how they adopted him after his parent who came from the Caribbean Islands – a Nurse and Civil servant got hooked on Drugs and he was left to the streets.

Oh, Yes John Gotti.

GOT the Nightmare movie and character whom Leander Gemino dressed up as on Halloween 2019.

I have the most amazing stories to tell and how beautifully it all comes together.

But I am doing no more for you.
Because it is all told here for 9.4 years.
It is in and on my E-Mail.
Joesph Henrey Carey who has been holding the original Sacred Portals, Wood mask, Spinach Green Jade Elephant, and the last manuscript of the Story of Woman’s evolution to Lasy and to meet her twin self I and I as Adam.
He has been holding them hostage, and I was manipulated into leaving there with him against my will and better judgment.
* He works if you recall at Paradise Factory on the second street- A Theater Production company.

There is an E-Manual- Long book Emmanual. World. Com.
Sacred portals 155 in number.
Emails at Thenomad 1999 since 1999 to 2011.

Images Photos, prose poems, short films, scripts screenplays scattered across the world.
Stephan Gascoigne has me original had written journals “Talking to the Silence”

There is a script given to Akill Apollo Davis and Esteban M F. of the Festival of Sharing and The Elegant Nomad.
There are recording with John Mack from the day I arrived and another set with Liberty C-Liscomb
There are paintings- Self Portaints called the Portraits of the Artist within.

I am using will beyond belief to type each day.

I have shared enough, done enough of the work for you.

If you value them,, then you go and collect the work, my work from all over the world.
You piece the rest of this together yourselves.

I share what I now chose to say and in whichever I desire or please.. or not at all.

I do not need it, but I own the rights and authority of all of it, Energetically and on every level to Infinity so if you use it without permission or respect it will open up a portal of the V V Hell Fire for you in every moment of my life. For its- them is the mixed Blessing…
Sacred Portal 117.
A Blessing and a Curse.

7:55 p.m.

So no more sharing or coding, and certainly not my own departure for I have already set it in motion. Momentum.
Momentum Beyaz.
M B,
Manifest Being.

It was you and the play which was holding it up…
Holding it hostage.

You can keep it.
I travel Light.

7:57 pm.
7:58 pm

Lord Of the Rings I am.

The Gymnast.
Core Strength

8:00 pm



E R O S…

Pissed off… That kind of Sore.

There is a big difference.

8:29 pm.

And all this which is mine is no longer free… Free of Charge.

The Millgram Experiment.

Ti -ME.

8:31 pm

Sacred Portal 31 Done


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