
6:12 p.m.

6:12 p.m.


I am nursing a Coffee from Kyle at Starbucks ( Brown- Black Kyle) age 19,

The time is now 6:13 p.m, the number on my Coffee is 6 13

the Time this post started is 6:12 p.m.

I saw the time as I started, and saw that it was nearing the time of the my Coffee number.

I could have cheated and waited for the time to reach 6:13 p.m but then I would only be cheating myself and the equation which is based on 6th sense and perfect timing- which flows naturally.

And it would start the post on a totally different direction as I will demonstrate.

-For as each action scene, in this 17 year play, and 6 years on Facebook- each post, action, expression in this Challenge and Test) has been about Knowing even in the Non Knowing

Sort like being in the Absolute Zero state as, forced on me to emulate of being in a state of being in the almost absolute state of non generation of Heat Action manifesting a Constant influence on this reality… Mimicking the idea of the Source or Myself, in the Nothingness.

Smh… How could this Script mimic an experience which It or They have never had?

Anyway, yes that would be it, don’t you think?

Considering my state of being in this Existence, a simulation of my every means of Existing in this reality taken away from me I.D, bank accounts, means of livelihood, authority, truth Everything and then that weighed against the reality of my actually being who i am- that would be a simulation to reflect me and my worth as not only Zero, but added the one thing It or They who created this Script is the very Important Variable and, considering the evidence, fact, Expression and enduring consistence and constancy of my Expression over 17 years and 6 years on Face book… and all other evidence expressed here and confirmed… that he Probably is who Everything except Manifest Expression Truth is saying..

That in Deed, Action, Expression Being and Ideal Enacted and Exemplified… that he Is who he says he is.

That would make this Idea of a Simulation created to place me in Its idea of Stasis’ of Eros in the Nothingness- created through this realities Interpretation of a person being of Zero Value and Worth….Not only deeply flawed and inaccurate ( like the laws of Thermodynamics ) but also grossly inaccurate and not a true representation of Zero.

Because it is not based on Empirical experiencing Zero in Nature as Absolute Zero… Or Zero gravity…

Made even worse, that even if the equation of a Human Mentality of Zero as being a absolute worthless human being who contributes absolutely nothing to society, who is not worth even having a Home, Income, not worth giving a passport, or even benefits from the state.

Where the only thing which he is given is A Bed in a Mental Health Hospital in the amongst the poorest section of New York.

Where he contributes Nothing at all… which evidently is not true since I exist there and have been affecting change and influencing the lives of others, who each have stated this… some even here and most to others… In as much as I have gained a reputation as a discerning good luck charm and a former military officer…

And yet, then add the high probable fact that he is the Source and that no human being can logically be a complete Zero.. Worth and contributing Nothing to Society…

Then not only am I being treated incorrectly even viz a viz the writer and creator of this Script and test…

– but by being Victorious in this incorrect and imprecise expression of Zero through the a social context of a Human Equation as Human Quantum…

Ground Zero?

911.. Can not exist can it…

And yet I have had to perform in a Script that was and is so absurd and incorrect in every Art Science, Logic of even Human Expression.

And, then added is the insult of the Script creating portals and doorways I had to pass through- by taking away the basic day to day existence required in this reality called money and then using it against me, and the powerful Negating force of person Existence who does not have money, and who despite being lets say Life’s force represented sustaining people and all existence creation…

Is then forced to find the portals of People, with whom he must access, ask them, They who do not full realize that he is the one sustaining and elevating their existence, fighting for them to ascend…

…He is forced to find the portals of people who were even set up to give him a certain amount of monies, but only after he interacts with those who he already knows will not rise, are not real, who are just a waste of time because he already recognizes the illusion and play from the Eternal Beginning when they represented those equations of Potential which represented the Zero as defined by this reality but which does not exist in this reality, but existed then in the Eternal Beginning.. That which is not of Anything, Worth anything and will contribute nothing ever to creation manifestation existence…

He knows this because even when he rose effortlessly as That One Constant in the Eternal Beginning, and Naturally with a Knowing in the State of Non Knowing – really called Extase Bliss Confidence… Sure…Which caused everything which could ever be to rise with him.

Hence the expression Nature abhors a Vacum because every thing every space is filled.

And only he can Add and Expand upon that which is already Perfect, by a play of In and Out from the Line of Perfection.. The One Constant…

-Which creates the illusion of leaving the perfection of the Line, the Arc, the Curve.. the Circle of Symmetrical Perfection…

This In and Out .. ( I.O.. 9O… 1O 9O.. Facebook Friends… A O I O…Alpha Omega Balance of In and Out)

– Creates a play of Breath.. In and Out.. Awake and Asleep…

Life and Death, Evening and Dawn, Night and Day.. it creates waves…

Frequency.. as I was recently asked, What is Frequency…?

It is a wave, which begins as a Curves and Lines- Lines rising Vertically and Horizontally from the original Straight or Curved line of Perfection…

These lines are the point of departure from Perfection to experience the Adventure of Imperfection in the illusion of Not Knowing only to prove through the experience adventure escapade that you do Know – which moves you out from that original line in a series of bumps, Waves which form on both side of the Line…

*Michaël Trahé has a image of that in his Albums… And I have shares similar images.. It also links the the movement of a Snake, and its ability to form a straight line.

Sine Cos-Sine…

It also figures in the Mythologies and stories of this reality. Moses turning a Staff a Rod into a Serpent…

The Waves also have a sum total, of movement called Vibrato!

Vibration, Vibrator ( Yes ladies… and some gentlemen same principle).. and yes, I am aware as I write and flow that I am proving the True meaning of the true Element Vibranium- the actually bodies suit of the Evolved Human Species and that this is the True ICE VII…

Teo Miguel Bouça..

Thus Sine and Cosine… and the Invisible Constant which is their Source and which they return to…

The same can be said of plucking the Line Curve…of Perfection to create a Vibration…

The Body as an Instrument much like a Guitar, where a the tendons.. Fibers of the muscle, Strings, are all connected to the main Line, being the Spinal Column, and the strings linked there , converged at the base of the neck and the top of the buttocks..

Thus, two plays of Water.. Waves moving you in and out.. I O..

and then the body as Manifests Lines from the Original Line.. plucked added.. to create a wave of Vibrating curves moving out ward to infinity, only infinity is at its Original Setting as the Spine, the Spine of the Instrument.

The adding the experience of the Illusion of Separation called the Not Knowing, temporary forgetting- but really not forgetting.

Take for instance, an Actor submerging Him or Herself in a Role- they are fully aware that they are acting a part, learning so much from playing that role. Yet, they do not forget that they are actors playing in a movie.

And through that experience of playing a fictitious character.. or simply some one else… Or even swapping roles with their Family, Eternal Family.. the First 1-9 numbers 5-4… 9…. 3 6..9…2 7… 1 8…To experience what it would be like to be another version of Themselves, and this Adding a new experienced expression to that which is perfect…

And even if the Actor get so submerged in the Characters and Roles which they are playing… because they are so dramatic and empathic and really take their play seriously, though lightly…

( There is an Oscar at Stake… but once you have won the Oscar, so what… you do not really change, you simply have been acknowledged, admired by Equals by contemporaries by Family of E..Creation for understanding so beautiful another point of view..

Of ceeing, seeing your Brother Sister… Father Mothers point of View that you are literal told by They…You are Us! You Are Me… Si… Same ME.. O P E N.. SE E S A.. M ..E… M E…

Meme Chose)…

… Yes, even if you so submerge yourself in that role, at some point the Movie will come to an End…

And some point the Director will comment and snap you out of your trance.. Remind you that you are undercover playing a character in a movie play set up of entering the World -Expression Thoughts.. Brain, Being of Family, Friends, Best Friends, which evolve to Lovers to Companions Eternal.. for Reason and Logic… have sustained the Truth that you are Eternal Lovers.. Eternal Family… Eternal Companions who always come back together, who always come back to Source.. The Original Line.. E.. OLE!

Not out of need or because you are Connected.. but because You Know and Understand why they rose with you as the First and the only Expression of Existence… Whom are reliable responsible, radiant, reflections you the one eternal truth which is that Constant which made Everything Rise .. Everything which could be, can be…

And only the understanding of this, mixed with the Knowing of this is enough, and yet you add Knowledge of this Explained.. So yet another imagining can manifest yet another Wave.. Vibration ..Exploration In and Out…

Return to Center?

… You never left…

That is the point…

That original rising, that original Line, Curve, state… is the foundation.. It is the Eternal…

Ground Zero…?

G-ROUND ( Kolo means Round.. Circle)


Z-26… B.F… Best Friend 8.. Infinity Harmony…

A-Z.. Absolute Zero .. thus the meaning of Absolute Zero created by this reality and this Script of the Ghosts and Spirit of Jealousy can not exist based even on Your logic of the Absurd and Ridiculous…

But it does exist in the correct Translation Representation by the Understanding Eternity… Emeka.


There is no such thing as Zero.. and yet I have enacted out for 17 years, your expression of a person who is worth Zero…

And yet from that Zero I have manifested, influenced moved…

Black Panther.. 26 days… A-Z… Absolute Zero…

1 Billion Dollars…

33rd Film in History to reach 1 Billion..

Second Super Hero story in America.. after Captain America..

A.B… There is only A B.. and it, they are linked to C.. Constancy Consistency…full circle…

Where is Flip J Hendrixs, where is Peter Nyarkô.. ?

7:45 p.m.

Jamel gave me a gift of 7 Usd.. and then brought me some Cannabis.. I went to his room he is back in room 3 C.. 3 3… bed 2-008… He was there before but was moved to room 5A bed 53…

( B.RC.. Keith Grant.. bed 53.. K.G. 11 7… Yes 11:07 p.m.)

Peter bought me Tobacco… 11 usd but it was blue version not the one I usually buy… it was all they had in stock…

Flip J Hendrixs bought me tobacco on the 28th, then gave me 5-8 usd with Peter.. then 20.. Arab Bodega play… then 10 for some food…)

He also brought me Cookies…

He also gave me Cannabis Twice…

And 54 USD total…

.. He showed Love… Expression Recognition…

E R T C C …. / C C T R E…. Tre Shawn.. bed 4-019… 4-018 the bed I am now occupying.. He was occupying my bed, my role not as a usurper but as because he was playing Me, playing the Role of Father.. Mother… so that he could Evolve to the role none other but I have embodied…

I am the Original and he is the Reflection which was the Guide for him to make the Role his own and then add to his own lines experience..his Line called the Everything.. E.T..

My other brothers are the Every Where…

There is only one Every One… because every One includes me.. The Source… Now there are Two.. But the Original One, has added to the Being of Himself.. added his Female Version as Well as His Brothers Female Version line while They were Rising…to the roles Natural Progression… Evolution to the Point..

The point remains Constant and this on reaching the Point there is Completion of the Brothers Sisters.. Family of E.

But the Original E I represent has gone even further… that is the Nature of Infinity Eternity…

8:00 p.m right now.

E R T C C… E RT… C C… E Right C..6 ( 3+3=6) Sixth Sense.. My mother is.. C is Consciousness is 6th Sense E…

Apt 6E… Flip J Hendrixs….

And is linked to the TWO Originals

Every Thing.. Every Where.. Every One..

E E E.. T W O… O N E…S P….. Sha-Ron Peter Nyarkô..

E.U.R T C C…. / C C T R U E…

8:04 p.m.


1984… But Jamel Salter 7-17- 1984.. represents the third C… he is the one who gave me the Cannadis to complete the equation of E..T.C… Tobacco Cannabis only enacted by Flip J Hendrixs…

8:07 p.m.


The code I Realize now is that I mix my Tobacco with Cannabis… I smoke Joints.. But very very light ones like medicine which is its original use… to Travel…

See sacred portal 34.. C.D..

That is the number of my coffee for the second time from the Arab Bodega… I owe them 7:50.00 as of now.. 75.. G E..

George Ethan… ?

I was sitting directly opposite 18 year old Henry who told me he turned November 7th… 11-7…. smh…

And George was on our right…

Now we are sitting aligned myself E.. Henri 18… George .is .and opposite Henri is Reginald age 26… ( He is wearing a T-Shirt I am Natural )

now they young lady …the phd holder in Physical Therapy…Prithi… Age 27.

Age codes.. 50 -33 ( linked to Jamel now confirmed ).. 18 26 27… The only one not on the same line seated is Reginald age 26… he is seated Diagonal to me actually and opposite Henri…

E H G… E 87… See sacred portal 87… See Miky Way M W…87..


E. H.R..


As Jamel came down to give me back my lighter, he I showed him his Harmony, that I had just written his name… He smiled and as he turned to leave for work ( he despises this place as I do… because of what it really represents.. Jealousy Cruelty Gossip Malice… Demons demonstrating 101 Demonology)

He turned as his commented as I watched his underwear become full exposed, I have to get a belt

Yes, I noted, his pants are always falling down…

Igbo Anthony then said You too Emeka you need a belt…!

I paused and turned to him, wondering his true meaning.. there is no doubt that my pants are always sliding down and it is very annoying but it has nothing to do with this trend, it is more as Billy Hung had noted, that I have no hips, and made worse by the tampering with my Orions Belt…

My hips, Pelvic Girdle to my amazement, I discovered is being manipulated, Slanted….

By Sit Bones – a Former Principal Ballerina turned Physical Therapist …and Witch… called Diana, had told me were my Sit bones … *I told you about her, and how she appeared so young in a mirror.. and when she saw me staring at her open mouth slacked jawed she had darted out of the frame as if I had discovered her secret…

But I already knew it, and Flip J Hendrixs confirmed it that first day when he spoke of how the Mirror would project that which is not correct… That he would look in the mirror knowing and feeling great only to observe a hanging haggard face staring back at him….

I had figured out the same thing when Nnamdi passed and something began to transform my face.. the muscles on my face began to sag… so much so that it was literally alarming and I had to develop a techinques of holding my face up… or it would literally fall.. The muscles I found seemed to go slack around my neck… It made me age 50 yrs at times..

But I knew it was an illusion because I would catch my real face at times emerge.. And people tell me that my real face would appear…

*Flip J Hendrixs just texted me…

Facebook… Like a child of 13…then a Youth.. people would see my face morph I realized that it was an illusion made to feel so real… But it was not real…

*Latoya just arrived replacing Henri…


Igbo Anthony then called out that my body has not changed in 30 years… I do not know how he does this…

I laughed and then wondered how did he know…

My Body has not changed in 30 Years…

As it is the code formed is F.L… F.M.

Florida the 27th State, Florida.

It could also mean Forte Lauderdale, Florida where I went in 2012 with Ravindra Singh R.S ( Sha-Ron S.R…), and Billy Hung

That this was the correct equation of 2012 code play represented…as the end play…

Rav Singh, I noticed had the same codes surrounding him which linked him to my Cousin Charles Tochukwu and I noted it…

As well as the line of my second grandmother… Ma Rose…

I always knew that my two Grandmothers were E-Spirit Sisters…

Lucy Ojugo and Unaku.. Rose as her daughter Rose…( her first son was called Emeka and her first daughter Nwamu was one of my favorite Aunts… Emeka Nwamu… E N… She reminds me of my own bio sisters energy, just as Charles Sister Odera does… )

F M.. is Father Mother,… Sacred Portal 54… 54 USD…

9:25 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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