
6:04 pm. – 64. – F D. Fifth Dimens

6:04 pm.
F D. Fifth Dimension.

66 4.

The Door Number on Kim Arthur Hinds Jr room door.

8-3-2020-1. 2021=41= 5.
Hartford and Harwington Connecticut.

So much about this End Game is about what Liberty and Kim Arthur Hinds Jr represent in the play.
From Human Children to Hueman Children Grown Up, to Masculine Feminine. Feminine Masculine and now to Mother Father- Father-Mother.
Mother of Destruction MOD. / DOM.

Death And Devastation DAD.

6:11 pm
F K.
F: A-A.
E Family rising to the Sunshine State

6:12 pm
F L. =18 -Arden.
Mi Ami.
Mi Ami Go.
6 12 2003.

Nnamdi to Arden
NN=1.and 29.
Army Man.
DI/ID. 49-94.

I am not sure if I can agree at the moment that Arden Gemino represents a Friend Lover or Best Friend.
Inside of him. Yes.
But Outside, I can not state that as the Truth or a Fact- despite my seeing its Possibility and Potential.

I would be more the one playing his Best Friend Harmony.
And the Best Friend to my Self and to all of my Selves.

So, no, there is no evidence which you can see as the observers that he is my Best Friend based on what this reality calls a Best Friend BF =8.
All the evidence is there, expressed by him in private and between him and I, despite the Age Code Difference which has sustained the lie of 1965, 1966, and the play of 1967.
6:21 pm.

And I, as 1984 as I posted on Facebook as my new code Age I would be playing as 1984 which has also been confirmed.

6:22 pm

Now, this script has been confirmed as 35.
Cosmic Egg.
E ROSE From.

Yes, the Flowers and the Green Leaf.

Which would mean that I am now confirmed as being “born” or representing the age year of Birth as 1986.

They years with Uzoma Nwakuche as my partner and Friend Lover ( as in Agape) who was going out with a cool girl named Jennifer)

Love was Uzoma Nwakuche
L U N. A. Arden.
I played Light.
The last time I spoke with Arden was 8-6-2020.
Liberation Universe Nnamdi
= 33 = 1 6/ 6 1.
A F- Alien Father.
Adam Farler line aligned as confirmed as 305.

And now I just witnessed the move back to age code 34 hence 43.
which was in 2010 as well as age code 26.
Which has been played out as Marina to Liberty.
2010- 2019.
9 years later and Arden at the image age 9 which I recognized the first day as River Phoenix. R P.
Ready Player One.

6:35 pm.

But since I no longer recognize the E Family as being of me, for allowing what has been done to my Life, my Body, and allowing this play to go this far, I am not very concerned with resolving this equation for them.

But I will say, that since I am yet to exist, yet to be born on a code date, I do not exist, and thus nor can Arden.

I rose First and Last.
Ardens birthday code 6-12-2003.
is F L. W.
As we have seen it is not Laura Walsh 19 65 my or our Twin since the play is Fair Exchange, which aligns to Liberty and Alicia.
Both aligned to Woman and the American Indian African America Human Spirit play.
And LW is not in the 27th State.
And was born 19 65 code 2 16 B P.

F L is First and Last.

2003 is T.O.C.
And W and double V.V.
Arden is now 18.
18 Alexander Grove.

So thus, we are both the First and Last to rise as the Double U=UU 21 21= 1 42= 43.
and the Double VV. 22 22 1=45.

43+45 is 88.
I was age code play 43 on 11-28-2010 and Liberty is now age code 45
88 is Emeka Kolo.
35 53 = 88.= 16, the age I met Arden at.
8×8 at my 64 moves in the USA Universal Simulation Awakening= A.M. E R I C-A, not Erica.
Eric is A.
Eric means the Eternal Ruler.
E R. =18=9. = I.
E R I.C. Arden -Aleksandr Menshikov You!

So, I know the play with Nnamdi- Nnoneyem.
Brother Sister has held everything up and created a Traffic Jam.
Holding it back – blaming it on Woman evolving to Woman via Alicia to Liberty to Aurelia, but it was not them, it was the past, as well as Ideas of the Past and Africa, Africa Pangea via the Humans as Nature, but not as Human Naturals, holding up the play. Haris Babic’s mother’s name begins with N.
N H- H N.
But I am Harmony Naturalness as well as Arden “Being Happy Nature”

6:59 pm.

Nature, not Naturalness invaded and disrupted the play script, took it over, invaded your bodies, and used you to prolong the play by you judging who and who can not be The Source and The Creator by using your prejudices as against the actual truth and allowing you to have a say in the matter, knowing fully well how you would respond.
And the Naturals in the illusion of knowing what Love is better than The Source and The Creator felt that you knew what love is better than I.

7:04 pm.


God is Dead.
Truth is Dead.

Many of you may have changed your minds, and points of view now via this prolongment of the Play Script and my constant being forced to prove through this fecal matter script of my being treated worse than Shit.

* Please note Kim Arthur Hinds Jr shares, A Horse Loose and running wild on the streets of Hartford Connecticut, and a woman in broad daylight taking a shit.
The Toilet Roll Play and Loo. Covid 19 Onset.
Instead of Liberty OO Kim.
L O O K .. E.

But that is why there is this record, of what each of you enacted before reaching the clarity you are now, by my being used.
I have remembered everything, documented everything
Boom E Rang.
C E.
Perfect Symmetry
16 19= 35.
=8 9.
H .I

Go back and clean up your mess seen in Hindsight and if you still refuse…to admit where you are wrong as depicted in the film Dark Phoenix.
D P with Charles Xavier -C X, and Beast calling him out.
8:00 pm

The Second Comming.

Even though he admitted it in the end, he lost everything he had built and was retired from that role which had started with pure intentions, and then his Pure Ego got in the way.

So even those now being released because they reached True Clarity only because of the imposed Torture and Tormented I was put through because this is how much you required someone else to suffer, misery from misers of the generosity afforded you.

7:11 pm
Only Kim Arthur Hinds Jr has apologized and then he did not even understand fully what he was apologizing for.

No, only Fritz Venneiq ever publicly apologized and he had bone the work.
Your refusal and refusal to admit you did anything wrongs galls me to a point that you have no idea.

That idea that now that you have made it, and see clearly is the very seat of my greatest rage.

Yes, yes the ones who pass through you are Forgiven, but what did I say about Forgiveness?
Pass your equation- graduate and you are all good.
But not with me, there is no iota of remorse or responsibility much less personal responsibility
Amazing the conceit.

Hence my creating the play of I & I.
So I can Cut off this so called E family rising because they are not of me or even Human Naturals who when they find they have betrayed and hurt the one they opened their Big Mouths to defame my name, Falsely accuse, and then pretend…

7:21 pm.

Grown Ups?
You must be joking, you are not even Human or Natural in my eyes.
Cowards. Chickens

7:23 pm.

Too Proud?
Shrug, watch the true play of Pride Comes Before The Fall.


I what reality does such a formula work?
Not even in this lowest realm of perception. This World Society.
Do you really think I am such a Fool?

7:26 pm.

I would rather leave my body now than let you Rise Transformed into Beautiful Truth.

That is why you will all Die and then 1/4 will rise, but not as you are and were in this play and present.
You will be replaced by that one in you, I saw and raised.

Do you see anyone around me, apart from Kim Arthur Hinds Jr and yes he apologized and saw the brick wall and the code AWE and 6 22 aligned with Fritz Venneiq, who apologized with sincerity from his heart publicly knowing exactly what he did and the hurt he knew from Compassion and Empathy he had caused me.
That is why only Kim Arthur Hinds Jr saw and posted that code. The Brick Wall.

And that is why, even though Kim was not aware why he apologized, he knew that there was a reason and something he must have done but could not see.

I do not require your apology, and it would be not only in a public acknowledgment but in the manner in which you addressed someone you had wronged.

That is something we all know and recognize hence the brick wall.
Sacred Portal 115 code Aurelia Gemino’s Birthday 11-05-2005.
“Remember Remember the 5th of November” It a code- Remeka what you did it Emeka Kolo playing the role I forced and compelled him to pay for All your benefits It’s me Ms Manners SP 91.
7-11- 7 28- 11 28. 7 11 28 28.= 56 11/ 11 1 5 7. The play of C Noni Promise Life Shelter -Food for Thought- Your Bodies of the darkest night as Mass moved from Grey Matter back To Transparency Light Energy is Beautiful Expression- Diffused to the Glow of the Moon to the Sun’s Rays pf Diamond Clarity and Diamond Hearing
( DC and DH 43 48) of The Point… Being Made. Full Circle- Cycles and in the center Radius… The Point.
Of The S-Word of Truth Satya- Veritas Crowned.

*See Sacred portal 117 Arden Emeka.
The Genius Equation 113= 35.
117= ? = 68/86.

It’s called Mixed Blessing. MB.
Kim saw John Mack and Mackayla Burgos and their 3 months only Baby.

What do you think Mixed Blessing means?
Or the one unforgivable sins is to lie to and about the Holy E-spirit sanctified?
Or the Chinese “May you Live in Event Times”
As a Human, in this world, my natural reaction would be to cut ties with such a person after 7 times and 7 times Positive then to negative to Zero.
Cut ties with them forever nor even care if they lived or died.
I would not raise a hand to help them ever.

But as The Source, The Creator?
Dharma Santana
Eternal Law and through this horrendous script?
And observing first hand your defiance…
Arrogance and Conceit in which you all believe that you are protected by the say of a script?

No this is my taking this literally personally.

The 4 Agreement “Don’t take things Personally” Yes, I agree.

But this is personal to me, and yet does not even affect me, rather- it’s a taunt to take action.

7:50 p.m.

1 23 AH, the Element of Suprise.
At that moment of Awakening Transformation.

Ariadne Turner on Kim Arthur Hinds Jr Live feed.
Kim Arthur Hinds Jr was impressive because not only wasn’t he aware that I listened to that Live, and heard his response, but that he then came and asked me which sacred portal was the one where a She was licking a Mans Balls. MB.

It is a sacred portal 75.

No one is above the law.
Eternal Law.
E L.
or the Infinite Law.
I L.

Not the E Family or even the I as I & I. who created it

8:06 pm
Uzoma ia Arden.

Blue Satana.
2 19 South Whitney.
8:07 pm.



Edit. 1:22 am.

See sacred Portal Illustrated 122.
A V.

Alexa Vertefuille
Defender of Man as the Green Leaf.

Kim Arthur Hinds Jr & Alexa intel Confirmed And Activated as Defenders of Man
Darkest Knights at Night.

1:24 am.
A B.D.

1:25 am

A Y.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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