
6:03 p.m.

6:03 p.m.



First Contact….

At 829 Face Book Friends…


28 Years to the Day arrived in London England Queens..

I left Nigeria from Enugu Airport on the 22nd of Dec

accompanied by my Mother and young Aunt Julie…


And the way my Mother Waved, which I never forgot…

28 Years.

22 years old.. 23 in the illusion age time and age code….

28 Years, and you truly believe that it is a coincidence that Doctor Ikem Patrick Okolo is the only one of my Old Class mates I have been in contact with whom I physically saw…

Is the one I had not seen since University…

We went to the same High School as well as University, and both joined the Alpha Fraternity.. Ikem first because he was a year ahead of me (I retook my G.C.E’s at OPI Hight School… O.P.I…Notice the Initials… of the School.. O.P.I…And Patrick s initials…

Patrick Ikem Okolo… P.I.O P.I…

I was C.I.O…

While with Dean and Chike it was all by telephone…

And how Patrick reached me at the 3rd try at 6:31 a.m..

And then followed by Dean Dunkwu Bruce Okoye then Chike Cyprian Nwosu…

But I never spoke to Bruce…

Do you not think it a more that a Coincidence that I was placed in Room C.A in Delta Manor (Delta Region Nigeria….Yes Interfacing one time Zone with another from the 4th’Dimension Outside of Time and Space.. The Green Zone… I have been in since 2006.. Green House, Green Street, 4th Street (4th Color is Green..not of Fa…), Forte Green, Fa Green.. F.G..6 7./ 76…Green Avenue, Green Point Avenue.. Green Point.. Delta..4 Green… Pelham B Park Green the Forest People Igbo Wood and Metropolitan…

Forest and Ocean Star Bucks Siren..an Ocean of thought Separating us….W.O.M…B…

Patrick.. in room CA..31… Time 6 3 1.am…1 3 6…9…6 3 1 and found a light blue letter P in the locker….

Or that Room 4B.. bed 4016..Is D.B….4O P..(G)

Dean Bruce… 40USD in my Wallet…DO…First Note Red.. Red Earth Africa Adam,…But which I have forcibly aligned to the Truth… Sacred Portal 4O… ‘You dare go that far

Dean Bruce.. Dewight Smith who is 40, Patrick…

Is that not a bit of a coincidence..

I became friends with Bruce on 7th September… 9-7-2016…

at 6;20 p.m.. 9-7 2016=9…. 9-7-9….See sacred portals Light and Blue Print of Existence 97-79…

But the B… As in the Being Bruce never assumed because we never even communicated even by text.. not once… Despite my knowing him all those years ago…

And right to Thaddeus…..arriving after the play with Paul… to my room…

D.B..D.O…P..T… with David Dawn Dean Dunkwu….Frances Frik… FF…66 ( Patrick Okolo was born 66)…And now 61 Thaddeus…

5A 5019… To 3A 3002 Locker with a P… Then to Room 4B to 4016…D.O..P…Delta Full Circle The Planet…God…

Of course, I have taken over all these Doors and portals that these Ancients in the 4th Dimension Time Space have used Astral Projection Transcendental Meditation- and all other methods to interfere with the affairs of their Avatars Descendants… A.D

After Death…E…


The Concept terrifies you the public, you do not wish to know how teleportation works..? A Cheap version.. where the Spirit of a persons can be controlled.. A person flies through space and comes to you… Witches they were called in Africa….

You do not wish to know, what the Ancients were doing and how they were influencing Reality..

Or how they already knew that Black and White were and are the Same… and thus they could affect you- move through your body… Because you are a channel a line which they know your link in the Tree of Lifeat least of the Africa Story….

Human Story… Which they kept to themselves…

You do not wish to Know the Truth…

Wondering which decisions you were making in your life were yours…?

And why I fought so hard to get your attention, to free you from the Circle of this Life…

Free Will.. Yes you had it but it was usurped….

Because you did not value it, would not take responsibility of your actions and expressions so they literally became your Parents….

8:00 p.m.

To go that far… to possess other people literally, all in the name of claiming you rights as being the genetic source….or because you had accessed an art and science which was meant to be shared….

At the silly G.A.M.E….

Graceful A.M..E

I must admit, that I can read everything going on around me, including this Game… From Game -Play Theater, Equation Riddles Of Existence- Story…

The One Story sent to me by Joshua Benjamin today…

And as far as I can discern, by the way I have continually been cornered, and controlled, manipulated, deceived, tricked lied to continuously by the Response- despite the E.C.H.O-O.H.C.E…Confirming everything through you… the extremely irritating truth of this, is that It is Real…

And so it makes one wonder, how stupid this Current Existence is as well as the Sum total of Human Expression…

And the Brain which designed this play to defeat Reasons Divine Expression.

The only thing it got right was the meaning of Evil to places that I no longer even bother to record or even provide any more evidence of the play..

This current play comes from Goddesses of the Sea…

But non of them are real.. but have been made real by the powers of Human attachment to things which have no Reason, and since after Reason 6, it is 7 Vision, because it nearest to transforming into Life’s Light Transparent Harmonious Expression….

L.L.T..H.E….12 -.E.H.E… ( .LT..=5..E)…Q.H.E…(12+5=17..Q)

H.H.E…L.L..1212..24…X.T.H.E…24th of December…

*What you just saw was First Contact… I was posting, and suddenly I decided to go with the flow and investigate the Equation – the Flow’ was forming…

I know what it is saying….X Mass E.V.E…Mass Quantum Transformation… of the Horror Flesh Conscious- Material back to light….

Who is saying this…?

I am at Star Bucks Still… Symbol the Siren… Mami Wata…


Ashley Elton Challis…C.E.A….O.N..E…. O.C.E.A.N…E

Solitary Eclectic Angel… S.E.A….

Marina Burini.. Marina sent a code 44 from Washington D.C..

Goddess Bliss.. G.B… 72… See Sacred Portal 72…Womb of the Opium PI-PE Weaver…. Spider Woman- A Man Being Released from her Womb…

Released from this Galaxy Cosmos Logos…Existence.. which She refuses to acknowledge is not real…

What I can not quiet accept is Why She is Being Indulged by that which is the Expression Beautiful Truth..

I woke up at 7:08 a,m.

78… See sacred Portal 78…Pearls Coming out of their Shells

M.W..78/87… G.H…

The Past Reflections.. Not even of the Source!

But by One who powered by Human Belief in that which is material having reached an expression so beyond belief.. in Capitalism, Material expression in the Box Created to house their Creation..

A Sand Box…

Where everything they create, washes away..

Because nothing registers as true or solid enough to make a lasting indentation….

I am aware of where this is going…

Raising the Senses.. the 5 senses…

But this I will not do…

Meaning by the time I looked at the Time, I was already aware that I was being drawn back into the Past… Not even a Story but a nightmare of Market Square goddesses controlling the flow of wealth and money by using the Air ways and inter-dimensoinal portals for Trade….

And considering that the greatest impediment for the last 13-14 years has been the physical exertions of re aligning my constantly rising and twisting body…

I am encountering a counter weave to the Weave of Existence..

A Despite what it has done to the Weave, the Play the Equation Evolution Awakening One Story…

It has the license to continue… and exerting a force and control over me…

I ended up with 40 usd in my pocket, I knew the money sent 330 usd was loaded.. It could not stay in my pocket, but was distributed by circumstances created not by me, but by which twas and tis I paying and laboring for it…

See sacred Portal.. 4O… The One Flying A way is I.E..

Taking the One who caused this away but leaving all that she thought was Her,her Expression behind which transforms into nothing…

Marina sent the code of 44 from D.C…

Dean Dunkwu

D.C… 4 3…

Bed 4O16..4O…P… Planet Pi….? P=G…. D.O.G….G.O.D…

4 15 16…46…7…. 4 67../76..4…Delta…

Awakening at 4… Balance… Opening Hearts…

Ocean represents Salt Death to Human Being… Rivers..

Salt Water… Fresh Water…

Water is Filtered by the Earth…

Just it is done through the Process of Evaporation…

Earth Air… S. E.A….


Welcome Michaël Trahé I have no idea if this is the constant coming and going of the same Michaël Trahé who last arrived with Annick van Cleven…M.A…

and who now accompanies Emma Angela Shaw…


Or not, but to be perfectly honest, it really does not matter…

M.A… M.E….


Emeka Manifested A.M…Awakening Manifest…

E.A…MM… 5 1…. 13 13….6…26… 6 8…14…5…O.

E.A.S…T. E.R…I..C..E..Whole…W-HOLE….

Emma Angela Shaw… Shaw is the Last name of Tom Truman’s Brother’s and Sister…. Luke John Birdie… L.J.B…

Lyndon Baines Johnson, often referred to as LBJ, was an American politician who served as the 36th President of the United States from 1963 to 1969, assuming the office after serving as the 37th Vice … Wikipedia

Born: August 27, 1908, Stonewall, TX

Died: January 22, 1973, Stonewall, TX

Vice president: Hubert Humphrey (1965–1969)

Party: Democratic Party

Presidential term: November 22, 1963 – January 20, 1969


The noblest search is the search for excellence

Johnson designed the Great Society legislation upholding civil rights, public broadcasting, Medicare, Medicaid, aid to education, the arts, urban and rural development, public services, and his War on Poverty. Assisted in part by a growing economy, the War on Poverty helped millions of Americans rise above the poverty line during Johnson’s presidency.[2] Civil rights bills signed by Johnson banned racial discrimination in public facilities, interstate commerce, the workplace, and housing; and the Voting Rights Act banned certain requirements in southern states used to disenfranchise African Americans. With the passage of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, the country’s immigration system was reformed and all racial origin quotas were removed (replaced by national origin quotas).

7:06 pm…


Look at the time of this post, and the date L.B.J…

L=12 Benjamin Joshua…Joshua Benjamin…L…

Talk about being Haunted by Dead Presidents…interrupting the

Broad Cast Frequency of Evolution Awakening…!

7:08 p.m…

78… M.W 78… All that Passed…


8:06 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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