
6:02 pm – 60.B – 62. – 62nd Portal. –

6:02 pm
62nd Portal.


6:04 pm.


I really do not wish to write about this, so I will just mention it quickly because it was all set up.

I lay on my bed, most of the day, I did not wish to get up and face the day, and I kept on seeing the code C- in my Vision.
Finally, I got up and found myself immediately in a play with Jae and Kim.

It involved communication, and why this play has gone too far, and why I should not be here any longer, in this play theater.
Jae has been representing Non-Existence- Negation by adopting a point of view that does align with the E play and equates to Death.

It was a setup, I could read in hindsight of that which is Non-Existent and that which creates the End as Z.
I suppose that I should not be surprised, I could read it and I had stopped my last post yesterday at 1:59 a.m. so I was aware, but this play has gone on for so long, been so prolonged that I no longer even wish to pay attention to it, it is Evil.
There should be no mingling and forced interaction with that which represents Non Existence- Negation any longer.
But this play which took place today, in which I called out Jae Sherman, from a pattern of behavior which today, she did not do and was innocent of that charge, I railed at her for the pettiest thing, which she usually creates, but today it was not her, and as I called her out in frustration of doing that pattern, which turned out not to be her, but Kim.
But as I railed at Jae S, I did manage to pause, in my anger, frustration, that it might be Kim but I said to myself, that he would speak up, and say something that it was not Jae, but him.
Finally, after letting out my frustration with this play, I went to Kim’s door and asked if it were him, he said yes.

I really did not know what to say, except, you heard by railing to Jae S who normally does those actions, most times because she lives in her head and self. “why did you not say something while you heard me ranting in frustration and rage at Jae?

In all honesty, I saw the entire play, in a way I had set it up, even speaking aloud yesterday.

But, suddenly, I was so tired, so saddened by what I had been set up to understand.

Why Eternal Law is so relevant and why and how lack of Communication brings the End Z.
If Kim had spoken up, I would not have been annoyed, because that was not his pattern, something else was.
I even saw it in my Vision while I rested, but I felt that it was not my business anymore to call people out and correct them.
“Do not put me in such plays and setups anymore”, I had mumbled- and ended up walking straight into one.

There is much I could say, “Don’t let others take the blame for something you did and created, be responsible with the things you do.
Speak up, remember this is a play theatre in which all are being Judged.

But I was too tired, too weary, and simply walked away and sat down, here, taking everything in.
Why he had been set up and with Jae, it was the tiniest thing, petty. But the most fundamental lesson was my being correct, in that this play had gone so far, so far in allowing the ill or and the E-Harmony to stay together in the same place.
That there comes a point when the ones on the E Harmony and those on other frequencies not of E-Harmony, those who carry grudges, anger, resentment, who hit back, get even for plays they forget is part of the set-ups created.

It is no longer my responsibility, of the actions people take, expressions which are not of the E Harmony of Expression Transparent Consciousness I.

6:40 pm.

I was, and am not angry at Kim, I was at Jae for a moment, more because of the set up of this play theater, but I was at the Spirit Ghost of lie of Nnamdi.
Of the Umeano code and line and what that meddling had done to the Ego’s of the ones, they had meddled to call their own Chosen Ones.

6;43 pm.

I just shook my head, I must say, that I was quietly shaken up a bit by waking to such a play and the lack of taking responsibility for one’s actions and letting another take the blame, but more so because it was a setup, and a consequence of adopting such a script of setting me up to live this and then expected to resolve the mess.
If anything, that is what I was tired and furious with, making me fix up the consequences of this long prolonged play script which I had already stated was a Bad Idea from the get-go and yet placed smack in the middle of it for 20.8 years, and now it is no longer my responsibility, and yet even at this moment, it was still seeking to involve me…
Make me code, post this and what I really know and understand?


Not anymore, each to their own, I may be still here, instead of having left, but I do not need to post, code or explain that which has been made clear. Each person’s actions and expressions are their own.

That is when I saw that Laura Walsh had left me a message at 3:11 pm.
Chukwuemeka Kolo.

All around here the elders she has cared for and surrounded her, are suddenly dying, Death was everywhere she said, and Covid, all Disease and Illness of this realm of Non-Existence were dying all around her, even here elderly parents were in the hospital with Covid, and yet, she said she felt Light… “And yet, I find myself with an almost comfortable peace with it all. I am sad, but not wallowing in it, I just feel numb”.

It’s because she has let go… of the illusion of control because she has moved to the E Harmony.

And so I understood the set up today, do you recall the original play which connected me to Laura, it was about astrology, and Jae Sherman whose step mother or adopted mothers, lover is called Laura, who was instrumental in making her leave where she had been staying with Donna, her “Mother” and Laura, and my raving and ranting at her, that Death should have taken their line long ago, was actually aligned to Laura Walsh lines frequency of the Elders versus the Line of Youth.
And Kims expression was in Harmony but not of the E Way, it was all scripted. Kims action was aligned to an ancient play of Eternal Nnamdi, which was long since meant to have reached Arden E and Arden I.

7:11 pm.

But everyone is now their own person, no longer influenced by the past, but each present and must now take full responsibility for their own shit and the cause and effect it creates.

Yet, today, I was still used and set up in a play theater of the consequences of adopting such a script where Nnamdi is the Z.
NZ 67 67 46 B.
But it is not Nnamdi here present, and that social Security number was given to me in 1989, And my name is E or C.

E:N.Z 67 67 46 B/

And I just put my coffee in the microwave, only to discover that it was at 46.

Nnamdi is not present here, I am, and I have resolved his Script to the 64 portal and back to 46.B. Being I.
Beautiful in a story of which people’s responses to the Truth bring disease and suffering, erosion disease, illness, and Terrible Deaths.

7:20 pm.

I am not here to Judge, you SOUL does that, and it checks your Body as the Akashic Records where everything is written of this life to every past life, and it decides each person’s Fate, by observing them in this play, how they respond to the intel I a man ( undercover as The Source, which those who know, may respect or not respect)
My job was the worst of all, it was to call people out, so that they could see where they were the cause, and they can either listen to me or ignore me, as well as the fact that he may be, and is The Source undercover in the most obscene and absurd play, that ever was and can be.

7:26 pm.

Between the False God and the True God.

7:27 pm.

Each person gets to choose, True or False and act accordingly.

And I, a person, a man, get to choose.

7:28 pm.

Get to decide, quietly in my heart, the ones who can enter my realm, by simply saying Yes, or No, without requiring I post it or give a reason because for 9.11 years, I have taught, lectured, educated, proven, and demonstrated, corrected, exemplified that which is E and why it is the only one true Eternal Harmony-True.

I do not have to be Transparent to you anymore, I let my Quiet Heart choose and I let the True Self in you all be the Judge and the determinant of your Destiny and Fate.

I am now at 2880 Facebook Friends and I am letting Kim Arthur Hinds Jr know that he was set up as well as Jae in one last play to see the true nature of each person’s Heart, Intentions and ability to take personal responsibility “Everyone” which is the soap in the bathroom which Kim bought today, and which was the cause of this play today.

Every Thing.
Every Where
Every One.

E E E. 555 = 15 = O.

So he was, as I set up in this final play where he was still being used to represent the Earth as E ART Harmony long after it was said no more, and said again yesterday, that He and Liberty C were no long representing that play, and yet, something was still holding on to him, seeking to take him with them into that black hole, by defying me and seeking to prove me wrong about E-Kim and the Earth Children.

And this long post, proves that it was a set up and thus, no I am not.

But that the lesson of creation was never to remain silent, but to speak up and communicate, for all it takes its a few Good Men to do and say nothing, which lets Evil as Negation, take over and destroy this world.

2880= 18 Again.
28 +80= 108. Sacred Geometry 108 and Sacred Portal 108.
See sacred portal

7:51 a.m

But this is my last expression of saving anyone’s ass, by my speaking up.
I remain silent now.
No more playing Alexander or coming to His or anyone’s Defense.

7:53 p.m

G. Kolo.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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