
6:00 p.m.

6:00 p.m.


There is a man who has lived in and out of the Shelter System for 15 years…!

He Sees…

He calls me Professor…

He Knows nothing about me… We have never had a conversation…

He began calling me this months ago.. and a few days ago, took decided to tell me why…

You have that air about you…

Larry.. Lawrence the one who noticed my Harmony and when he heard I was writing about Harmony, said that I was writing about Energy Quantum..

He just walked up to me, and called me Professor…

Shaking my Hand, he said because that is what you are to me.

Lawrence at the Station..

I handed him 16 usd…

I must pay Chase 15.. and pay my phone bill…

I am a M.D and Professor, living in a Mental Health Shelter recognized as having priceless intelligence..

Paul calls me Gifted…

He is the only person who ever apologized…

Dewight Smith is the only one who explained…

6:09 p.m.


I have a response for everyone else, too proud..

To bend the knee..

Who think we are equals…

I have already set it in motion…

I always respond….

Yesterday two guys from the this place saw me outside Chase as 36 and El…

El was scared of what I represented but when I refused to fight Chase he went too far to prove he was not afraid of me any longer…

And so he acts out insinuates with words of jest that I get afraid…

True, I get afraid of Animals Creatures who follow no Logic..

But which is really their fear which they project on others…

He walked in the Street with Chase by his side down the pavement, in a manner of a challenge to see if I would back down..

I walked up straight to him not giving an inch but wondering what the Devil another play and so I prepared myself for this crazy play of the unexpected…

Then he looked up as I moved to him is response…

Emeka it is me..

And I saw him, and understood the Ruse…

I heard their laughter… it was not malicious…

El always used to say :He never backs Down maybe I had disappointed his expectations

But he is 47… And at that age, if you must resort to fighting either you are really retarded, or it must be something based on life and death….

To fight after passing the time of teens and early twenties…

To resort to fighting…

Chase the one who is White must have suspected something.. because of his expression when I revealed how I breath into my Muscles…

And begin the stretching motions…

Yes you have to relax it , you have to relax…

Your Rage and Anger and Natural response of being caged with these consciousnesses…

I had stopped and turned to look at him…

That is exactly what I am doing, breathing into the Anger that my Past my Espirit has let people go so far in getting away with it for the last 27 years,, my life…

Not allowing me the pleasure of taking what I finally realize my nature to lash them.. To fight them in this language they suspect I really know…

Deadly.. Assassin…

Each time it pulls me back, and the last 16 years not being sure or confident in my body, or who would be in control. not sure of my movements.. not sure…

And this is why I feel I have not by now physical let one of these people have it…

It was done intentionally…

Because I am very physically Strong and Fit… and my strength and power comes from my Spirit..

And the Spirit is the Sum total of your movements, your victories moving through all the confrontations life time after life time.. it is that Expression which is the Black Smiths Bellows.. it is that force of Thunder in your Voice, that deadly look flashing in your eyes which make even people like your Bio father fear his son as a boy and constantly challenge him to conquer what he believes is his irrational fear of his Pretty Boy Gentle acting son… and then suddenly find another born that way… Two…

Not Three.. The Third is the Evolution of the Two…

C…The Sum Total of the Past.. the Present and the Future….

Consciousness.. 1 11 111….

6:31 p,m.

Paul and his mother… Ida Paul Franklin…

I.P…10 10..pm-am.. Mother Pm Son Am…

Patrick Okolo.. 6:31 am..

We are at Sacred Portal 47… ..11 28…

E.B.T Card.. 47.. Ended with me.. Not Michael Prunty.. my brothers name is Mike…

Sacred Portal 47… Is Entrance into the Abyss…

Olokun… N.U…Kolo… Ea…

E,L enter into the Abyss…

EL means God…

God Enter the Abyss…

Experience my Experience of it…

Who is God.. God is the Truth of the People..

Who is Satan.. the Devil.. the Lie of the People..

What does El symbolize in the play.. bed 15 Room A…15 Room 4 but not B…

15 is letter O…

He was with Chase… Bed 36.. C.F…360.. A Full Circle…O.

O O…C.E… Last night when they saw me, they made a terrible mistake, especially EL.. Chase can be safe because he has not disrespected me actually Au contraire… but he is Dangerous as I am, he sees and he knows I see…

He sees very well.. not El…

so only what he represents goes unless he is found guilty by the Past…

Into the Abyss the Two 10 10… Playing God and Devil Satan…

Enter into my Experience of the Abyss..

Nenad M. Djurdjevic is safe…

And so now, here is a much more horrific, experience of that place without the protection of the E who protected him so that he could come back and bear witness that it Exists…

No this version is the one made so real, and of an Evil that I had no idea could be possible…

A Cruelty which has scarred me forever, that such a thing was even possible…

The Evil which made me see and understand it and what it was capable of…

I could not pretend it away, act ignorant.. it made me see and took the greatest pleasure in showing me how far it could go… it took such pleasure… And it.. it…when in that documentary the 4th kind in Nome Alaska.. came back from that experience they Killed their entire families and themselves to spare them having to ever experience what they just got a taste of…

I am..and I am of a strength and resilience and I went in knowing my true name and who I am what I have done…

What they did to me, how they did it…

6;47 p,m.

As Emeka, the Boy, the Man, the Adam Manu, the Espirit, the Source the Sum Total…

I am scarred forever by what it can do so quietly and make sure only a few know, and they can do nothing to help and are so terriffied they become the slaves of this… thing and they do its bidding and they will tear you to bits when commanded by this ..thing…

I understood why the men killed their families,…rather than let them face these….

And the most terrible part of all these Horrors are the Abominations of the Sum total of Human Betrayal..

It is not created by the E or by anything in Creation it is simply Divine law giving the sum total of the Cost and the Balance of what humans as illusion incarnated.

I gave Paul 16 usd… P…

I tried to warn him… but I did not really care any more so I did my job..

I told him the words but was indifferent if he heard or not…

My interest was now focused on going home which is the intel I received and the codes and all stated including the meeting with Paul which flowed so Harmoniously on a level which had never happened before…

They strip all the protection from you..

You are naked not of body but all the flesh is gone..

You are pure spirit… and soul…

So you are Ultra Sensitive.. you feel see understand the true meaning of everything being done to you and why…

And you understand it to Alpha Omega…

And then they place you in a place where no else can feel orsee or understand it…

And they make the Hell beyond what anything can or should exist can endure

Such an experience should not exist.. for it calls into question that if Existence can do this… then there is no reason as to why anything should exist..

7:04 p.m


I went to take a look at the New York Times..

And saw a caption.. Frightful but not Invincible…

And then it showed the Hands… the Family of 5 and the palm… the 6.

A Woman just came in with her boy friend he is carrying a nap sack called Camel Mountain… Camels bears water in the desert…

It is a code I have associated with my mother…

But now I realize it is me.. My 3rd but 1st book set in Paris is called the Eternal Dancer.. E.D… A man moving through the desert.. He speaks…

Existential Death… No Water… no body to protect you…

Lawrence of Arabia…


And a Spider Man who I always associated with Nnamdi who loved Spider man as I did…

Peter Parker… Now I associate him with me..

P.P… 16 16.. 32… 5..

My Coach Mr Parker… Parkchester…

Peter.. the Rock.. Stone..

But she is sporting an enormous Skunks Tail protruding from where her Spinal Chord – Cauda Equine…C.E…

Should be

Paul Franklin bed 35… C.E… he still could not Cee Me..

from room 3A to 4B…

And the Skunk is Black and White..

And it secretes a pungent odor which makes most animals stay away from them because most animals have a strong sense of Smell and the horror of being sprayed by a skunk can lead an animal to literal die from starvation if the smell does not go away in time…

Most animals who do prey on skunks and do it as a very last resort…

But they are preyed upon from above from certain bird like the Hawk and the Horned Rimmed Owl who have little to no sense of smell..

The Skunk is the allusion to this but as the Black and White… The true representative Black and White as Awareness Consciousness Dark Matter and Consciousness not Black and White people..

And the Stench being that which people are covered with, marked which they are unaware of but which I and the Unseen are so aware of that it makes it a physical torture to be in such peoples presence without thoughts of literally wishing to violently cut them out of Existence…

*Yes it is that bad.. the true Discomfort and agony of my body comes from having to endure this vibration…

The physical agony of my body, almost totally disappears when I am alone or in Nature…

But it is everywhere.. the Stench of Human Expression… the Air was full of it…

The Black and White is literally the Awareness of the Truth…

The money which was marked… from the 5 USD bills given to me by Sumler Traihison…

8:00 p.m.

I tried to ignore and spend…

I had one dollar of that money left when I received the 97.58 USD…

It was not 96…

97…58…Sacred portal 97.. 58…!…

And 98…!

But on opening my wallet it was the the marked bill which was the only one dollar bill left..

I am just reading it now…

Whoa… it is marked 563… Paul is 56.. and in Room 3A…

Sacred Portal 56 is my Family from the Future Present coming to my door… at the 5th Dimension which of course, is a A ‘Being-ness


56 is E.F…

See my latest Face Book Friend…

Emily Figueroa… E.F… 5 6..

Eternal Family…

The Serial number is B 26 42 00 14 K.


Bilal Khan!… Moist Wet Dew-

The Chosen One… King…

Ea.. Enki… Water.. B’Eau Ti!… KING…

And Book! B.K..2 11… 13…4…22… D.V…Double V VV…

26 Z…42..D.B…00..OO..14..N…

Z D.B..007 x2… 00 14… N… Sacred Portal 14 Evolution of Consciousness!

85.. Crowned for piercing the Mystery of Consciousness…

The M.T.C.N…Code ( 13 20 3 14.. 33 Pi..!)

is 2 69…712…8110…

B 69 ( Nnamdi Past).. L.G… L.G Phone… Lord GodE.Grace….

H.K.O… Harmonious Knock Out.


Orien Laplante O.L.

Ola Lye… O.L.

/ L.O… 12O….

See sacred portal 120….

8:22 pm


B..26..97.. 42 00….14…K.

See sacred portal 26… Something in the Air… Air Freshner… Aphrodite Hermes-Hephaestus Eros… A..H.E..

Sacred Portal 97 Brain I.Q.. Light of the World

Sacred Portal 42..Ohm Sound of Power… David Powers…

D.P… 42 Is room 4 B…Bed 4016… D.P…

Which is why when I met David Powers I was so moved and spoke to him like a beloved ( poor dude.. but his E-spirit responded before descending…)

0014… Double 007 J.B…Twice!

At B.R.C…Room A.. and at Delta Manor…

Both places have bed numbers 00…at B.R.C Room A it was 3 digits…

Here it is 4 digits….

And now I am doing the code of the L.O…

And so there are two meanings… Two Tales…

Two Stories made real…

that of Evolution Awakening EA…Truth…. E.A.T

And one of Existential Death Truth… E.D.T

And the code number I saw on a Dark Green Jeep just parked on my way here… E.B.T….

E.A.T… Q… Evan ALexander Judson Akil Davis Tim-e (B..Beyond)

E Donald Trump… the Trump Card… Ah.. Donald Trump does not get sworn in until January 20…1-20…2-10…

He is not President yet….

E Alpha Truth

E Delta Truth

E Beautiful Truth…

EEE… 555….( 3-5..Paul Franklin…bed 35…C.E…Cause Effect)


AD means 1-4..Dimension 1-4 is a Book…

This is not real Life…

A Book written by Being… The Beautiful Truth..

Awareness Divine.. Being… Doing…

Awareness Doing Being…

The Time of the transaction was 2:57 p.m.

Sacred portal 57… 5 Sounds, 7 colors…

77 USD in my wallet… 77 14..5O…

Incredible….555 A.D.B…( A.D.E..Crown) 1 4 2…7…is really 1+4=5..2… E.B…

Annick van Cleven

Sreenivasa Rao Boppana…

Raheem Sarcar…



6 F.E.B….

Fritz Venneiq Born Feb 82…


7…The Past Grace…G.ODE

8:50 p.m.


Hippolytus Ebisike

Venkat Venkatesan

Emily Figueroa




And after giving the 16 to Paul… I saw so many 55 signs that I pointed it out at him, but he seemed more content and concerned about the money in his wallet as All for were apart from one…

Chase of bed 36… He was more concerned about me…





10… A.O.

11.. K…


Meet your Maker… that came unbidden to me yesterday night…

The words Meet Your Maker… M.Y.M…E

Which was followed by my meeting people I had met here I saw Chase…the Black one… Hmm two Chases.. One Black and the other White… Connected with both but the one that is permanent was with the White One…

Not surprised considering the anger and pride in the black brown line..


Oh yes

“Emily” means: “Industrious, Flatterer, to Strive or Rival

Emily means

Emily is a feminine English name derived from the Latin origin name Aemilia, which is the feminine form of the Roman family name Aemilius (trying to equal or excel), a name taken from the root word aemulus, meaning ‘rival’. Emily is also a form of the English, Spanish, German, Latin, Dutch, and Italian girl name Amelia in the English language. Another explanation is coming from the Greek girl name Amalia, ‘?µa??a’, from the word aimulos (friendly, tender and kind.)

Linked to the meaning of Cassandra Man Excel Shining

Friendly tender and Kind…

To be Industrious, use Praise to Strive against a rival who is Friendly and Kind…

(Yourself.. your Twin your Beloved Brother, your Past)


Meaning :Fig Tree… F.T…Symbol of Peace but also the Fig Tree Jesus Cursed for not bearing Fruit….

And the Town I lived in Spain, with Ignatio Campilo and Betty..

I.C… I.B..

Brother of David Campilio… D.C.. 43.. My Room mate in London Belsize Park…

Code name Green

Ignatio and David Campilio… Barcelona- Figeras Spain..




9:15 P.M


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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