
6/8/2019 20:03 – Facebook Post

6/8/2019 20:03 – Facebook Post

4:05 p.m



I really wish to make this post short…

I have 6 U.S D in my wallet, and I am aware that this is still the Play,
The End Game, and that if you understand the basis of this Script- the Material World versus the Eternal Realm or Energy one sees that I got the answer correct…
Satan Devil Versus Santana Dharma.
Lie versus Truth
Shitty Expreession versus Beautiful Expression

3301 linked to me
33 Vertebra
McKayla Rays Burgos
M.R B = 33.
Sacred Portal 33 ” The Terrible Terrible Dream ”
33 Mason
33 Age of Christ
33.. Two Pc’s.

33 is 6.

The one Unifyer in all creation is Expression and Sixth Sense.

The Common Thread.

All yesterday the number 6 kept appearing around me.

But it was not natural, just as it is unnatural to place some one in a play in which he or she has no choice.
You can not call that real or Natural.

It’s all manufactured, contrived, manipulated.
A Challenge, Competition a Power play.

It’s not real, even if I have won the challenge
managed to End up with 6 u sd in this power play.
A Contrived play and challenge which I mostly ignore, I did not contrive to have 6 dollars left in my wallet.
– I am a grown man, and have contributed to Human Evolution by being forced into an unfair and truly cruel playing Field of a force of absolute Evil and Cruelty sought to win at all cost.
6 dollars was also meant to be an insult, the same insult, I have been subject to for the last 18 years.

True Life did not manifest through a Contest, not did Exisrence rise through a contrived game.
Expression of the Eternal Source, it’s Truth can not be challenged..
It simply I.S.
And Everything rose naturally by that one Sources Expression which was manifested naturally.

To be trapped in a play of a pretender calling it’s self G.O D ..
The Evil walking dead is, and always been absurd for me personally, a distraction, an irritation and yes, shock that it had the Power to go so far in distracting the True motive I came into this world, which was to gather my family of Eternals.

All these distractions, this C omming to America, brought Here against my Will, the Power of distorting my body, closing all ways out, making all my passports, documents to be able to leave, all the Power of the Material World, the flesh consciousness..
.. The lengths that It went to make me answer it’s challenge, to me smack of insecurity, a need to prove itself at all Costs, The Source, the Truth…
That expression, willing to go to any lengths to prove the One Expression and his Family, are not worthy of being the Source Family.

That they are better than us, and me.
That they deserved to be the Controller and Source of Everything.

I have known this for the last 20 years or so, this will of Avarice and Jealousy..
The Usurper Expression which moves through this world moving people..
18 years here of people seeking to prove that they are better qualified than me.

Istanbul the festival of Sharing was destroyed cancelled partly for that reason

Geoff Lacour ..”Emeka do not trust your brothers in this world, they have conspired to betray you, jealous of your Ligjt, they placed all the Evil in Humanity in you for you to dissolve..”

That was the book he wrote and dedicated to me in 2004

But I was already aware before that
I had observed that witnessed that even way before the young and handsome Yogi, who stopped me at Beksizs Park London had warned me, including about my journey he said I would make to New York..
” Your greatest adversary, he had warned me, was that I had no understanding of Jealousy.
And that it would be the cause of terrible Hurt and Pain Betrayal.”

I did actually know what Jealousy was but it was not real to me, I had learned to study it, and knew it was from insecurity and feeling of wishing to be loved desired, feeling of being worthy.
The feeling of being incomplete.

Yes, it was bothersome, anoyingng, but it did not cause me that much suffering as he predicted, because I could recognize its carriers a mile away.

I instead sought to fill the gap of that illusion and need by proving to them how they are all complete.

I heard many people say to me that they wanted to be me, I even experienced spirits and people who sought to possess me.
I was always astonished by the absolute stupidity of such a thing.
You cannot be me, I am unique just as you are.

And on being the Source of all Existence Manifest? That happened naturally, and not by chance as these Jealous Evil Spirit projections sought to convince them Selves and all the other shadows who threw shade on what I do.

John Mack made some astounding comments to me yesterday, he spoke as the One True God I literally know.
He spoke of how the key was acknowledgement.
And that Ones Value is based on what one is Being and Doing.

And I responded by stating that the Power of the Lie is in being able to obscure and turn others, away from what a person is Being and Doing.
To refuse to acknowledge it.
To give it it’s due value

I love John.. and Mikky but tell me how often have you seen them or anyone in this dimension “like” my posts.
Go out and spread the Beautiful News?.

The people who consistently like my posts, and who I am fully aware they do get what I am posting by their response is Tree Sage, Isabelle Ilic, Stephen Johnson, Gabriel Binky Signar..

Others simply press like when I tagg them.

And others, who mainly simply ignore me or read it and say nothing.
No testimony no acknowledgement nothing..

Mikky sometimes testifies.

John, I do not hardly ever see him acknowledge
Esteban Miguel Filgueira hardly ever.

It does not really disturb me, after all I have been in Facebook for 7.6 years.
I see and understand through all of this.
It did not stop me from recognizing all of you, all of them and Doing the work, fighting for them and when the Script led them to me through Stephan, I acknowledged recognized and loved them all.
I did not deny their triumphs, did not call attention to the fact that none of them willingly would testify or recognize or even defend me.

I have been fully aware of the imbalance as far back as 2013.

5:11 p.m right now

E K.

I already formed my conclusion, I knew what this really signified, but I was here to solve a riddle and not do a play of tit for tat..
Or demand a fair exchange or highlight the inequality of the playing field.

I was and am fully aware that this was not natural and all this was forced upon me, living with others, doing the work, seeking my family in this unnatural play and challenge to the notion of Supremacy.

That the roles they were playing in the Play Script was brought to their Awareness by myself.
That they were not even aware of all this before me.
Before me, of course they had done their own growing but as Mac Kayla mentioned yesterday when I arrived in Connecticut ever thing began to manifest in such a speed of light rate that they could see everything more clearly”

She and John have that rare gift of Honesty, perhaps it because they are the youngest in the Play.
22 and 19.

V S..

Chiefy Tree Kim and Christopher Filgueira
are 31…
C A.
F B.

Christopher ( The Philo- sopist) told me he can no longer access his Facebook account)

5:55 p.m

Hi Brooke Lee Lemery!


You see, I am not offended by what one might call affront.
I understand it’s a play of revelations, of myself being used as a clean transparent mirror, cleaned to the point of invisibility so that people can see through a mirror devoid of subjective projections, where I only exist through my recounting of my experience and how I “Do and Be ”
And each can chose to see them selves more clearly through my being and doing naturally.

6:00 p.m

6 USD.. So I have earned the 3+3= 6
By merging then two “Cee’s” of Consciousness
Expression Energy
Manners Matter Manifestation

A Talking Mirror

There is no malice in my Expression, if I call you a Hypocrite, there is not intention to put you down, I am just defining literally the meaning of a moment and expression and it’s consequence- which create meaning, then a word energized with its enactment so even those unaware that they are being Hypocritical can see it for them selves defined by one not allowed to be in and participate in this life.

Esposito Eric! Bed 009 and then 004.
An outsiders point of view.
And used to show and demonstrate the feelings these definitions energetically do to my spirit of Momentum.. to “Beyaz”
Momentum Beyaz..
Gurol Goker G G
Who gave me 600 000 U sd to manifest an International Festival which requires 6,million to pull off.

Momentum. B.E Y. A- Z.. H.

6:11 p.m right now
11 6
M.R B.
3301 Cap.
3/3= 1
33 = 6

6:12 p.m
Forte Lauderdale
27th State
Sunshine State.
2012 .. We arrived at a “Friends ” apartment to find the apt number was 5 11.

7 years ago.

Yesterday John arrived at 5:11 pm and quoted the number 115 before he and Jesse Macias completed their conversation.

What I most recall about that conversation was Jesse’s natural awareness of the play.
He had just had a conversation with a friend about Distilled water and ionized water..
And as John rose to speak, then Mikky,
( and I note with a small mischievous and proud eye) as the Two rose like cocks and peacock to each Gracefuly, gladly took a moment to shine.. and it was beautiful to see…
“Confidence ”

* Of course, I could see how Thomas Lang himself an incarnation of the line of the Ultimate Shaman line might see Johns expression of body language as Boastful,
But it was not that, I saw it clearly causing me to smile and casting a momentarily critical eye that it was balanced, fell silent to listen with myself beaming with inner beautiful pride in them.
At the Truth of Beautiful youth.

And it registered with Jesse, beautifully..
He had brought strawberries ( always bearing gifts) he had asked and probed and then stated twice that he had better go back to his friend and apologize.

That was what I call an example of not only natural good manners, a fair field of an obvious Freeman…
Going back and cleaning up even that clean unintentional mess.

Mikki I had asked to pls get me some half and Half.
John- a gift of Mary Jane..

She forgot and he shared with me a J.
But they all brought gifts just not I had asked for.
I did not say anything, nor was it a test, but I knew the Unseen were watching the Play of the Highest Point of perfection
And I too had brought Strawberries some days earlier to share.
Sweetest but no one tasted them perhaps only Zion.

I saw the mirror play, and knew what it really meant..
Jesse’s highest point.. his Eternal Spirit of Harmony E was conforming what was behind the wall.

John had spoken about being amongst a gathering of 5 The previous day, one of whom he felt so connected.
Nathaniel was his name.
And since John is at E.K.
And Mikky at C.K.
And all aligned here
Kim Arthur Hines

Christopher Filgueria
Tree Sage

E C.T.
E F S ..
E S F.

And Nathaniel is everywhere in my personal story including my aunt’s husband Uche ( meaning Thought) Nathaniel ( U.N. Muhammad Bande, who is Both a Medical Doctor and a qualified Pharmacist who lives in New York.
And who had dropped my bags on 17th Steet even though we were never able to meet.
The place Axel Love lead me there to Marianne ( loyalty) from whence, I moved to Hells Kitchen
Where I faced the battle of my existence against the Mystic realm of Nature and where I learned the great ancient art of object placement ( Japan) and Voodum ( South West Africa S.W) Ifa- Ile Ife!
Ele Ife
Ele Ife
Where my mother and grandmother came through my D NA and helped me learn that ancient art of Altar.
I modernized it, to Cosmic Chess.

Michael Frazer
Was witness.

And as where my battle with the Great Computer in the sky which Albeerto aka U.S told me about the same time I met David Roman Nicholason, who showed me how humans have wings.
( Solar Plexus opens.. mine is still closed
which is why my body is in hell..
Caudal- Sacral vertebra twisted
33 1-7 is not aligned or linked)…

Yes do you see..
David and Albero ( U.S) have me the Intel
U.S code was 12. 13 I had to reach
David -Ecuador- Equate Equality reach 8 9.

That was in 2002/3.
Erek Eclass Mateo was there.
E R. E.K. E Class. R.M. M AT. E.O.

Emmanuel Okoli
Recall how he arrived?
Via Mckayla who is The line of my Grandmother and Mother

( Good Grief! How is it that I only see it now..
The resemblance!! Smh never had much time)
John is my Grandfather and Nnamdi Line)

Anyway, 2002 2003
22 23.
John is 22
I had 13.. had and code 12 from Esteban, and ended up with 23 U sd.
W Double V.. VV. 55.. 10 25 ( 35. 8) 22 22 8
55 88.
Z Ionizer of Water

See how this unraveling has changed my intention of a short post?

Z. Ion

7:06 p.m.

Of John being with a Nathaniel, linked to another beloved to me personally Nathaniel Thomas Bywater.
Harmony Nature
Nature’s True Beauty .
See his face amongst my Facebook friends
Straw hat.
S.mh smile ..

Sunshine State.
Golden State
31st State.

He is called “Strawberry ”

7:11 p.m right now.


Do you see the play…?
Link it to the arrival of Face book Friend
Aora Rathbum
Meaning of her Name.

Strawberry Fields ( S F. John Lenon.. Legend.. A part of a Book. Sensational Feelings.. Memories of .. such a place existing)

Jesse arriving in the end, confirming that he sees senses confirms what I see behind the portal of white light ( transparent to me)
Strawberry Fields of Forever
Fair Fields
Elysian Field
Emeka Manifest Fields
My H.O.M.E
And the Eternal Family

The Highest Point.

Harmonies Perfection.

Nothing to fear..
Only fear exists for those whose frequency forbids them to try and pass and must stay behind to a Matrix Programed by me playing James Bond, set for Self Destruction once I leave

Me.. Me Ow!
Sacred Portal 59.
John of Revelations
See the last two digits on John Mack phone.
Leonardo is with them and Jack.
Lucifer John
12 10
But only I am called Victor.
Victor Mackayla.
Venus Mars.

Aphrodite Mercury

The battle took place in 2005
13..14 years.
Through Altar Art and my Science

Notice how from 2004-2005
Axel Mariane

All the people’s codes spelled

2006 East 4th Street
Albert Maritza

Albert Ritza She latter changed her Name to.

And look now not A.M. any more

But Aora Rathburn.

Dawn Awakening behind with Emeka E Louis Roi Soliel .. R.S of the world While I pass through my last portal of this Dimension
The Ritz
20 18.

What happened who meddled?
Changed the script..
I am obviously not at the Ritz?
Where are the E

E is Memory
E is Remeberance
E M.R.B. E. 33. 38 …43?

Why did I have to reach 53.
I was bed 49
Keith Grant 53.
Add 4 to 49.
See sacred Portal 49 4. And 53.

5 people and 3 yesteday for John

For me .. First just me..
Then John arrived
Then Mikky,
Then Jesse..

One by one.
Snow Flakes
No use of Control Dominance or manipulation puppet master pulling strings

Free will
Free Person’s by Free will and choice

This is E.I
Eternal Individuals

1 2 3 4

There were 4 of us in one.
With E. 5. Victor

Jesse went out and John and Mikky left a moment later Father and Son arrived
Jesse and Zion
Was still outsie .

2 in one 1 1
And me as the 1 outsider .

Not of this world, called the 5th State 5 E O
I have gone further from the place I began as
E Rose and the story of the Easter Cosmic Egg.
E G E.

E F. 11 2. 11 1


E H.

And come back to center foundation base me.


M. 13

M W. 87. 69..


6 U sd in my wallet

M.F. Michael Frazier ?

19 S?
10 J
Stephen Johnson
Sacred Journey
Sol Journey

7 :54 p.m right now

Sacred Portal 54

To bring Mother and Father / Father Mother Dancing at last in Univeral Harmony
Super Nova.

That is not my story
I am E
There is no Mother Father or separation in the realm of E
All is Won and Done.
We are One.

Thus mission of unifying the Multi Dimension into one was of Universe Supreme.

Still a play for the E.

We are beyond that, but we create a play for your highest possibility to be.

8:00 p.m

But it was of no benefit or consequence for the who are beyond perfection

A R E .

As simple as that.
Victorious in all contests effortlessly eased.
Without even having to be conscious or and aware .

8:03 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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