
6/8/2016 15:29 – Facebook Post

12:17 p.m.

L.Q…Completion of Q… Quantum Quintessential Leap…For Mankind…

E.Q…Equation Evolution…


Erik Ebright represents that code…

Four Quests arrived from Oklahoma last night, one of them a personal friends of Erik’s called Nike…

Erik chose (naturally and without full awareness of the “Higher Play..Nike…

Maggie ( Izzi Creo) means “Pearl”

Yesterday,, she spoke of Hephaestus, the Black Smiths…
Pls recall the Equation Aphrodite Alexander the Great, Hephaestus…
A.H… 1-8.

“Venus rising from the See..Cee”

See Nenad M. Djurdjevic …

Winged Victoria…W.V…A.E… W.A.V.E…”Christo..”Words Anointed Victorious Expression Supreme..W.A.V.E.S..
Code assigned to C.C…Clara Crossland…
Christof Columbus… W.A.V.E.S OF THE Landing of the D.O.V.E…of Cool Chill…C.C…2.C..O…
O is the Symbol of Eternity..

Winged Victory…

..Over Malice and Venom.. M.A.V….M.V. Vindictive Manipulation.

See sacred Portal 26…Aphrodite Eros-e..( Cup-I.D)….
Waves of Perfume, Air…B and B…
See sacred portal 78..”Pearls coming out of their Shell”

D.H.G.. this is Erik”s License plate.. 4 8 7/ 78 4…

Sacred portal 87 aligned to Eriks license plate D.H.G…K47..(11 28)
“Returning the World to their Senses and Sensie’s…”

See sacred portal 99.. “Victory of the E line of destroying the
Element of Contempt for the Human Species…”

CC Forms a Full Circle…O…Symbol of Eternity..

I have been deciphering, correcting, re-aligning and revealing to the entire world publicly, The Source Code.
I did this without memory…And I have been doing infront of you All…
Demonstrating how a Human Being can not only read Energy but read… “Koran..”Read..Mohammed Praise Worthy!…The Blue Print of Existence woven by the Designer-God…D.G…47… 11 28…1947=69 years old….
69-Nnamdi my Twin Energy undercover as my Brother who passed age 13..yet who I have proven, is Eternal but unconsciously, following the Trail of His scent… (Actually pulled along, I knew it was the Bastard all along… Beloved Death… And yes, in this play I am representing “True Life…T.L..2012..32..Erik Ebright..3+2=5…The 5th Dimension which is the plane and consciousness of Energy…
Which is Eternal, indestructible, Constant…but it does Morph, while at the same time, being unchanging…

There were others in the play, each representing a clue, a portal, a piece of the puzzle…
And so after 27-26 years… Code Age 21-22, U.V…
And 48 years (84…See my date of Birth Listed…11 28 1984)…
And 15 years in New York… 15=Letter O..

I have arrived at the full circle in perfect symmetrical perfection of the challenge of the Illusion, Material, the Physical-Philosophy, The Black Hole “0” Zero consciousness and the Spiritual-Sound (I.M.P. O.S.S..) realms and “Consciousness”- of perception of Reality and Existence… to finally arrive and the Realm of the E.. through the I=9, The Individual representing Infinity, B..
Bodhi Body Being….the 12=L..LOVE…V..OLUTION …To the 5th Dimension Consciousness….Called E.. The State of Awareness Being, Consciousness Divine Expression Factual, Gracious, Harmonious from A-Z-A.H…Bee… Cee…E!




I have Time Traveled to the exact moment 10 years ago, to prove without being aware that I was set up to prove the 10 is really a Full circle, not the Binary Numbers of a Computer code of human decision of Yes No….
The decision to Be is not in peoples hands, but the Choice is…was…

I have come back Full Circle to Erik Ebright.. 2006 May, I…
He is at 26 N.E 6Oth Street, his home is called the Casa De Bodhi…
“The House of the Bodhi…

Meaning of a Bodhi?

‘Bodhi (Sanskrit: ????; and Pali) in Buddhism is the understanding possessed by a Buddha regarding the true nature of things. It is traditionally translated into English with the word enlightenment, although its literal meaning is closer to “awakening.” The verbal root “budh” means to awaken.”

I met Erik Ebright TEN years ago in the Role of The Elegant Nomad”
a moniker I adopted in 2001 when I arrived in New York, on March 20… 3-20… 32.. Eriks age…3+2=5..=Letter E..

We met in Brooklyn…”County of Kings”….
26…Is A-Z…
I contacted Erik on the 26th Day from my 9 Month return from Mountain View…M.V…
But I came down on the 27th Day…

Easter was the 27th of March this years…
Nnamdi was born on Easter and passed on Easter..
Obviously, he was making a statement which he wished me, us to pay attention to…
Easter transforms winter into Spring…
Light.. Snow-Cold.. into Transparent Lights Colors Sound Smell…

1:17 p,m.

A.Q…A Quantum Quintessential Change.. occurring through Accessing of the Source Code, reading it, deciphering it and then re-modulating it, into an Evolution code sequencing, through Expression Sixth sense…Seen Unseen… S.U!.

Victor I.O…V.I..O…L..E.T…Loves Eternal Truth…
is the Eternal Law of E =Light….

Thus, I came down here for the finally transformation of ALL things to E..
To the Casa of the Enlightened One, the Awakened One…

And who is the Enlightened One…E.O…
The Awakened..T.A.. The Awakened One
T.AO… The Way of Toa…True Nature
A.T..@ Aliu Tunde

C.D.B…The Musical C.D of Be!…Being..
Case De Bodhi…
C.D.B…3-4 2…7 2…(1972…27/72..)…3+4+2=9.


Casa De Bodhi..I.

9 Months and 27 Days Later…

The Victor and the I. O and the.Kolo….

I have spoken extensively about my having made First Contact to the E line of Eternity since I was a Boy, then after dancing in the Illusion of Forgetfulness.. How at the code age of 25-26 experienced the Light of ‘Epiphany Memory” and then spent next 13 years, moving consciously that I was being moved by a wind, a guide to New York and finally in 2006, to the meeting with Erik Ebright Ten Years ago.
Facing the “Wrath” of the I.M.P.O.S.S.I.B.L.E!

A wave of Rage and fury of the Mind Memories, belief systems of what is and is not possible…

I called then.. the Illusionists, the Materialists, the Physical realms of “Spirit Sciences, ” the Impossible…

‘You are the Impossible, I retorted.. I Thundered back as all watched me move public, on Face book in space and time, navigate in this World, in New York..-Documenting my Awareness, each step of the way, of every detail of how Everything is Connected, while weaving in Silence and in Sound, Contemplation and Conversation…The True meaning of Everything is One Energy, One Expression…
Eternal Truth…

E.T..L…5 2012..32…5….E…

Full Circle back to E.

That there is nothing but E…

E perception…

2:22 p.m. 6.

Yesterday at about 1, Nik-e, Dominic, Rachel and Cassius arrived….
Cassius as C… Cassius Clay wore “Cheetah” Spotted Shorts…And a T-Shirt with Thunder written on it…And the code 0..O…C.C…O…
Cassius Clay! Mohammed Ali… M.A… /A.M..
Melissa Aldana…

The name Cassius means ‘Empty Vain”… E.V…
Emptiness.. code Lord Orien Laplante…
Emptiness really Nothingness.. Naturalness is that feeling of “Nothings is wrong” because of the Lightness all around you…
Be perfectly in the Present…
O Rien “Rien means “Nothingness’ in French…La is the 6th Note…Sound “Solfeggio”… Plant.. Light Green Dark Green…
..Is E… What is E… Plants, people, All things Rise and Shine.. grow through Expression which is called Praise and Appreciation..
P.A… link Phavour Alegbe… P.A…P.A…
Emeka means “Praise”
The E do not call themselves line of Erik…E.R.I..K…Meaning the Eternal or Forever ruler.. that is description of what their Expression creates.. Energy…

But before there was Energy there was Expression, and the Expression which caused Everything to rise in that one first Eternal Beginning was Praise and Appreciation…Which Creation as Energy Conscious Harmony O..E.C.H.O…Existence Divine E.D..=i..
Echoed Back (E.B) in perfect Mirror (Mira..Myhrr) response as Manifest Creation..
There was no Worship in response for this gift of Expression True Love Beautiful Creation Existence…but a Praise and Appreciation.. so profound, so deep, and so unfathomable to this current Human Consciousness…
Of simply through understanding the truth of Eros-e…( Allen Ginsbergs Eros), that it planted a Seed and a Seed of E, so deep within the Light Green… 4 Dimension.. Heart.. The 4 in One… 4O..N.E..Narcissus Echo….Natural Evolution through Sight and Sound brought forth the Truth of the Purity of my Brother and Twin in masculine form of Lord Narcissus Nnonyelum…to Lord and Lady Energy Echo..E…. E.E.E..B…383…

I have already completed the play of N.E…Narcissus and Echo…
N.E…With Nenad M. Djurdjevic.. And so here at 26..N.E, we are at the Z..as in Zeina…Beauty..Beautiful Natural Evolution, N.E for some, and others…Zombie Apocalypse…Non Existence for others…

Dominic is wearing a Jersey letter A…D.A..(Father”) District Attorney…4 -1… The 4 Cardinal Direction C.D…Creation Destruction…3-4…7..Violet… Balanced… before meeting the light..
That which the “Light” of Revelations will send out of Existence, and that which it will make Rise..AH!..
He then changed into a jersey with the code number 6.
D.A.6…F… Da Father Sixth Sense…He has a physique and height similar to mine…though my physique has been severely twisted at the sockets and at muscles…by carrying the illusion made real in this “Challenge” of carrying the story of the Dead-Spirits” since 1982…When Nnamdi left…

And Rachel… As in the Line of meaning of the word Rachel…
Linked to Rachel Rachael Devon Rios Sessions R.D…R.S..

Nic Nique..Nike…Already encoded and programed here… again with the complicity of the E-Spirit.. moving in Nenad M. Djurdjevic.

N.D..R.C….This is the correct alignment of the four guests here is N.D.R.C…/ C.R…D.N…

*D.N..Umeano is my Grandfathers Name…Daniel Nwanna Umeano… “God is my judge for I am the Child of Nna (Nnamdi) Father… Energy….Of the 4 Divine Breaths in One…N.D..Nnamdi David…E…
2:55 p.m.. B.E.E
I have right in front of me a bottle of lotion from Erik Ebright.. it is called Ruby and it is blue… it is called Beauty Magic… Beauty is Magic… B.M… It has a statue of the Lady Liberty on it…
And behind it I placed a card which is hand painted in the same colors of blue…and green and Lavender Mauve… A Fairy, her back to us, gazes over an Horizon of the C Curve out line of the Earth nestled by a Full Moon and Space..
The card has the word “Awe” written quietly in one corner…

It is from Donna O’Sullivan…just as is the portrait of the African Drummer Shaman and on the other side an Owl card and pole..
filled with birds.. Also from Donna O’Sullivan and it is entitled Infinite Love…
3:02 p.m.
*Erik Ebright has a Fake Owl on a Pole and took a picture of me holding it and a pillar of Salt, without being aware (nor did I recollect), or seeing the Card Donna had written for me, I just unpacked some of my things recently… Nor did I notice until after that I placed it in-front of a Fairy or Lady statue, with another card from Donna..Meaning “Ma Donna…” The Lady…with Dragon Flies… which she called I.CEE..
I.C..Izzi Creo…Maggie.. name of my mothers elder sister who passed at the age of 13, as Nnamdi had….13 13 M M 26…Z.

And so since 2:55 p.m equates to B.E.E.. which equates to face-book friend, Peace Bee.. Sacred Portal 18..”Queen Bee”.. DOVE…
Just as my first destination on arrival in New York 3-20-2001 (21) was Columbia…And I met two people the next day.. Erik and Todd.. E.T.. but chose to go stay in Todd’s House.. T.H…That is the code that Erik Ebright was wearing on his T-Shirt, yesterday.. TH…(20-8..28)…
Thantos Hypnos…But no…He is not Erebus…
3:21 p.m.. C.U…
Only I can play that role..

THANATOS (or Thanatus) was the god or daimon of non-violent death. His touch was gentle, likened to that of his twin brother Hypnos (Sleep). Violent death was the domain of Thanatos’ blood-craving sisters, the Keres, spirits of slaughter and disease.
Kerses One.. K.R.S..Oone…
V.K…Verses One…

In Greek mythology, Erebus /??r?b?s/, also Erebos (Greek: ??????, “deep darkness, shadow”), was often conceived as a primordial deity, representing the personification of darkness; for instance, Hesiod’s Theogony identifies him as one of the first five beings in existence, born of Chaos…

Five best friends Five brothers…

See sacred portal 114….


3:27 p.m.

C..Blue Green… Color -Blue Green..

Well.Ah Waves… The last production I did as their Creative Director…
C.D… The Story of Color….

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