
6/6/2019 21:48 – Facebook Post

6/6/2019 21:48 – Facebook Post

8:30 p.m

I don’t want to end this day on the note of what this Script made me decipher and translate today.
Or harp on the proof of the injustices done to the expression of the E.line who were made invisible.

Or that energy E remain invisible.

Or that ramming ones anger by using self discipline, self mastery so that it is tempered by the pause of applying reason and logic..
The pause.
And so if you use the Sword of True Expression , it is used to point in the right direction of 12 O’clock.
And not used wildly to cause others pain.
Instinct and Inution must be linked by building bridges to connect the I and I to I ( one)
And then H
I H.

And that, ability separate Man as the 5th Element and Animals Wild is that ability to tame our natural, and often justified instinct to Rage.

Justice Clarity, these are the tools the Beautiful Flames of Fury created.

Defenders Protectors.. helmet of will,
Armor of Amour.

Knights Templar!
Kings Temple!
Knights of the Round Table
Knights is Bright Shining Armor of Amour- Amitiy to bring forth the Brother and now Sister Hood of how we are really a Beautiful Hue Man Race .

Or all that was required was a bit.. a lot of cleaning and cleansing to make the Truth Shine Through.
But everyone knows, that no one can do that for you.
All you can do is be a natural example by having done and exemplified the Truth you proclaim in your self..

And it is Others, not you would be proclaim your Beautiful Truth and gradually and Gracefully begin to copy you, until one day they will come to you and ask you to show them they way, your technique of how you became you.

And that they know they can not become you, but because of your example, they find the way to become themselves.
And soon a world of Beautiful confident individuals, will rise and fill the w orkd, transforming it wherever they go.
Using that immortal technique.

I know I wrote such long posts, but that was demanded of weaving and linking all points of view aligned to the Beautiful Truth.

The Truth..
The Beautiful Truth is I want to Sing. Dance and Run Jump Leap For Joy.

And that each time for the last 6 years I am brought to post on Face book, I am forced into a dark pit of horror, to reach many of you vibrating in horror of the painful stories of your Lifes.
And that my.life which could reach the lowest frequencies was made the experience of your pain

Facebook has been my torment, not because of you personally but because of the experience of that dimension as the worst illusion of you, which I had to transform into truth.

8:59 p.m

With out bring reminded each Moment in body being and Facebook of the hideous nature of this Script, and how far people had fallen from their natural grace…
Well, I hated going down through Face book but I.did find beauty here too.

Each face book friend was as if I were a Fisher Man casting his fishing Rod, whom my Expression on this forum would draw in.
It made me happy, to see you each arriving in response to each battle which became my Facebook post.


F F. T.S

Fair Field The Scripts Source Tree Sage

This is where I had to get to..

9:04 p.m

27 years after 1992.

A -Z-A ..H!

I was just in a text with Sarah Kaizer who sent me a text at 9:04 p.m, the same time I had above noted.

It immediately raised my Spirits
Recall Esteban Miguel Filgueira put me up in room 904 and he brought Sarah over to visit a couple of times.

I found my self speaking of the blows,in my life and how I was being knocked down, beaten and thrown into the Pit again and again, in order to see if I could rise from the A S H.E S like A Phoenix, and without pausing continue my thread of weaving and linking and speaking about the family of E.

9:16 p.m

As I stared this. I realized and remembered that this was the play I recognized as the pattern of my life since I was a boy.

Those blows, beatings to Silence my voice proclaiming the Truth of the Eternals not being invisible, but visible and voicing expressing moving everything to move ascend to E Harmony Manifest Already planted and present since the begining of time itself.

9:19 p.m

Perhaps, I should be irritated, knowing I have just been set up, because why did I decide to write this post on a happier note..
Note the time and S A K. E arrives leading me to the play of the Red Roof +with A Red Rooster on the Roof?

Jesse Macias has a T-Shirt with a Red Rooster.
Cock A Doo Le Do. Doe..

Red is linked to McKayla Rays her room.was painted red.
Red is the first color.
Doe is the first note
Red Door
Doe Red
Death Rays Existential Death
Sacred Portal 49

Me I am at Red Door .. R D. R is 18. D is 4.
18 Years in the 4th Dimension
18 years in the states.
Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix

13 13
26. 13/13. 1
26 +1

27 years ago

R D = 22. V
D R = 22. V
DoubleV. W Victory
My name is Victor.
John Mack mentioned as we were taking on the phone he saw the number 49.
The 711…

So as have often marvelled, what would have happened if I had not decided to.write this post to end today’s posting on a lighter note.

What if I.had not seen Sarah’s cue..

94 turned to 904. 94.
9 O 4. I O D. 9 64. 96 4 ..19
S Sarah “Splendor Princess ”
Sarah and Mac Kayla ( on my phone she is listed as Princess.. Harmony )

John Jesse.
Alexander Andrew ( David Darius Dionysus)
( O.M. Olivia Burgos Mac Kayla Burgos)
F. Frank Free Dom Free Man Free People

Victory to the People


E.K. I. N.E

What would have happened if I did not still be open

After beaten down for 43 years
27 years for telling my Truth publicly and for 18 years in a Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix
Which most accepted as the real world.

What made me rise once more even after today’s truly truly awful blow
Why do I still rise as if I know..

123 First Cock Sure of the First Dawn Awakening..”
Sacred Portal 76.

And Sacred Portal 14
Evolution of Consciousness

76 14.

Neil Furby G

76 + 14. = 90.

I.O. D A V. I D. E.
I O 4
R.M. 904
Red Roof Plus
Weather Vane
East as the Cock Crows

That is what has scared me the most..
How my being just knows.

9:48 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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