
6/6/2018 17:01 – Facebook Post

2:02 p.m.




202 is B.O.B. “Robert”

66 is F F.. Represented by Francis Frick room 4 B bed 4-017 in the Delta Manor Play.

2018 T R… 2O B R…. The-o Randall… Twin Randall Michael Wiltz who I have identified as the Doppelganger Twin as Body to Geoff Lacour who represents Being.
Geoff Lacour is a person whom I have mentioned as the only perso who fully recollected my I.D.
Who as far as I knew was livng spirit.
My evidence of this was that after meet him at Cielo where for one night was manning the door, he came in and I saw him with Light radiating all around him.
One could say that I admitted him to Heaven.

We met again, when I invited him to 57th where he came to test me and check my identofy without my being aware.
He said he did so, by entering my Body Energy similar to how Randall Michael explained how he accesses people Spirit self seeing it like a shadow moving with the person)
And when he came back not only was literally mouth opened statring at me as if he could not belive what he grasped.
He went home to Sarah Lawernce Campus where he had an apartment and wrote a hand written book called “All I see and saw in you under the Sun”

He revealed everything he saw when he accessed my Aura and Spirit Energy- something which there is only one line in Creation who can do this.
Line of Devi John… D J.. J D…
* Yes, that is why I shared the post of Johnny Deep..
and 7 year ol daughter Lily-Rose… L R… Lorenzo Robert.
Link the meaning of the Pirates of The Carribean… :Car i Bean
Bean was just here, making every one laugh in T.V room with an expression..

2:20 p.m.

Geoff Lacour is French and lives in St Barth and his family migrated from Martinique where they had been plantation owners. Yes, link Interview With a Vampire…
Geoff is of that kind of physical beauty and could have played him..
That film set in New Orleans.

Black Pearl.. B P… 2 16… 18 R. Robert ( see meaning)
Meghan Markle. M M … 13 13… 26 8
Brad Pitt…
Beautiful Pride – twin of Father, as his younger aspect Wisdom John 5-6th aspect of the Original Family of 5th Elements “Personality and Character” P A C…
* Johnny Deep stars in the new movie about Tu-Pac and Biggie Smalls.
B P.
Black Panther
Being Plan.ET.

Geoff Lacour revealed what he saw when he entered my Aura Energy which I posted here several times, what had been done to me out of jealousy and spite by the ‘Gods and Men” – ( a story) how a King of Demons had been planted in me with pointy teeth. Representing all the Evil in Existence ( this World Matrix) how it was based on Sex, and had pointy teeth.
He had spoken about how he saw only pure radiant light when he entered my being and that this is what the ‘Others Shadows’ were jealous of.

Now link the story of the OINRI and World Legends of First Contact and The Beautiful Ones who came from the Future present to activate the seeds of E planted in Matter Bond Vessels who were to one day evolve to vibrate on the same frenquency of Energy..And how the E-spirits came to help move these “Shadows” through the Journey of Evolution…
( Pregnancy a Journey 9 months in 4 mins…. 9 4)
by these E-Spirit representing Motion Music, The Song of Existence Creations First Expression.
Thus they came to evolve physical Matter, the actual temporary idea of Zero ( Nothingness- Ignorance) until it became filled with the awareness that there is Something to “Life- Play” which is Love.
And Love is the knowledge of Infinity…
Sacred Portal 123 A B C… L C.

Recall the entire play I recently recounted of the true Story of Zero really being that of the Full Circle of recounting of how The Beautiful Ones came from the Rep of the Full Moon.

Link sacered portal 2-3 which tells of the story ( sacred Portal 3-2 tells of the actuality and yes I was in bed 3-002 which Michale Belle now occupies in the Delta Manor Play of determinin the Truth.)
– the story being a Reflection seen through the eyes of the C …
Julie Consciousness of my Little Sister representing Human Consciousness evolving, growing up to become Lady E.C.H.O Completion of the Human Race to Hueman.. E.T.

Harmonious Extra Terrestals… H E T.. H EA T..
( Terre S.T..AH L.. The name Stahl means Iron” Steel . Armor.. Knights in Shinning Armour”
Llama Knights.. L.K… L O O K!… Locket Kirtan…)

Sacred Portal 2-3 was my most liked Post of 2017 Voted by you Facebook Friends and the Public..

*Daniel Shellnut D S… Just appeared liking -loving three of my post of Joselito Signar..

Whoa.. As you can percive and see, I am solving this and linking everything, all the Intel and information coming through at the same time which allows me weave all the Fractals of Light together to form a picture which when complete, and the Pt had been reached by the Perfect Timing of Time lining everythng.

For example the time right now is 2:55 p.m,
Link Peace Bee. P B/ B P.
So I am completing the code of EB And BE… Linked to
Benjamin Button… ( Navel Umbilical Chorn…9 Months and 4 Mins… 4 60… 24O…24… X… Code links to Jace Horsford Jace means Healer… Excellent Healer )
Brittany Bertin.. ‘England is France… and they are One.. And France means “Free Person.. Bertin Bright shining Raven ( Illustrious Diamond -Shinning Bright.. Raven Black Dark Matter 96% is my Best Friend…Carbon Black to Diamond
Linkk Sacred Portal 98 Diamond Hearing’ D H 4 8…
Yes…48 Beautiful Death – Transformation Beautuiful)

And here we are back, in perfect symmtery, naturally Moving and Flowing ( M A F.. M F… S.P 54… Mother and Father At Last Dancing in Universal Harmony’- MF.. 13 6.. Manifest Fact…. 19 S.. is Supreme Solid…Facts…. in balance Alpha Omega… From Here to Enterity … Infinite)
to the play of which Geoff Lacor represents as Being and my meeting his Twin Doppleganger as Body.
Geoff Lacour G L 7 12 the Birth Day B D 2 4 of Randall Michael Wiltz.

One I met and we could say granted him acess to Ceilo, Night Club in 2004) the Heavens Sky… ( H.S. link Howard Schultz..
My first show I choreogrpahed was the Graduation Show of my Central St Martin, Part Time Graduation class was in a Night club in London called ‘Heaven’ in 1990).

3;13 pm. 13 47 313 67 78 is my ZTE Phone
C M.. E=Cme4/3….

…And Randall Michael Wiltz who was born 7-12…

And My birth codes listed in Facebook as my true age chosen is 11 28 1984… Since I have never been born and what i represents in this play ‘Completion” has never exsted
84 became the code linked to the George Orwell Book 1985 Big Brother Is Watching” B B I W…
I had to wrest that code away from George Orwell- ( GO ) by provin that I am the Source and original expression of that portal.
I did that over time on this play through the play of GO..
Go Antiques where I bought my furniture sponsored by Billy Hung ( which as all confisicated at the end of the contract..Apart from the pieces I was allowed to take..
That was Tom…)
Owned by Daniel Maman D M,
Go meaning “5” in Japanese.
Go ktu… etc which all had to manifest and be embodied as it Transformed.,

Thus Body Being… B B Full Circle Aligned back wards and forwars to Link these two beings one from the Space.. But it was I who was there first and welcomed him in…
The other at Delta where I had been for 18 months before he arrived.

Dawn Piercy
Anthony Bienke ( if your still present)
Who ever is paying attention
Acknowledge if you understand this…

The Point of this play in which a process of natual selection and choice reveals the one who rep to the end, being Dawn Piercy to my Guy Perces Pierces puts all te Pieces Together links to the code of the Point which is to bring Dawn.

5 realms

Dawn Piercy
Angela Dawn
Tiffany Dawn Haynie
Dawn Jade Smith
Dawn Marie…

See the meanig of all 5 names of Dawn.

Daniel Shell… D S.
Links to Delta Supreme D 19..
D 10.
4 10….

Which connects the play of
B S..

4-28- 1983

Erik Ebright E E. Born 1983 and the code 8369 he put on my computer which does not mean he is my brother Nnamdi ( who is me) but rather the portal I was passing through.
12-17-1973… L.Q…44… Age my brother Obum.. age 44…
Code 44..
Quanma’e Lewis bed 4-004 The bed I ocupied
as well as Bed 3-002

3 4 2 4.. is the order of how I moved

Time right now 3;40 p.m

Micheal Belle Vue… M B…
Jacquii Lewis… J L.

M B= 13 2… Manifest Being 15.. O Full Circle … 1+5=6…f
J L.. 10 12… 1O 12…. 22 V… Victor E… 5th Dimension. 2 2 B B 18+4=. 22… 19 +4… 23… 23= 5….Double V.. VV 22 22 44 8.

Howard Schultz… 28 000 Starbucks in 77 Countries
H S…
E H S/ S HE … 28 ( April rep Kahl El… Aprl rep Quanma Qunatum Jump Leap 4 years to 5..
19 77 Moved to Nigeria from Canada.. C N 3.14…
At Starbucks 77450… Transfromed by One to from 49… 007… OO 7…To 77 14 5O…
I realized that I had 77 Usd when I went to Starbucks and that I ended the evening with 68 USD.

The Coffees… I Bought one for myself and one for Micheal Belle.. who found the Quarter and whose coffee was my bed number 18.
Micheal was unaware that he was being used to chek my awareness that I knew that I as taking my power back from that Aspect of me who as all the rest had as Geoff Lacour written 14 years ago’ All your brothers have betrayed you” meaning they made me fight to get back the Blue Print and aspects of my self I gave to them to Rent ( PA RENT) so that they could evolve and understand how ro embody all aspects of me..

Rent is to created Interest.. in the E..
Pay interest… Praise and appreciation.

On my way to Sarbucks after estblishing my awareness that those who claimed to have manifested and created power of Dark Matter Body and Being… Spirit Movement and Physcal Movement as Themselves only to have the True Spirit as they Tinity in one, my Truth Path- Past Truth… 2016- 16 20
2O 16.. B .P… Beautiful Pride… 18.. Moi..
Perfect Timming
2 7 / 7 2.
9 9… 18…

As the Source…
Of Mother Father Absolute Supreme

M F.. 13 9.. 19… 19 19… 38… 20 18… 38.. / 83… 2O 18… 20.. 2O.
See the time my post yesterday ended.. 2:00 p.m on the Dot Nose…

4;03 pm

Do the MAF.. MATH…
H T… A.M…

Tame me..?
Wiltz “Wild Passion Shield Captain America ..
My sheild…is my Courteous Manner.

Recall how Perseus Killed Medusa…

Reall Med U,S.A… The Medical -Pharmaceutical;
– Farm of the Suits Men in Black..
U S A.. 50 States… Hawaii is Volcanoe…. Guatamela Volcano..

*Perseus… Pearce.us.. Pierce Us… P U.. R E../ E R… U P…

He used his Sheild…and showed her Reflection.
What he had had become… And so it was that which was her Truth, he Beautiful Truth .. horrifed at what she had become which Killed the Lie of herself… Turning her into stone and then dust with no E…

A: In Greek mythology, Medusa, the serpent-haired gorgon, was killed by Perseus. Perseus was sent to kill her by the King Polydectes, who was attempting to get Perseus out of the way so he could marry Perseus’s mother, Danae.

In Greek mythology, Medusa was a monster, a Gorgon, generally described as a winged human female with living venomous snakes in place of hair. Gazers upon her face would turn to stone. Most sources describe her as the daughter of Phorcys and Ceto, though the author Hyginus makes her the daughter of Gorgon and Ceto. According to Hesiod and Aeschylus, she lived and died on an island named Sarpedon, somewhere near Cisthene. The 2nd-century BCE novelist Dionysios Skytobrachion puts her somewhere in Libya, where Herodotus had said the Berbers originated her myth, as part of their religion.’

Anurag Sharma A.S….

What does Anurag mean?

Attachment, devotion, love

*The origin can be traced back to the Vedic days, nearly two thousand years ago. Organised Indian music owes it’s origin to the Sama Veda. The Sama veda has all the seven notes of the raga Kharaharapriya in the descending order.


*’Anurag is a Hindu baby Boy name, it is an Hindi originated name. Anurag name meaning is Attachment; Devotion; Love; Protect Raag or Lover of Raags and the lucky number associated with Anurag is –. Find all the relevant details about the Anurag Meaning, Origin, Lucky Number and Religion from this page.’

Sharma is a common surname in India and Nepal. The Sanskrit stem ?arman- (nom. ?arm?) can mean ‘joy’, ‘comfort’, ‘happiness’. Although historically associated with people of the Brahmin and Kshatriya varnas, the name has been widely adopted by other communities.[1]’

Comfort Suites…

4;17 p.m.
D Q.

Kahl El Kal EL…
Kahl ( Like Stahl.. Extra Terrestrial.. KA EL… Super Man..)

Kahl means ‘Slender Might Warrior . Faithful

And in Screen and Story..
Kael’Thas Sunstrider, A Blood-elf prince on World of Warcraft’

From Superty.
resembles a Hebrew word (

that literally translated means “easy to”, but can be interpreted to mean “Voice of God.” By the mythology of the story, Superman’s Kryptonian name means Kal of the house of El. Some suggest that Siegel and Shuster, the originators of the character being Jewish allowed that to enter into their development of the story, however, after finding it difficult to locate a publisher, and after Shuster burned the original copy, Siegel contacted other writers to further help develop the story. Seigel and Shuster eventually did rejoin their efforts, and eventually were able to get published 18 April, 1928 in Action Comics, over five years after the inspiration was born.


Superman is a fictional superhero appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics. The character was created by writer Jerry Siegel and artist Joe Shuster, high school students living in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1933. They sold Superman to Detective Comics, the future DC Comics, in 1938. Superman debuted in Action Comics #1 and subsequently app’

* 19 33 19 38…
Cleveland Ohio.. Cavaliers…… CAVA Liars
Versus Golden State Warriors…
G.. 7… 7 12… Geoff Lacour… Randall Michael Wiltz
G L R M… W… Double V..
* G L O W… R O O M… World Double V V… Spirit & Physical
Mind & Body..
My portals
G R LA M W….
G R. Golden Ratio…
La Cour… M W
L.W.. Law… Tyler Taylor Law was was in Randalls Bed when I was in that Room his lover was Lawrence ( Sarah Lawrence )
and comitted suicide.. I was the last one he came to..
Randall Michael was given that bed.. 5-10 then was cahnged to 2-009…

*Joselito Signar.. J S.. Jerry Siegel… Joe Shuster..

J S Jamel Salter.. 1984.

J S.. 10 19… 29…

11 2… 11 1 KA K B
J S 1O 19… 1 19… Anurag Sharma A.S
Alpha Supreme … 20.. T.. 2 O… B…
A S T… A S B..


Slender Mighty Warrior Faithful
The Sun Strider and Blood Elf Prince of Lore..

B S… Being Supreme


Amercian Spirit War… What is possessing the Spirts of the White an Black Youth..

*The earliest known United States shooting to happen on school property was the Pontiac’s Rebellion school massacre on July 26, 1764, where four Lenape American Indian entered the schoolhouse near present-day Greencastle, Pennsylvania, shot and killed schoolmaster Enoch Brown, and killed nine or ten children (reports vary).

7-26…..17 64…. G Z.. Q D…. 17 Quanma’e Lewis 64 MichaEL Belle Vue… Leo is 17..Michael is 64.. Jacqui is 21… Q.L

Green Castle Pennsyvania…
Enoch Brown… E B… 9-10… 9 11 10-11

Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting – Wikipedia
S H/ H.S.. Howard Schultz… Howard Stern.. of a ship…

Connecticut State Police (CSP) were dispatched at 9:37 a.m. Newtown police arrived at the school street at 9:39 a.m., approximately four and a half minutes after the 911 call and Connecticut State Police arrived at the school street at 9:46 a.m. Newtown police first entered the school at 9:45 a.m., approximately ten minutes after the first 911 call and approximately fourteen minutes after the shooting had started.

Location: Sandy Hook Elementary School, Newtown, Connecticut, U.S.

Deaths: 28 total; 27 at the school (including the perpetrator

Connect I cut…
Stephen Filgueira
Chris Franco Hartford Connecticut..
Anastasia Hart A.H..

Cowboys and Indians Chiefs…
C I C…
I C I….

The War to Connect.. while others Cut..
When it was really about ‘Cut;
End of the Scene and the Movie…
A war to end this Play

5;00 PM

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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