
6/6/2016 0:32 – Facebook Post

7:49 p.m.

G.D..I…/ I.D…G

See sacred Portals 7… and 49…

5-6-9…E.F.I… Meaning COW…Sacred Cow… and “Strong”
No Cowards…

6-5-9…F.E.I…Meaning “Winged and Swift”…”To Fly…

Strong Wind Flight….

656 Face Book Friend.. Time and Number Correlates.

8:00 p.m.

I am wearing a T-Shirt which belongs to Erik… He happened to be wearing two, my cloths in the wash.. I asked him if I could borrow one…And he literally passed me the cloths off his back..

I had noticed when he had put it over that which he was wearing..purple and grey and had commented that would he not be too hot..

I am wearing it now.. It is a brick orange, T shirt…with a Skull..
(*Please recall yesterdays play of the Skull…equation…Death)
The Skull has locks of hair and is wearing a Nike Head Band….

Nike is the Yoruba messenger of Fire…

In the west She is Nike (; Greek: ????, “Victory”, Ancient Greek: ), in ancient Greek religion, was a goddess who personified victory, also known as the Winged Goddess of Victory.[1] The Roman equivalent was Victoria. Depending upon the time of various myths, she was described as the daughter of the Titan Pallas and the goddess Styx, and the sister of Kratos (Strength), Bia (Force), and Zelus (Zeal).[2]”

See the Date Codes..
Now recall that Erik Ebright’s name is also Zeal…Erik Zeal..E.B…
(Eazee Being…)
Bia is also an Igbo word for Come…”Come with Force..Strength..?”
And code for BIA-FRA…Nigeria -Bia-fra…

Please recall that Nenad M. Djurdjevic posted Winged Nike on Mothers Day which brought out the Intel from both my Mother and my Uncle both having dreams the same day of my being tortured in the Spirit World… And how their group of Seers, sent the message that it was about a Promise I made with what people have coined as God… But really it was with E..Existence and the C..the Child…..

Thus, if we take in all the factors right to the play of 48 to even the license plate numbers…and sacred portal, one understands the Orange… R.O.Y-G,G.B.I.V..R…The 2nd Color in the Spectrum.. 2nd…T.W.O…Do Rey (King)…Ray….Line….Of Symmetrical Perfection…

S.P.. Saturn Pluto… Sacred Portal…69…

*After 4 years of giving non stop details, of which people can understand the linking and 69 Weaving in Balance- of the play as Nenad M. Djurdjevic pointed out…-Just as he did with the name and meaning of Kolo… Represented by myself as my literal name..as well as Izzi Creo..who represents her own representation of it…

I am now “Swiftly Flying” through the posts, no really caring if people understand the posts because after 4 years of torturous explaining while decoding.. if you have not got the gist by now…
And if you are too lazy, to go back… that is cool too…

-I have long since passed the state of caring too much about people getting these codes- because I have laid a solid foundation- History Exemplification and demonstration for 4 years…
That is enough… and I am exhausted and bored with explaining….the obvious.

The Messenger of Death is the T-Shirt I am wearing and most will connect the weave to why I am wearing it- or even why Erik was moved to give me this T Shirt…

Yesterday a close friend of Erik;s passed away…
His name was is Victor….
My English name which my Nanny gave me and my Gmail account I created on the 26 Day at The Bean Cafe with Erik Ebright.. Eternal Law 89- the account name is Victor….

Messiah.. a friend of Erik’s asked me if it was alright if he could call me Victor….

Victor Victoria Nike….

Victor.I, was a friend of E’s from Ohio.. he called him the sage.. he was from Thailand… Erik has been honoring him…

Izzi had a fried called SKY.. who died in a murder suicide awful play…similar play…

Sky ..Sky Speaker Oak was the name of the person I passed through his portal in 2002-3…

Izzi also came with the code of Kolo….

Erik took of a cap I was wearing only to my surprise did I see it had the label Kolo…

Emeka Victor Ikemefuna Kolo… E.V.I..(6) .K… E V.I.K.I.N.G…

These are the facts, which for 4 years having been pointing not just to me, basically the Consciousness which I represent….

Which is why the codes constantly focuses me… because I am obviously playing and being Its Messenger…
And who is God if not Death..And Life…

E.V.I..E 6th…

I have a new face book friend…

Module Kamil Diouf… Module means :

“one of a set of parts that can be connected or combined to build or complete something”

*Fractaling As Emeka Eze…. F.E.E… 655 Face Book Friends…

: a part of a computer or computer program that does a particular job”

Dna encoding, sequencing.. Dne…

“: a part of a space vehicle that can work alone”…

“A Manner.. a Measure”…of Being… Quantified

9:48 p.m.

Kamil… it y
Means “perfect” in Arabic.”

Diouf comes from the Wolof (Senegalese), word for Antelope “Sereer… Beauty and Grace…”

“The surname Joof (English spelling in Gambia) whit its derivatives Juuf / Juf (Seereer proper) or Diouf (French spelling in Senegal and Mauritania) is a Senegambian surname found amongst the Seereer people of Senegal, the Gambia and Mauritania. It derives from the old Seereer word “Njaf” which is the Seereer name for the African antelope which is also the emblem and totem of this family. Seereer surnames in most cases stems from animals or plants and are spiritual in nature. “Njoofene” or “Njuufeen” (Seereer proper) is the clan name of the Joof family. The antelope is supposed to symbolise grace; strength; hard work; royalty and generosity in this Region’s culture. The royal status afforded to this family is evident in the fact that, they have ruled three Senegambian kingdoms for centuries: the Kingdoms of Siin, Saluum and Baol. ”

9:56 p.m

A Perfect Module.. Built in “F.E.E” – completion Unix D.O.S…

*( Unix (trademarked as UNIX) is a family of multitasking, multiuser computer operating systems that derive from the original AT&T Unix, developed in the 1970s at the Bell Labs research center by Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie, and others.

Donna O’Sullivan D.O.S….)

A Space Craft… U.F.O…Esther Ufomadu…. E.U…”The Beautiful Star of the Unified Field O Full Circle is “Madu” Meaning a person who symbolizes Grace, Strength, Hard Work, Royalty (Exemplification) and generosity…..

.A Perfect Module and Model…Of Grace and strength.

12:00 p.m.


Of course this is in response to the equation I posted of Agu Joy Chidera and Toni Kohut….655 F.EE.. Face Book Friends…
‘The leopards- King of the Jungle, Agu the Intense hunger for Joy, starving for it.. that intelligence and message written by pure E-Spirit.
The one highly praise worthy, of inestimable value.. the Rooster of the A.M..Dawn… Evolution Awakening…

And the affirmation of the epic contest staged between the notion of the We.. the People, versus “I the Individual A.M the People…for we are all I… Of 9 months in the Womb… 9 Planets, 9 numbers…9 is letter I…

And so, I am wearing the Orange messenger of Death Nike…
And as has been with all the challengers of the Truth, after presenting all the evidence, I accept Izzi Creo challenge, exquisitely negotiated between the two of us, as to which consciousness is Supreme..
The We Kolo… of the Wheel and the ancient right of the Individual suppressing the I for the WE…Which from childhood, I have fought with every breath of my body.. the sacrificing of the I for the “We” community, family, country….

The I chooses to sacrifice if he wishes to, if She wishes to.. that is an Individual choice..
And the I of the Individual is not the Ego so profaned in modern times in that brain washing idea of the We or the Collective.. which has never ever found a module which works…
Capitalism, Communism, Socialism, Democracy…none of these models have ever worked…

Always it calls for the suppression of the Individual…
And yet Existence is the I… Ego…
The Example and the Exemplification of the Sacred Portal…
The Symmetrical Perfection of Being in Existence…
Ego means “Monet Wealth” in O.INri Igbo…
and backwards..Oge which means Time and Dawn…

And so, the Rooster Calls.. Lakshimi Abundance called to me even here today….
and the Example of the I.E… I Ego…I Eg..O..Eternity, accept the challenge of “Mother Nature”.. and the We.. as Fraud and allow the Echo Confirmation to bring forth the Truth…
The Eternal Truth with each representing their principle..
Only one can be the Truth…

And the other Non Existence… N.E….
26..Z..Zeina meaning Beauty…N.E…Natural Evolution…
Or 26..z as Zombies… Death… Non Existence…

This is the Challenge both accept…

12:21 p.m.

Erik Ebright EE…6O st… Referee,…

And so let the Play.. Respond as to which is the Eternal Truth… the I… or the WE…

And as you all recall. I have stated that there is no such thing as W… 23 is 32…B.C (The Past…? Before Christ…? Light)…32…
T.L..2012.. 32.. 5..5th Dimension.. E…

True Love…

12:23 p.m.

And so in this play let the one which is of Non Existence become non existent and the one which is E.T..Eternal Truth… C… E.T.C..I..Infinity rise… and end the Existence of that loathsome Jesus Story and disease of Self Sacrifice for those who are “Week Meek.. lazy….for all are created with light… become non existent..
To become Extinct…

For W is Double V.. Victor Victoria.. VV… V=5…EE…

And let it be the end of the Human Species and the birth of the Hue-Man Beings… Zorro Zeina… The Return of the Hero’s of the Golden Dawn… The Beautiful Ones..


12:29 p.m



Life is B.I…Sexual..

Light Blue Infinity…

Big Light Blue Lighter.. Small one..
2nd day at 26 N.E 60th Street ..Casa De Bodhi…

12:31 p.m.

And the Challenge is to the Mother Matter Spirit realm…


12:32 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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