
6-58 pm – 7:05 pm. – 12-16-5. – L.

6-58 pm

7:05 pm.


The Joker and The Jokers.

There is not much to say anymore, it has been a long dubious script, I have personally had to navigate to reach 9-11 and now 9-12 years on Facebook, each person was allowed to respond and vote in any way they wished, via their expression action- a very democratic process, to the evidence and facts I was compelled to present for your discernment.
And there have been Tricks, set up, roadblocks, and demoralizing plays by every line and frequency of Existence, challenges, even from the E Family – sacred portal 56, and as you can see the script is moving back through all the lines of Existence, Being back to the One who became two.
Through a play of 7,9 Billion People to 97, 1-16 16. 1- 63 63, 1 32 ( S.P 1 32 A.B)= 33 and/or 1.5 and 1 63 63 =1 26 A-Z to 27.

33=1.6-9. A.F.I. -1 15. 1-O.-
27= A-Z- A-A.- 9.I.

33+27= 60. J.S.L.S=60.

I believe Laura Walsh quoted that time today as temp, today.

Today, I find myself at 3070 Facebook Friends.
3070 = 10-00.
30+ 70= 100.

It aligns to Sacred Portals 10 and 100.
10 is the Dream of the One Father with Baphomet Beauty as your Idea of the Devil, who is really Pan. And sacred portal 100 as Pan and the Music and the manifestation of his One Expression.

Pan as you all know means All and Everyone, everything, Whole and Complete.

*”Pan-, a prefix from the Greek ???, pan, meaning “all”, “of everything”, or “involving all members” of a group.”

*”word-forming element meaning “all, every, whole, all-inclusive,” from Greek pan-, combining form of pas (neuter pan, masculine and neuter genitive pantos) “all, …”

All-Inclusive, which is my rebuttal and response to the notion that the Future of this reality and your bodies and beings concern everyone, everybody, everywhere, not just the made to bring the truth to your attention, who was treated like your lowliest slave, even in your homes where I was sent to observe and deliver a message to you.

I finally was allowed to complete the play of D.J.S represented by Dina Singh, Dina Singh Ji who I made First Contact with while living at 268 East 4th Street- Generation X Gardens in 2006 which is where the code of the Monarch Butterfly code began which Laura Walsh again confirmed even a day before it came out in the Play as Pandora and Pan Door Ahs Daughter.
Pan Door Ah.
All Gifted.

Pan was Jae Sherman’s play, and the last source of Conflict, Pan is not a Half man, Half Goat of childish human representation, nor is he the Devil.
Kim Arthur Hinds Jr door has the signature of Pans Labyrinth as well as 66 on his door.
No, Pans Labyrinth is an allegory, a metaphor.
Its reality is A.LL. Everyone, Hand Soap- Harmony Supreme, “Your Hands are Clean” of any Blame of Responsibility in your life and in doing harm to others.

Pontious Pilot.

Hence Liberty C sending data and notice of Arden inheriting is Father “Chris Gemino’s -Eri” Black Honda Pilot. A-A 45009.
Pan is a man, and also, A Beautiful youth who became a Beautiful Man.

7:58 pm.

Recall the play of the intel of the asteroid which almost hit the Earth on the 16th?

*”A giant asteroid almost hit earth on September 16, but because it came from the direction of the sun, scientists missed it

If you heard a whooshing noise recently, you weren’t imagining it—there was indeed a gigantic asteroid that almost hit earth this month. And NASA didn’t see it coming.

The asteroid, named 2021 SG, has a diameter of around 42 to 94 m, with a diameter or around 68 m, which makes it around half the size of the great pyramids.”

*”An asteroid barely missed Earth last week, and no one knew it was coming”

What was interesting is the date posted as Sept 16th.
Which is the date I moved into the Delta Manor Shelter.
9-16 but in 2016, and this intelligence states 2021= 41-5 E.
And yet we received the news two days ago…”

*”But with a diameter of just 6.6 feet (2 meters), UA1 was too small to pose a threat. Even if it had struck Earth, most of its rocky body would have burned away in the atmosphere before it could hit the ground, CNET reported.Nov 2, 2021″.

8:20 pm

What I find most interesting is that Nasa had no idea.

8:29 pm.

Nor did anyone apart from the few in Harmony like Liberty C who sent the intelligence to me.

It means that non of you even your greatest scientist have any clue when your world planet would end.

So who is paying attention?

As I stated, that it is reminiscent of the Book and Film Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy.

And the response- I observed Jae Shermans play, smh response, Garbage, her response was to leave the Garbage in the bathroom yet again, I am tired at being treated like the servant and slave, I left it at her door, she accused me of leaving it there for her to fall and trip.
The truth is, I loathe Filthy People.

She instead chose to make it all about her and being a victim.
I did not, and do not bother to even address it, “Clean up your shit” is all I said, no one, especially Me, is your servant and slave.
I was not perturbed.

8:43 pm.

It’s the nature of this play, the narcissist’s way, even if the world planet was coming to an end, it is still about them, even if Divine Intervention intervenes- there is no sense of appreciation just this expression. This is the play theater and what it wished me to see and experience, no matter that he is confirmed as The Creator, The Source.
That is why she is here, and representing the No Way, the Block.
Did she call me Passive Aggressive to make her fall? I do not pay attention to her.

8:49 pm
Harmony Sacred Portal 49.

8:50 pm.

I am just taking in her role and part in this Cosmic Play.
And my taking my cue.

Familiarity breeds Contempt.
And I have enough contempt by now, so full of it. S.P 59.
For this script and play script.

Suzette Suzette S.S.

Janet Martin J.M

Hazel Barth H.B

Joyce Gussie J.G

Baye Modou Niass Niass B.N B.M.N.N.


S.S.J.M. H.B. J.G. B.N ( B.M.N.N)

S S is 1 38 Universe 1919 = 38- 1 38 =39 C.I.
S.J is not Jae Sherman J.S is it?
It is more aligned to S.J, Stephen Johnson 26 Mutual Facebook Friends, 26 is Z. at J.S who is not in the script except as the Embodiment of all that does not exist, in the script.

So yes I rose for the last few days and today, taking my cue, and aware of it, that I was being moved by it, and agreeing to be moved by it, just to end this god damned awful script and shit show of Big Mouths. J.G? see sacred Portal 107.

First letters.

S.J. H.J.B.

Last Name Letter.

S.M. B.G. N

SM= 32= 5. B.G 2 7= 9. N= 14-5.

Sacred Portal 59 Full Circle.

Nnamdi- Emeka.
Natures Evolve.

9;10 pm

Sacred Portal 910/ 10-9.

9 11 pm.

E.I. September 11 2001. 21=3 C Third Planet from the Sun. Sum.

9:12 pm.
I. A.B.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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