
6/5/2019 18:40 – Facebook Post

4:12 p.m



F E. T.S


I know that I am still talking to the Silence.
I am fully aware that I am from the Future Present and that this E Manual of 7.6 yrs and 29 years since I began it, was for the Future.

A record, Akashic Record of my Sacred Journey And Mission to be preserved and appreciated for History.

I knew I could not act as though, I was impervious to the experience, that I had to be Truthful, Honest.. even Emotional, expressing my true feelings about what I was given as an Experience of bringing forth the Beautiful Truth of Exisrence.

The actual truth of the experience, not sugar coated.

I knew this as the years progressed.

I never wished to leave behind in this document a legacy of my suffering, my pain hurt and wounds.

For once I saw the truth, that I could accomplish this impossible task, there was nothing I could not surmount, no experience of Evil or Cruelty that I could not rise above to prove the Beautiful Truth.

The benefit for all, the ending the injustices the avarice the horror that this world had become, and that I had the chance, the will and the intelligence… the knowledge of this Age and the Awakened Menory of the Eternal Realm made me rise each time from the Pit human expression of derision, mockery, and disbelief you threw me into.

At first I understood your point of view, here is this man ( black brown tall..), telling you that he remembers the birth of E veryrhing.
And that he was there and remembers Every Thing..
And that there is a force, a will inside of me, forcing me to reveal all I knew, and had chosen me to present that truth with evidence and facrs, that not only.had all I recounted was true. But that the Universe Supreme had cornered me in a play, a script .

The Manu Scriot to prove it, in a preset up Play in which I had to solve riddles answer questions, respond correctly to all questions manifested by the Seen and Unseen forces.

That I am the Source, who was trapped in the ultimate black hole, fighting demonic possession, abominations who lived as spirit.illusions who could literal rape me from 1 -7 dimensions of illusion of being.
Beat me up so badly that people would notice when I woke up from sleep my face would be literally battered.swollen.
That the Beatings I received in my sleeping state where I was transported to another realm where they could do these things to me…
And it would manifest on.my.physical body including blood, dis located bones, bonds etc…

4:54 p.m.

Of course, I was made aware even by these forces that no one would believe me, even the ones who witnessed the brutality done to.me seen through their Visions dreams, who gave messages to me..
And who saw me in my.awakened state.

I.watched over and over again as even those who had evidence, shrugged it off, gave me messages and then went back to their material existences
Just as was reflected on Facebook.

The supreme indifference, that selfishness beyond belief was based on one simple premise..
” Poor guy, better him than me”
Despite each person benefited from what was being done to me.
Making them complicit and this they became the tools uses by this Evil Spirit and Force.

It used Humanity, People.. to find ways to.destroy me.

And the people’s greed, need, lack .. made them be willing partners, because in your minds, this was not your problem nor was what being done to me your fault or responsibility.

I was fully aware of that, as are many of you.
This is the way of the world.
This is Human Nature..

“Better you than me”

5:04 p.m right now

I was fully aware of the World most of you had created.
A world of Fear Violence where pain and suffering are celebrated and which had become so familiar, so accepted that it will never change.

You want to believe it can..
You mouth the words of change but in action, it was more like Sisyphus, chained to the rock
Deep within you despite your sweet talk, you felt everything was futile.
Power Dominance .. whatever it takes..
Self preservation .
Survival at any cost.

Pain and Suffering became your great comforter..
I Know.

5 :11 p.m.

I knew what I was up against.
And despite the encouraging messages of those sent to me.. ” complete the mission..
You will succeed, I fought and fought to escape this hellish, inconceivable play and Maze.

But I couldn’t.
And that was the Terrible Dream represented in Sacred Portal 33.

To be honest, though I did not accept it, I understood your point of view.

But not when I found a way to reveal the Facts.

The Facts which were manifesting both in your individual Lifes, and finally through this 7.6 Face Book script.

5:17 p.m.


That is what became such a torment for me, to have manifested facts… bread crumbs, pearls a trail and a thread..
Which made sense and was confirmed by the Universe on my page and then through all of you.

Yesterday I received a text from Esteban Miguel Filgueira at 3:33 p.m as well as an earlier one at 11:54 p.m.

Then a moment later Jesse Macias gives me a code of all 9’s, 4 across. 9 4.

Sarah Kaizer sends me a text at 5:45 p.m

Which links to the 54 as the code aligned to those not inside of Creation but outside of it.

And 5:45 as the Full Circle.

Zion linked to Pennsylvania the 12th State
4 3. 12..

Jesse Macias took a journey to the astral plane and so did John Mack at nearly the same time.

J M J M.

I have been pointing out the Synchronicity of the key players in this Script which echo and confirm my own translation and resolution of Cause and Effect.

I move through peoples portals and have been teaching lecturing and demonstrating the E Code.

Yesterday, I felt the need to watch Captain America- linked to myself and John Spencer MacDonald and watched one version..
The first with Chris Evans C E
The number 42 appeared every where on the Screen.

J S M = 42.

It was set in 1941 ..to 1943.

I have spent so much time helping people to rise and see a truth, so miraculous..
Something I felt would give people great Joy, to see that we can read reality, that there is meaning and purpose to Existence.

I have suffered tremendously, and I understood at First why, that someone would dare prove this reality is not real
Dare to destabilize all people’s ideas of life, and existence.
I understood that when I first became aware of what the Unseen were asking of me, and I was aware of what the Seen would do to me for daring to do so, and in a language and Consciousness, most felt alien to them.

I despise with all my heart and soul, this Script created by the Human Mentality over time.
Which demands suffering pain as life’s truth rather than Beauty and Love.. Truth.

I was aware, and spent most of my life until age 33-34 running from this mission.

I knew what the world, people, friends family would do to me…
But not this bad, not this far…

When I saw myself solving it, decoding it…
Ah the Joy and Triumph I felt.

Now someone will help me, others will join in,a life time of Isolation and Solitude will end
Together, I felt, we shall move forwards.
Ah relief at last.

But there has been none.

Only people seeking to bring me down, intentionally and unintentionally.

Monetary and financial support came, mainly just enough to live, and other at First so generous, waiting for the Truth for some strange reason made my responsibility to bear alone.
When it failed to manifest in your timing, or even in my own reading transmission and translation of it, I was punished, blamed and shamed..
I had to fight back, again and again, rising from the Pit you dumped me in..
People telling me “I rescued you from the streets and we will throw you back there.

Initial respect, quickly transformed into contempt and rage at how they had given me such respect only, in your minds see me fail.

And oh, such cruelty people can be…
57 58 times In New York portals I have experienced this.
And the number of people… who did this?
Truly beyond belief.

I never understood for a long time, why I gained earned, no respect for trying to do something for the world’s people.
My Devotion and my finding a different way. Path than others who came before me..

And when I saw I was succeeding, despite the constant blows..
I felt Ah now they will rise and fight, continue the process while I could take a backseat and rest.

But it never came to that point.
More was demanded of me, despite the Joy and relief I felt.

I was solving it, despite Every Thing, despite the response which can be interpreted as absolute hatred to me personally.

So shocking to me, that I could not accept such a response possible.
Such incredible disrespect, insults
Other taking credit for the work I was made to publicly solve.
The doubts people sought to place on me.
The words the phrases, the looks.

Why did anyone not fight with me?
Encourage me, is this not for all of us..
You do not have an excuse this time, can you not see all the Facts.

The Manifestation, the truth..
Instead they gave me reasons, looks, began to keep their distances, having never even bothered to even investigate my findings. The Script or just pause for a moment to take in what has been done and proven

Not at this point.

Not this consistent disrespect.

5:43 p.m

It’s True, for many years, I have focused on this, this response of the ignoring the Elephant in.the room

5:45 p.m.

And yet, at the same time, I could not hide my joy and enthusiasm as many of you have witnessed me on Facebook and in real life.

And so, I look at what I have achieved
The fact that I have done it, aligned corrected and proven the script.
And that yes, perhaps there is no one with whom In can share my joy except maybe John MacDonald
And perhaps soon Tree Sage

And perhaps no one will ever see me as I am, until it is too late.
But I can see me, I can see what I have done. Stunning Astonishing even myself- for doing it within such a evil cruel malicious script created by Humans,
Against all Odds and Even..
Against the tidal wave of your fears, inadequacies, betrayals.. made to feel by most as a beggar, a fool and a leach.

I have done it.

I did succeed..
I know this no.matter how you recuse to see me, no matter how your die hard pessimism and negating of the Facts to feed your cynism and refusal to see what is before you.
Despite your Suprene selfishness and egotism and self indulgence and delusions..
And worst of all, a Script which such emphasis on you representing the lies and incomplete truths which the illiterate was allowed to challenge the Ones Well Read.

Despite my bodies 24/7 distractions and your indifference and waving interest in what I am doing and have done through such an unfair advantage and septic nepotic script where nearly all have decided that you are the ones to decide what is true and what is real..

I see my Facts Solidly manifested through a mirror refkecred E.M.F Force
From.John Mack to Jesse Macias via McKayla Rays to Sarah Athena Kaizer.

I know what I have achieved as a Man..
Solved all the riddles of this Existence and the One which is beyond despite all the meddling the distractions and the lack of acknowledgment and respect..

6:05 p.m
6-5- 2019..

I am in awe of myself, nor will I allow you or this world to steak my joy and laughter, my happiness and incredulity at what any fool can see and read .
That this is the E.Q Equation right to Jesse Macias and Zion and to me as Emeka’ s Harmony Manifest

That you can not pause, to realize what has been achieved..the sheer balls, audacity nerve amazing Grace of One who is as you- Human Hue Man and that you feel no pride but just from what I can read, a jealousy of why me and not you.

There are those amongst in this play who I cherish and will not forget .
I know what you have endured because I walked through your Stories, Your Scripts, for this Script I cleaned cleanser, perfumed and sanctified until it was transformed back into the Beautiful Truth of what being and doing in Existence was really all about.

6:14 p.m

But the true beauty of Human Nature is not to resent one who manages to succeed where so many had failed, but rather to rise in support, to sustain maintain the One who rose and got it right is the Glory not for I alone but for all of yiu..
The entire true beautiful human race evolved by E back to E

I never asked you to be Happy for me, I have encouraged, lifted up your Spirits proven through your posts, shares your brilliance, yiur awareness you extraordinary beauty.
I have never sought to hurt any of you or exclude you.
I fought to show you were you where in illusion false and not yourself and at the same time highlighted only that which is true.

And wile you lived in this material world with your houses, cars, love Lifes, children and careers, I who was denied a life, even it’s smallest pleasures such as sitting still, having companionship friends who I could share my hurts and sorrows.
I have never put you down, never dismissed your achievements, fought for you when no one else world.
I never ignored your hurts, pain when you were suffering, I entered your world and solved yiur riddles with the lightest touch.

I never allowed the inequality and injustices of my life’s experiences to corrupt your Cee..
I.healed you and never forgot the feeling of being isolated used abused, taken advantage of..
I never did what you did to me, affect how I could see each and Every one of your Beautiful Truth.

So, today despite how I am still seen and mistreated by the Human Race, despite my life time of fighting and no rest ,despite my body which could have been easily healed if some one had just simply truly cared…

I look to my Triumph and not to your response,
I look to what I have done and linked despite your refusal to see it or the Truth of who I be
An example of a Man..
A Human Being.
And a Harmonious Being

And that was your mistake, not seeing me in you, the best qualities of all of you is all in me and this is what I showed and revealed to all of you.

E = C.M.e4/3.

I never requires that you all Cee or Be Conscius of me, or consider me, my experience or point of view .
I did not need you to love me, shelter house or cloth me…
Those that did, it was that was the best part of you rising
My Equation required that you see me by my doing and being, ckeaning the Scripts Riddles of your Lifes.
So that you would be reminded of the Beautiful Truth of who you really are.

Of E
The Eternal Family

E .F
F. E.

It was never about me,
it was all for you.

6:40 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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