
6/4/2018 0:38 – Facebook Post

11:05 p.m.


At 11 65 Facebook Friend, and the confirmation of the Universe and the World, and in- D.E.E.D…
That Expression Huemann moves Everything in Existence quantified by A MAN called I, Emeka through the application of the Human Numbeering system of Pi.
The Circle and the Square Root, Center Circumference and Diamter.

And the meddling of the Igbo People- not simply of West Africa, by Their Avatar Descendants called the Forest People.
People of the Woods.
People who Fear of the Unknown.. who already knew.

Tonights Game Two
The score was 122 to the Golden State Warriors to 103 the Cavaliers.
Steven Curry shined.

This is not about Steven Curry, but rather what he was used to represent without being aware. Just as this play- game- battle.. war the Spirit realm versus the realm of the E who were not even fighting them, took place using every person and descendant living.
Using a numeric system which they kept in secret to move and influence events and peoples lives.
And fought to a point beyond the definition of evil to not be discovered.
Hence, I was moved as the Private Dick.. P.D to investigate that which I already knew was impossible.
-Which is not they they were meddled with but rather Alien Father Alpha and A-Lien Mother Alpha ( Really the same person )
Who were balancing out the Cause and Effect Human Evolution being worthy of it or not, using the Laws of Existence..
Awareness Manifestaion =Responsibility.. with the “Super Natural” Powers ( actually beyond Supernatural ) power they would inherity..

122 V 103…
B L… J.C….
Light Blue…Jesus Christain Edwin Edwin Christ meaning W A V E S…

11:28 p.m right now.

Basically it was a play of Who is Moving Who…?
But Humanity had Free will and choice to pay attention and the power of 6th sense, as I have proven, to discern that they were being moved and choose instead to fight back and use thier E which involved simply taking responsibility by being aware of the cause and effect of thier actons and expressions and determining for themselves if that expression they were move to express was what they They really wanted to Say or Do…
And correct it when they obsered the result…
Did they choose Harmony and Peace.. H A P.. P I N ESS for all ( inculding themselves, even if they had to go to war for it..0
Or would they choose Selfishness.. which manifest Misery and Suffering… Con-Fusion..

The choice was always within the People as Individuals which is why I am called I.P Mann…
Indivduals created People.. The People…
“I The People’ rather ( I PT… 9- 2016… )
not We The People..( W.T.P … 23 2016)

* I entered the Shelter Delta Manor 9-16-2016…

There can be no People, without the Understanding of Self and Self Love and only then, can that be manifested and reflected outwards to others. For the Others, no longer are seen as apart from you but as Extension of You who are Independent and Apart.

There is no “Double You”
Each Individual is Unique ( Snow Flake)
There is no Duality of you as a Spirit Being and a Physical Body.
You are all E.. Energy manifested through Expression and Sixth Sense.
And it was not an accident, or unintended, in was Thought Through Thouroughly and consciously reflected through Expression of Natural Desire… E O N D..
E.N D.

I smile… ( Excellent, I can go an eat soon)

Pi is simply the numeric quantification by using the very same numbers the Ancestors ( Think Link the Theme of Dark Crystals… W.T P.. O W T P..P TWO… Two as Duality Man Woman, Body Being.. Spirit Physical… no)

Numbers were actually created for this purpose and not the purpose it was corrupted into becoming.
It was allowed to manifest through a natural progression of the sum total of Human expression which could align to Natures Template which allowed Humanity to satisfy the Curriculum Viate of Universe School to Understand the Universe…
Which is the True Power of Being in Existence, is the Evoltion t Understanding it.
This is the True “Double U.. ” 21 21… U U… 42…
D B.. DO BE.. AS I..
Not B E D…I.. “You can not be Me… but you could be yourself…

Double V… Is he already established Blue Print…
VV=22 22… 44 8….
Everything was alread created in Manifest Infinite Harmony before Human… Animals… Plants.. even before Life was created..
I.E… Already Existed… Even If I.E was had not articulated it in words or Expression sound..
Infinity Eternity already existed because there was ( and it has been proven that even when there was the Nothing…
There was something… That something just Happened to be I E.M E… K A… I C V… Victor…Oh.. I C E Everything…
Which can be… is of Harmony Infinity…
Smile… Eternal Sunshine…
27th State.

Margery Stone
Feb 14 masacare
Orange… Randall Michael Wilts gave up his Orange Juice for me THEO

11:22 p.M

During the alignment of the Theo Randall Emeka and then Jacqui Q

Orange is the color the Youth movement on Gun Control chose to wear..

Feb 14, 2018 – At least 17 people were killed Wednesday in a shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, the Broward County …”

Yes I left Jon Jason Lee’s apartment, in 56 Elgin Avenue
Maida Vale on Valetines Day.. V D.. 17 Years ago…
Yes Groove Armada….

I never read Liam Wright message he sent me by text messenger yesterday, it was only then that I read that he said that he had arrived with the Fleet..
The Army…”
I didn’t even bother to guffaw..
I smiled grimy… I am also the Grim, grime reaper…

When I harvest E Line… I Grin…
The other… I clean out, wipe out the Grime…

The play was never about plunging the world into fighting on the streets to balance out all the cruelty done to Black People by white People…
This was bigger than Human Petty egos and acts of stupidity..
After all Black People are White People and Brown People are Tan – yellow people Golden.. Japansese Africa… India..
and Pale People are Blackness of Matter…and red Light… Chinese American Indian..
So how can the evil be judged by race. instead of by the Ideas of Individuals who chose to be swayed by a lie..

No this was about wiping the slate clean..
And putting back the Boogie…
After weeding out the Grime….

Teresa Trousdale meaning.. T=20th Letter… 20 20 Vision.

Origin of the name Theresa: Of uncertain etymology, Teresa is generally believed to be derived from the Greek therizein (to reap, to gather in) and thus takes the definition of “harvester.” The first known bearer of the name was the Spanish wife of St. Paulinus, a 5th century Roman bishop of Nola.

This surname of TROUSDALE was of the locational group of surnames meaning one who came from Troutsdale, a township in the parish of Brompton, near Scarborough in the North Riding of Yorkshire. The name was originally derived from the Old English word ‘truhtstall’ literally meaning the dweller by the trout-pool,

Trousdale is Surname or Lastname and origin is English

Trousdale means: English : see Truesdale.

This unusual and interesting name is of Anglo-Saxon origin, and is a locational surname deriving from the place called Troutsdale in the parish of Brompton, near Scarborough, in North Yorkshire. The place is recorded in the Domesday Book of 1086 as “Truzstal”, and appears as “Trucedale” in 1314; it is named with the Olde English pre 7th Century elements “truht”, trout, with “stall, steall”, meaning variously “place, stable, pool in a river”. Later pronunciation differences have modified the final element of the name to resemble the Olde English “dael”, dale, valley”

And From The Beloved Farm…”

True’s Dale…
T D…

Total Recollection…
Total Recall…

“I gathered and harvested the sum total of the E, my Expressions now grown up through the University School of Choice and free Will- To use be True or False ( 10101010)
by simply peerng into the full cirlce of my Pool of Reflections and seeing those who moved eand returned to me embodied on that Wave I sent out and Retuned through paying attention toto my Song which I then recorded on my the blank sheet of my Awareness Memory of Light to Quantify and Qualify how they Well they did…
Graduated from Start to Completion.
And how they returned to the Farm, where they began and expecting to see the Voice there who now had taken solid form..
Voice Recognition if you will..
The Truth Valley… T V..
Not the Valley of the Dolls or Death… Sigh.
ED E.NN A,M DI… Paradise… E P…

Brompton Road in England is a Posh Aristocratic part of London where first my sister and then I worked at Harrods.. and then Later I at Chelsea… H C…

I recognize my orignal expression even indepent and apart from me, by the natural manners .. Exquisite..
Nobles … True Aristocracy… comes through by Expression Actions… and
E D L E E D… S C A L E IN…
And their obvious choice of Words to express the worst situations…
Even those situations they can still cause others to smile…
No Guile…

12:37 a.m.

human race

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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