
6/4/2015 6:36 – Facebook Post

6:O3 A.M.

This will be brief.

26 yrs since leaving Nigeria,
(yes 26 yrs is the code as well as 26-8)
-Meaning that this has been about Africa and Uwa the Nri, as well as the E

I have reached the end of thier play and the begining of mine

I stated that the 3OOth Facebook Friend would be me…
Laker Brenda (*excuse me for tagging you so often)
Means the Stream the pool (lake) and “The Work”
And Brenda means “Flame and Torch”

Carrying through stream of Consciousness Awareness the pool of the sources reflection Truth by doing the work of carrying the Torch and Flame to the end

Today once I finished the play with Georges-Philippe Roc my arm kept on involuntarily going up as I held my coffee.
As if not only was I carrying a Torch but that someone was raising my hand..
Three times then four.
I saw George raise his arms to and he stated it was involuntary, which I believe based on what I already recounted what happened next.

This NRI mission of Peace was not something I was aware of and would never imagined that such a Supernatural force existed if I had not spent years investigating what was happening to me.

I have memory of before Existence.
All written down here streaming at which,
most saw I could not stop.
They came from a pool of my refkections which I wrote about and described earlier over and over sgain.
Recollection on the Silver Screen of my First Eye….
And I spoke sbout “The Work” which became a catch phrase with New Yorker who knew me and the play…
The Flame as in the twin flames was proven and spoken about as well as Jah Fire proven over and over again by echo affirmation Existence
Lord of the rings was played out…
As the Quintero.. Olympic Games.
Mount Olympus…

…But as I stated my truth was challenged and I was obviously in a race ( an artist came one day to the Green House and did a marvellous painting of me as the Running Man)
and a war and contest to prove this Truth compelled by the one True God N who wished to prove that Existence was not s title it was earned (but the first time I recall rising it was with Bliss Extase.. This renditon of it as pain Suffering to be daily is the greatest and most unforgivable blasphemous… So when you hear me spluttering indignantly, you might just understand the horror done to the true version)

I have existed as a Man here in this realm had jobs earned income had apartments even one I had gutted and revamped to buy…

But in me, without a doubt is Gode as the Nature of Everything.
And for me to say this it took years and others on the first year on Facebook to call it out before.

This was not my play but His…

Yes, he is me in my greater incarnation and the illusion of separation was created in order to prove Harmony but also to give reasons as to how it was a Man…
A “DE Vine” man who brought forth Everything into being so naturally and with such ease it brought forth music a magestrial Symphony and Sight…
This Creation is its reflection on a mirror not polished.
The Copy

And how in hindsight he understood immediately how it he did it with foresight.
Which created a Balance of Hindsight Foresight which Created the Constant…C..
Line of V…C V ..Sight
Curriculum Vitae if you will

Everything is already clearly stated here on this 39 month web.
Over and over again.

Everyone has an I.D undercover representing some aspect of Existence.
This is what the 299 Facebook friend here represent…
C OO ..
What formed Consciousness.

As I stated it was a play.

It was for the Evolution of Man
But also the Evolution of Nature.
And evolution of the Idea of God
to Its true name Harmony

See sacred portal 121…

There was alot of meddling and cause and effect in this original play of
Which was mirrored on Facebook and on the streets of New York.

I had nothing to prove and thus, was unwilling to from the start to finish.
My permission was never asked

And I only agreed to prove that there is Harmony in Existence….even here.
1989..25 yrs ago.

But something “stowed” away with me in 1988 when I left Nigeria

All in All this is what I had to figure out on my own, with occasional help through these long years of isolation solitude and non stop study.

How was this possible…?

This is how my research on human evolution came about..

By what was happening to my body because I could not accept the idea of Evil as a Force of Nature in Existence …shocked me.

Because even in Nature everything serves a function.

Something moving my body like a Royal Courtier it was as if there were a non stop flow of Entities passing through my body, being birthed and occupying me that at some points my Mouth just open I would murmur..
“I am grand central station”
But through my experience of both Nature and the Nature of humanity- it evolved to Exists in this play.
And I have experienced its Lie and its Truth.
The reason it came in then even allowed to stay in Existence.

I really have nothing further to say
And I pray that this Force within me will finally give me my body and myself Peace…

Emeka Kolo…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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