
6/4/2015 4:55 – Facebook Post

3:5O p.m.


A cab with the number 64 is parked right in front of me, I have 46 cents in my pocket.

I took a walk and found a full pack of Natural American Spirits.
N.A S..
Nnamdi Aaron Swartz…
N.A.S.. Alpha Supreme..Awareness Supreme.
Sacred Portal 121..,

Have been seeing American Indians images everywhere who are of the “Black American Spirit but that was the physical story.
There is an evolved Energetic Story of the American Spirit which cuts across those cultural lines to include All Americans of true American Espirit.

See sacred portal 121..,

After all these Dibia Shaman Voodou Witchcraft wars going on which I have had the misfortune to be part of and witness, I just wished people to be aware that as Kachy Ihem correctly understood I have been on a war.

War for evolution of consciousness in the Spirit realm so full of rage vengeance that I from what I have witnessed I do not truly believe that this realm is worthy, the hostilities premeated in the West and in every culture and with people and thier consciousness’s…
After all you are all one and connected.

This is the power of the Individual..
The one apart from the Masses..
Outside of the field.

It is so stunning for me that scholars of Africa are not aware of educated about the mysteries of Africa can speak or go on a public forum to create and educate people without having experienced the essence of African Art and Science.
Its meaning and significance.
Without it you can not begin to hope to understand the Ancient world just as it would be difficult to live and understand the modern world.

As for my work on Facebook..
That was the mystery the true mystery and beauty of the Ancient World…the A.N E..
The First Borns, The Golden ones, the Beautiful Ones and the E expressing and demonstrating how all the “Magic” works
Using me as their tool and translator into all languages from story telling to codes to arithmetic to contemporary science

I spent a life time I realize now training for this role…
And yet the extraordinary play of a Universe and beyond, a past responding through a medium and forum such as Facebook which sought to demonstrate that there is Harmony Logos Order in the Universe failed to move most beyond demands of Manifest Evolution Awakening…
Solve all my problems.

The miracle which took place before your very eyes for 39 months, or the simple Awareness that 25 years ago a 23 year old set out to prove that there is order and Harmony and Logos in the Universe…
And delivered the goods right up to 26-8
Zeina Hanna etc.

The Knowledge and dedication and the Harmony of Facebooks friends, likes, names and Intials forming responses..
Or that there is Harmony!!!
Through expression hardly moved anyone

Excitement for a moment then forgotten the next…
The Magic before your very eyes was swept aside by my drama of finding my portal home or manifestation or what side show miracle of your liking should I preform as a preforming monkey.

To most of you so so jaded as to be dead, all that mattered was gain and solving your problems…
When right in front of you was the greatest miracle ever…

The End did change, there is no doubt or maybe it was delayed but evolution of consciousness WAS demonstrated.
That you can read Energy was demonstrated.
That you are in a Script was demonstrated.
That you are being moved was demonstrated

That through Expression you can literally summon things and move Being.

That human beings are equations…

That there is Harmony in the World..

That it Exists….

This is what was promised.
Evolution of Consciousness by proving Harmony does exist.

What more can one give.
What more can one inspire than the Truth that there is a wave you can surf.

If you are looking to me,
Ummm I was the one used to show you it Exists by having to be forced onto the field
My going home triumphantly in front of you was never the plan.
Yes there is a portal out of the Matrix a portal which does not really exists…
Because the Matrix does not really exists once you can read see and understand it.

I am not the one to look at- my situation..
That the great Abomination I was talking about…
I was harnessed to show you all exists. .
I was never in the Matrix but I was forced into your perceptions of the world to show by adopting a certain consciousness you could step out of the Box until it no longer exists

It is all in your minds..
And the mind does not exist..
The universe is a Heart which is moved by vibrations

Horrors have been done to this Truth.
But do not look to me for If I was not coerced into doing this, documenting all this proof publicly you would not have my Evidence and proof of it being true.

Of course there is a portal out in this “Play” and Script..
But that is my portal out of this role which is literally in my body.

I was involuntarily raising my hand with my coffee as if I were carrying a Torch non stop..
That is a Script and a role mirroring the meaning of Facebook friend Laker Brenda…

This was never about me…
It was about you…
This is who this “Force” is making me do it for…

I would never have done this to myself…

It is as if Humanity just threw the greatest gift of Grace in the sources of this plays Face.
It would have made sense just a bit if it was out of solidarity to me but who are we kidding..
I am being crucified and shunned (Though watched and read like a drama or film) and blamed for it not manifesting as the boogie..

But Harmony has been proven…!!
All you need is to apply it.

The Harmony I am in is a Script I have been contained in to reveal how it all works…

If each stopped looking at my situation and applied the codes knowledge read the book or just took the art and Science and applied it as Erik Ebright did to get his house…
It does change the world and Perception of reality..
The Viel lifts…
It moves you forward…

The cruelty to me is my being extorted by my body and my knowing that my role ends when I am no longer “Moved” or occupied…
To continually update and provide evidence of how Harmony Works…

All this Flame and Torch of Truth to the End and Victory is but a ruse part of a script designed to educate you on how to read Harmony and see and apply it for yourselves to see it as True…

That is why I call it a Play a Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix …
I am in a movie which is meant to serve the purpose of demonstrating Harmonies Truth which speaks for itself….

But to me, the one being used it is evil use Beyond Abomination.

4:55 am

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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