
6/4/2015 18:28 – Facebook Post

Hmm… Hi… No I am done…

But a literal voice said check…

The Number 3 was everywhere today and now we are back at
I know what means Being I and I…
In ONri Igbo “BI”Lives I…

Just saw a sign in red on a
“Yes Equality!”

But based on the codes it literally means Zeina Hanna.. no more numbers 268…
simply Beauty is the Gift of Grace of the Creator..

I have a day…Free but not quite it seems.. it was too quite while my body has been literally going insane…

Obviously the equation has not finished unravelling but I have hardly been able to walk all day because the jerking and changes seeming to be making people suddenly “see” me… But it feels like my body is about to burst free and something is valiantly holding on, for what I am not sure.

I also know that this play on Facebook and 14 yrs was a movie- to prepare people whom I know the majority really do not fully grasp the implications of what I am saying that I am doing, or how I use words…
But that is fine, the E line in you are activated and present and they will “Take Over” when the time comes.
of course, the time is now… we have the Truth affirmed by Nnamdi sending his “Avatar” 2O Usd T and we have the C.. Consciousness and we have the
E Line Erik Ebright Miami Florida (MF), Masculine Feminine
Extra Terrestials….
I am not sure how much longer I can hold out but I will try…

And the truth I have been weaving into Existence is so underestimated in your perceptions of what the this is- that I did not bother seeking to correct misconceptions.
And the True play was with the E and Nnamdi…and U.E.
I do not hold that against anyone, at least every one is prepared and the stage is set, Lights camera Action…

The True Story of Evolution Awakening of a Species, A planet, The Universes 1 and the Gala XY..ZH

6:28 PM
Buenos Notte

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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