
6/4/2015 11:16 – Facebook Post

1O:35 pm

IT WORKS!!!!!!

It is done and activated Consciousness E Beings Harmony!


347 517 72-53..8-9….H.I!


See sacred portal 121…Nnamdi talking to me was played out just a moment ago.

I was wondering “What Now” exhausted with 46 cents in my pocket.
Had been up all night, first time I could not get rest but nourishment was provided..

Waddled to a few places then finally Nikoma came to my.mind.
He represented Nnamdi/Booms in the play and shares the consciousness of the Supernaturals.

Walked to his office…
No dice..
Didn’t want to disturb his space.

Went instead to the Starbucks and started enquiries for ways to earn income on my I phone

The play was done.
My body is morphing
But I did not know how long before manifestation…
Should be immediate but after this play..

Suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder…
It was Nikoma.. Hi!

He told me he had been thinking of me, had seen a child in the subway with his parents acting out who had turned to him with a fully aware gaze and stared at him…..

He bought a coffee and he as usual stunned and infuriated me with his understanding of the play and its Completion…

Then he gave me 2O USD
Raz Berry had given me 2O right here
Then he began to talk about C and some called out Christopher…. Chris Franco

He then spoke about about C as the ROCK.

As in Georges-Philippe Roc looks like my mother C and my younger brother Boom..
Then he spoke about Florida and the wedding of his sister Unity…

He then gave me the code numbers

HI …68…I.C..

347 …E.Q…89…)7+2=9, 5+3=8…98/89

Almost immediately followed was a text from Erik Ebright…
On an even higher frequency…
His awareness was higher
He showed me 5 Bismuth Crystals like eggs which harness Energy of all that is and is the Transformer…Aligns from the base of the Chakra to the Crown and can actualize Wisdom..
The ROC..

Then the Joyous cry

“The story is Complete!!!!
And for the third act..
The Beginning!

Bless join the blessed associates
All is joined
Yo yo thank you for your labor brother..”

Then he spoke of Royals Blood lines Beyond..
*Yes Royal…

A consciousness beyond the Supernaturals..
The Erik Ebright..
Erik.means the Eternal Ruler E Bright

Then he sent me and eye phone with an eye code 6..

And the rest was just joy…

I am exhausted but I suddenly realized
N has moved (Literally) to EE…
The Eternal Rulers the E Bright Lind…
Royals who exemplify..


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