
6/30/2019 19:49 – Facebook Post

6/30/2019 19:49 – Facebook Post
6/30/2019 19:49 – Facebook Post

BACK TO SPIRITUALITY << topic: KARMA/KAMA Karma ~ A word derived from the igbo word Kamanu, the divine justice of the father, the almighty creator. Kamanu whom the crazy Church people refer to as the Holy-spirit, the unforgiven and wicked aspect of their God.... Read "Odinala the divine principles of creation" for details on Kamanu. For this article is not really meant for treating or rather discussing Karma in detail, but rather it is meant to handle a given aspect of Its functionality, that aspect that usually confuses people as to how it really functions. That is exactly the aspect this article is meant for, so pay attention. "If only i can see just one righteous person in sodom, i shall not destroy sodom" ~ bible myth/fictions. "and jonah was thrown out of the boat and the boat became still" ~ bible myth/fictions. Meaning that just because of one person, God destroyed sodom, in other words that God would have destroyed all the people in the boat if they hadn't played fast and removed jonah the bad Egg. This same pattern or rather system of occurrence is also seen on daily bases with respect to traditional matters. A case of "Ofu aka ruta mmanu, ozuo aka nile onu". A situation where one person commits a given crime and an entire family or a given generation is punished or better still wiped out for it. This is highly unfair, typical example of a gross injustice. That is what many will say, perhaps insinuating in a way that the creator is somehow being unjust. This is not true at all and i will explain later. I was discussing with a student of mine when i remembered a given family friend whom i gave a message, informing him that he is a priest and as such must go home and attend to his Ancestral ancient alter/temple, failing which the beings in that temple will start to trouble and possibly begins to kill. This man neglected what i told him about three years ago, believing in the protection of the white Caucasian jesus, today as i speak, about 3 persons are already dead in the family, direct siblings to the man in question and one is still down now with sickness already. But the man in question is still very alive, poor and sick but very alive. So i was discussing It with my student and he flared up in anger and said Why??, this is unfair. The person they came for should have been the one facing his music alone and not the innocent family members This was the reaction of my student, arguing and in fact insinuating that the nature or divine principles are unfair in their pattern and process. Lol..!! I laughed. But how could one mans act of rejection of responsibility affects others he asked, is that really in line with the divine principles..? especially that of sowing and reaping which entails that what so ever a man soweth, that he must reap..? How could someone commit and another get punished for it..?. Now listen and listen good my dear, birds of the same feather tag along be it in this life or in the beyond. This is the divine principles of attraction of homogeneous species. Meaning that as a family, you all have a homogeneous or rather similar crimes in your former life which is inline with the vibration of the state of your parents at the point of conception. Hence you were all conceived into that same family to serve your karma. Note this; No single reincarnated soul is born without guilt or unfinished business/responsibility, hence he/she wouldn't have reincarnated at the first place. For reincarnation as against ascension is a return to finish up an unfinished business, to pay a price, an unpaid dept or to learn and make amend. Hence there are no such things as "the innocent" when such matters are discussed. For you have lived before. it was your actions and decisions in past lives that determines the condition or state of your birth in this present life, weather to be attracted into a rich family or poor, weather to be born as a priest or not etc. Hence it is 110% possible for one singular act of nature to serve as Karma for the entire family. Reasons being that you all share the same or similar fate or else you wouldn't have been attracted together as a family. So my dear, do not see it as unfair or an impossible thing when a given destroyed ofor or offended deity begins to kill or wipe out a given family, family who may know little or nothing in this present life about the destruction of the said ofor or temple of the said deity. The connection may not be in this present life time, but rather an act in ones past lives which were never atoned for, hence such group of persons/souls were attracted together as a family to reap what they sowed in their past existence. This was clearly explained in the story of Jonah, meaning that every one attracted to board that boat with Jonah must have had a similar karma with that of Jonah, hence they were all attracted to that one and the same boat aside other boats available. But what separated jonah from them was that others must have atoned for theirs in one way or the other or are on their road to atonement just as jonah was on his own way to Ninveh(Atonement) via the belly of the fish(Fictions), hence the separation of jonah from the boat. So dear Nature and the creator can never make mistakes. A person who may survive in such family or rather who may escape such is one who has already atoned for such in this present life, via his dealings with fellow man, he must have done this by invoking good volition to counter the karma which he or she was born with. Such a person will receive signs of the karma being received but will eventually survive. Most families today are being ravaged by such karma, that things appears to be static for virtually everyone or many, except for the few who have either paid their own price or are busy boycotting certain nature principles to still make it big in this life, thereby doubling what he would have received as karma in this life. Such person will indeed have a pitiable life in the next, thats if he ever gets the chance to exist as a human in the next. So my dear, if you find your self in such a family or situation in which things seems not to be moving for you or family, i have three set of advice for you; JUBA ESE, SUBA UZO, AND KEEP INVOKING GOOD VOLITION. For in no distant time, things must fall in place. Its your karma, your deeds, and it is you and you alone who can make it go away. Keep keeping on, dont lose hope, But do not forget, You can separate or rather extricate your self from the jonah, for in Odinala, there is solution for virtually every problem. Ututu Oma nu imu igbo Ka orie taata maara anyi mma By Okechukwu Okoro The Gods are wise. Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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