
6/30/2015 15:11 – Facebook Post

1:42 p.m

So as you might have perceived by now this has been a 4O month race between Consciousness as Energetic Expression through Manifesting O Naturally E.N O.M…by Simply Being and then Looking Backwards while Going Forward to witness the E Perception in you inking a story which you can pen as I have, and then Link, weave through the Rainbow Consciousnes to Black and White until AIR to breathe in True Life comes through the story and picture you are forming..
Then prove it into being as Fact in the age of reason which enables others to See and Cee the ROY AL LA AH of Being I.Victorious of the Individual over the Collective Perception of the Physical world.

Am I in a Shelter because I was following a Path written by a Individual and Collective Cause and Effect which has moved me to this portal or am I just a confused man who has reached Rock Bottom.
Pierre David Emeke.
The Magnet which guides my Inner Compass is it a Magnetic Lodestone of the Earth with the “Flux” and Electromagnetic Currents in the air moving me….Causing my body to spasm stretch elongate, rise Fall dance and explode from my being in voluntarily, music and Expression which people have described as Joyous Being
Jonn Blackwell
Julian Brown..

Am I J.O Y. In Being..
Joseph Orion Yeshua…
Add O (Perfect Symmetry) Yes Hues are the Messengers and Saviour..
The Hermes…
Messenger of the Wind
*Just saw a guy with Wings Tatooted on his ankles…he took the bus

1:57..pm right now
An Example of Grace of Existence which has story at the Quantum Level that it is not the Physical Material P.M.. world which is the guide..
But the whisper in the wind which becomes a song, the more you walk that path.
And in that song are words which make you smile, then tears stream as you resolutely walk that path..
Tears of J.OY as you begin to laugh that you do know the words to this song .
And you sing Dina Singh..
DI NA Sing HA.
I am correct.
And your back gets straighter
And your gaite lighter
And suddenly a weight you did not realize that you were carrying falls off you and as you walk you become taller and taller as if Flying.
Seeing Soectacles of Spectacular dancing lights before you .
Moving sashaying, looping and zooming through the air. .
The Beautiful Ones.
The End of the Matrix of the Five Senses and to the realm of Kieth the last Sensie of the Eternal Ruler…the Measuring Rod of MR E.
Energy Expression
The 1O 6 the Sixth Sensie..

Two parallel stories are running concurrently in the Shelter..
Jobs, running up and down in obedience to a system where Keith the one playing it out is not bound by the system but is contained within it like a Ghost in the Machine, Phantom of the Opera. .
A Memory..

And I outside feeling the compulsory pressure to do what a normal human being does in the physical Material world no matter how the E and the K are both aware of it being a set up…
Yet, my body and my being victoriously Expressing each day…

Which moves Reality..
The action which has governed Humanity Think Act..
T A..
Or link Connect L.C
Reflect Do…RD..

We are both perfectly aligned in one in the expression the Link Connect
Charity Love
Robert David.
Robert Rob Barr
David David Philipe Gil
Dragons of Existence.
University Place U P.
Generation X Gardens.

Getting things for Free is not love.
Being given things to Free you is Love…
For it allows you to Cee and See.

4O months..
On a continuous conversation nearly everyday moving through 31O people… Walking through space and Time through seeing its Reflection in Being and Linking to the Anchors of the Physical Material realm ago align to the E Consciousnes..
Obey the E consciousness for as an AhTom knows when to break into clay or wood or Fire or A leaf, so does all human consciousness create from deep within and moved from within unconsciously aligning to the E story..
Which serve as markers..

2:29 pm

Is it so impossible to take in that a Human Being can walk that path of ROYG through Being in 1 with the Four Elements and the Four Cardinal Direction to created 1-44..
72 is G B.
Grigory Bershadsky

Or does the law sustained and maintained by this reality continue to move Humanity..
The Nature and the Nature of the society he has created from his Fear of Nature and hence, Fear of God..
Of that anomaly which refuses the Order humanity has sought make it BEND to its will
Moira Judith Mann…
The Lines of Rah versus the Angle which Bends Light…
Bends it’s will (Grace) to discover a New Way..

Has Emeka the Mann truly proven evolution of the Body and Being as BB..
The Beateous Beam
Of K-Pac..Paque
Express Beautiful…
It creates Harmony
Hmmm Sing Dance Move..meant of J AH.B

I know that 4-5 years ago I left 268 and spent July August September in Pelham B Park (J.A.S)
Then Sept October (SO…Fifth note) in Tompkins Square Park…And by (October November..O.N) 11:28 2O1O I was Living In
Bedford Wythe Avenue in two locations
Female and Male..
One was occupied Marina Burini
The other vacated belonging to Tom Truman.
TT and the person who escorted me out was Nikoma to a restaurant called Pi…TN.
2O14…then a person called Julian to Green Point and back into the Loop..
4.7-6 years later to be precise, I am back here through the same Loop..Nikoma took me to restaurant MOT TSU…after Ieft the Void moving through the Streets and sleeping in the Subway in a play of travelling down the vortex of Space of AH TOM Truman..
Pi restaurant
Word Of All Knowing Everything…
US T.. TOM…+Thomas Means ‘Twin”
True Nature Versus Nikolai Tessla…
or and
Both 99
I and I.
18 Mountain View.
Jonn Donna..
Jonn Blackwell met Peter Tosh and Bob Marley.
And Me E….
Point Being Me?
I and I =

We shall see 2010 versus 2O1O
I left Bedford in July end to Green Point :2O11
I came back in June 2O15…
5-4 years later .
4.5 years ago..
I am back from 268 East 4th Street.
To ROYG..Green Point
Do RE Me FA…6I…
To pick up my brother Line Kieth Grant…

Everywhere about me are the White Supremacists of False Ego and Black Supremacists of False Ego unable to see what Jonn first Texted me…
“Transparency Honesty” Emeka..
T H E..

THE B.E…G. EN (IN) I.N…G…Grant.
The Evolution Awakening.

And why must we go all the Wall back to the First Begining here of Atom as Pan I C…
3:O5 pm.


To the First Sensie

I do feel I have proven my point enough to the World
Thus Green Point Bedford is Worlds End.
W E.

3:O7 pm

My Body rises.

But which truth will.Manifest
Get a JOB
Joyous Being.

E Arayana Moira

E A M.

3rd and 4th.
Grigory Bershadsky..
G B.
B.Emeka Kolo KE I TH.E.
Begining of Existence…

3;O 9 pm


3:1O pm


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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