
6/3/2019 22:58 – Facebook Post

9:15 p.m
I O.

They White Mentality as well as so many other race mentalities said
My Way or the High Way..

My response with delight..

” I’ll take the H.I. G H. Way..
89. 7-8…
H.I Way.

I did it My Way..
Which is ALL Ways.
Including the Truth of you.

The Beautiful Truth

Energies Way
Eternal Way
Eziokwu Chineke Gadi. E C G ..I
E : 3 7. 9

The Way of the Blue Print of Existence
D NA to D.N.E..

The Way of Expression Talking.

Zion means the Highest Point

16 is P

Perfection Attained!

9:16 p.m


* Recognized by Stephen Johnson

J.MJ M. 23 23. W. Double U Vie.

John Mack
Jesse Macias

23 5

5 5
E E..

At E.

E = C M.e 4/3.

McKayla Rays

M.M. 26. 8. M M. 26. Z. H

J Z. M M. 36..360/63. MM 26 8

J M Z M. 23. ( 14) 39 ( C.I) 5 12.

E L.

E M. M A N U. E.L.

N N. A M D.I…

5 +12 =17.

3 17
C 17.
E 17.

3 17. 31. 7. 3 +17. 20. 38. J J. S S. 20 38
3 +1+7= 11
Force Dolce & Gabanna..
11. 2 11 1. Who are One
Ying Yang

Sacred Journey × 2

517. 5 +17. 22. V… 51 7. 58. 13 M .

V M.
My English name is Victor
V M.
I was at 18 Mountain View. M V

Ends at E 18. Venus Mercury
E: A H! Aphrodite Hermes/ Eros

I did it My Way
The Way of Common Sense…Naturally.

9:43 p.m

Just spent 12:43 U sd
And 3.99 p.m

This is not my reality, not my truth nor my way of Being, literally raped, vicariously in ever dimension of Being and Doing, but even with all that..
White Superiority
Brown Black Superiority

I still managed, with ease to read between the lines and merge the Two Awareness, in that Cosmic Chess game of Cause and Effect and Karma Kali…
Back into one… H I. 89.
Transparency Supreme
And Come Cum S.E-A M.E N.
The Rocket Fuel.
T. R F. 20 18. 6
6 18 2012 linked to Sarah Kaizer

6-3O her birth code

9:49 p.m


And I spent anther 3.99..

And transform this Script of White Persons expression of Supreme Evil and Self Hate,
Black Brown self destruction, back into the Script of the Beautiful Truth,
Revealing the True Plan E.T. Planner, and Planet.

No one Controls Me
C M.e 4/3..

No One.

I have 8:00 U.S.D. left

I was born at 8 pm in the Evening
8 .
Z = H
26. 8

8 26
26 8 East 4th Street, arrived there 8-26-2006
888. ( 24 u sd completed that play two days ago)

8 p.m.
Evening Star. Victor Venus De Milo.

11 28. At E. F A – I. 6 O-9876/5.4. 32. 5 A..1
6/6= 1 6.

8 U.S.D.
Dollars. D O L. Sacred Portal 43 “Door of Life ”
L.. A… R S… La Force Spectrum Rainbow
Link Solierys Rosario

U S D?

Universe Santana Dharma
Eternal Law.

Not your idea ” Money”
“Y. ” Male Man
E N.

Olivia Burgos
Mackayla Burgos.

M.O. Modus Operandi
N E. Natural Expression
Natures Energy
Y. Yellow- Gold

I am the Alchemists Midas Touch
A M. Ti..
Crown Chakra Gold

The Orginal
See the series
The Orginal
Two Brothers
Elijah Klaus. E K..
Emeka Kolo. E.K.
Elijah Nikolai ..Michealson
E N. M.
E 14 13
E 27..

Date I was moved to here.

I spent 16 U sd with out even thinking
All takes place naturally

24 U sd-16=8

Esteban Miguel Filgueira
E M.F = 24. X. B D
Being Doing.
Energy Masculine Feminine
Emeka Masculine Y Feminine X
Emeka Manifest Facts

Stephen E M F was born
8-16- 1984..
/ 48. 91. 61. ( 7) 8

H P. See my year of birth on my F B page posted 2010.
It’s was calculation of when I would transform back to age I Programed 33.
Mackayla Rey Anne Burgos
M.R. B = 33.

Big Brother is watching you
See the All Seeing Eye in the U S D Bill.

All Seeing Eye..


” Mon” means My in French

Marie Yeshua..
Mari Jesus

M is 13.1
See Mac Kayla and Johns key
Number 1.31.
See time Mikky sent me the text of the Dream of her Mother
1 31p.m

Manifestation comes with A.. Awareness
Energy O Full Circle complete
Manifest AH-T O.M Particle and Wave.
Aki Thunderpaw
Epiphany Awakening
Sacred Portal 127 A and B.
127 side B.
Earth Quake
5 17

Destroy them all..
All the illusions
All the Unnatural
The Alien Disease infecting The World

I am Zoro!
I Connect “Zoroaster”
Eternal Heroes of the Golden Dawn
E Family

I Cut
I C E as Ice
Diamond Ice
All the ones who denied and acted superior to The Source

Including the notion of A Superior Race Mentality

I am Money
Fair Exchange
On The Fair Field
No longer amongst Liars and Cheats
Thieves in the Temple
Yeshua Osiris Jesus

24 16. 8.
X. B D. P H

H P D. D B
X as in T E N

My Family came to as Ascended Masters to gain their P.H.D..
Doctorate in Animal Science.
Horoscope and then through the Circle of 12
Pass through the 13 Gate
Ophichus Aclepius
Alpha Omega

As Excellent Healer in Deed.
Being Doing Natures Expression aligned with Naturalness and Ease..
Harmony is Ease.

E Q 127. B 227. J.M Birthday Royal Ephipjany Sacred Portal 127 A
Awareness played out by J.S M & M R B
( 42 33. 75…57. Earth linked to World.
E ART H I. Double U.
I Word Mot ..
Tom Twin
Paricke And Wave

J A M. E L. Meaning Beautiful.Handsome..
Recall J amel Salter? In the Shelter?
J S…

Jamel White

J W .. James Whiteside the poster on my Altar
As well as Bob Marley.


J.B W M.

They look.like Christopher Filgueira& Josh Bywater

B F.
Justice Consciousness
Best Friend

I came to the White Side of the Ying Yang Black and white to Harvest the Beautiful Truth
Just as I did on the Black Side

69. 15. O.

And merged both back to one
Hue MAN Beings Facts
Harmony Infinite


10: 51 pm

The rest..


I did it My way..
No one can control my Awareness my Being,
My Consciousness, My Devotion my Expresion E A-Z or my Rising with my Family in Eternal Harmony right here in this Land
My Land..
Your land

Or the way I come as the Twin Dragon of existence
Jessica Doe J.D
As Terrible Death S P 104 to make the liars pay.

My Fee.

My Bill..

Jess Thomas. J T. John Thomas
Jess Spooner. J S

J J J. S T D.

10:58 p.m


I was

Liam Wright is the post I began finding myself posting on today.

L. I A.M.

The name Liam comes from the Frankish form of the name William.

Meaning Helmet of Will


Desire Helmet Protector.
D H P /
P.H D..

While Wright means “Art Crafts, Works with Wood..
A Carpenter ( as Jesus Joeseph and the first profession of my Grandfather until he became rich as Joeseph of Arimethea

It evolved to means

Boat makers

And link the Wright Brothers..
Inventors of Air Plane
Flight ”

Put together
The Two meanings and see the meaning of my 2nd 1260 Face Book Friend

1- 2. 60.
Minute Man.
Sixth Sense Full Circke
12 60.
1 Two 60
12 6 O. 18. At J.M
18 yrs in New York and USA
1 2 6 O
9 O
I O. * See my post Today here

1 2 6 6
E M.F.

12 of 66 Complete
12/ 12

3/3 .. 1.


11:23 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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