
6/29/2020 17:51 – Facebook Post

Completion of code ..
Arden Morgans CAR… 27 8 D 90. B G H D I O…. A-A H D IO

In Italian language, Dio means God Arden Gemino and Family are Italian heritage.

Don’t Look Back… D.L B….
The correct version of the Story of the Two Beautiful Angels in the story of Lot and his wife in the Book Bible..

4 12 …B=2…. 16 TWO… Z ION Arden Emeka… 18..R… Robert Emeka Arden… R E A S ON E
Common sense

5:50 p.m
55 O

Sacred portal 55… and 5 56.

5:51 p.m.


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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