
6/29/2015 8:44 – Facebook Post

7:28 A.M.

1-7…B H.
A-G …Being Harmonious


I had Billy Hung send my manuscripts to Jonn at A.H The Mountain View where he lives.

Mountain View (M V) aligning with mount Olympus, Zeus Athena, Black Zeus, my Grandfather… His brother…
Yes, a parallel universe existing right around us which these codes and by simply, easily reading my posts without trying to understand everything .but gradually and elegantly acclimatizes you to the way I express myself with the Consciousnes of the E line, which allows you to comfortingly to wake up..
Like waking up in the morning.

Emeka Tutu..
Emeka Morning
E ..A m.
The Black Cock.

While Jonn and I sat in Mcarran Park, beautiful young blonde woman hovered around us, as I launched into the working of raising my brother in him, the one who plays Father and Son in the Creation Story of the Family of 1O.

I always speak Naturally but often increase the Vibration of my expression while speaking outside so others if they wish, may listen and “feed” on clean air.

There were also a gaggle of young woman ..three of them.

I noticed that Jonn was Aware of thier presence and perhaps wondered at what they might make on my expressions as I pointed out the moving matrix and the score board as we ” Happened ” to be sitting in front of group of people playing Sunday Football all wearing numbered blazers and seemed to line up, purely for our benefit and move about, so that anytime I would come up for breath from the nonstop Stream of consciousness which began the moment I met Jonn..
I would see the score of exactly where we were in the play….
Its easy to read
The numbers have to align to the numbers or symbols of the play that you are in.
Jonn Blackwell represents J.B.
(not Job of the Bible)
But the Grace of the Blackwell which he had ready done with Ras Ian Nathaniel Dawkins on behalf of the Caucasian race which he Espirit is Its True Avatar to the Hurt done to their Twin, the Africa Race.. Africa America.. AA AH TOM the Twins..
Linked now to Jonn and Donna…JO-NN
Do!-Nna.. First note of Father…

J 1Oth letter
The Elegant Nomad 2001
Writren in A Shelter in Brooklyn where I went down 14 years ago…

J 1O.. Donna O’Sullivan sent me on Tarot of 1O..
First 8 then 3 then 1O…
Full Circle O..14 yrs later…
In a Shelter Green point Brooklyn..
14 yrs later
Nadee Nakandala..Born 5:28 planet E art H..
The planet is actually the representation of T.H.E C..
True Human Expression…Consciousnes

*Meaning that Everything in Nature are the Sum total of all the ingredients which make up Human Consciousness..

When Jonn had arrived the number 1O as 28..14+14..28.
B.H waa everywhere…
Our work was to prove that it was a full circle of perfect Symmetry which manifested in Jonn having a “Deja Vu” moment
“We’ve done this before”

I wanted to roll.my eyes and throttle by brother father rising in Jonn..

Yes, we have I drolled.
Cocking my eyebrows in indignation as I proved that Jonn was Eric..
Erek Eclass Mateo because he morphed into him.
And they represent the True God P R which of course is not the Humab perception of God but of the Human true remembrance of having loving but albeit, personalable parents.

I has met an Eric the 2nd day in New York, another one in the Shelter, another one after the First 8 months in New York E.M/M.E who was present when I got the news in 2OO2 of my Bio Father passing into the Shadow world where our battle continued..
I met at Eric at the Green House and an Eric at Brooklyn Erik Ebright…and another one in Igbo Landing in Savvanah..
Just as I had first come to New with Jon whim I had meet in 199O whom I knew was my little ( not so little now..Younger brother) Jon..
Jon and Eric are names which have followed me through this Journey..
Yonathan Yohannes
E.Y.E Y…
Eternal Youth…(on a Spotless. Reflections Meditations..
Lord YE… Facebook friend Ye
YE means Light..

So of course I knew that Eric Jonn represents Father and Son merging into one with Mother Feminine aspects proving the Full Circle and Crystal Ball to aid in his merging and rising

Yesterday I found myself playing the “Holy Espirit” who united the Father and Son…

Yes, I had been here before as I watched Jonn morph non stop even to David Devi…

“See the Girl over there” I asked Jonn.

The girl had moved to sitting a the Base of a Tree.
Her long flaxen hair and her erect and grateful poise made me groan inside…
“We are still in the Human Matrix of Stories”

Change your focus Jonn and forger Time what does that image remind you of.
“A Goddess lounging in the Forest”,,

Artemis…I said to myself

But I saw A Fairy Queen who incarnated in this story Gods and Goddesss..

Espirit Play..
Reading Energy not the Illusion and Viel.

Yes, It was the ” Fairy Folk” the Beautiful Ones. The Family as Nature who were around…
The last story and I knew where we were..
In the story of the Light and Dark..
Elves as Fairies
E F.
The Very Begining but also the End.
The ones who play Star Dust abd Dark Matter
Wisdom Eric Jon Lu C I FER
And Donna Line of Beautiful Pride.

So yes, I sent my Manuscripts to them..

Time to get the work published

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