
6/29/2015 12:46 – Facebook Post

A L L..


I have a new Facebook friend aligning to the codes of Seer Donna O’Sullivan.
Card 8 3 1 O…

3 O 8 Facebook Friend
Aryana Luna Leone..

8 3-3 8..
A Filled Circle..
11=be ones I

Look in the Mirror .
When the Projection Reflection and You become One.
Being and Body Unite.
BB..to 22 Letter V
The Being and the Ego..
Both pure align as 1
No duality in Being and Doing..
Body and Expression.

1O:22 A.M.



Code Time;

The Elegant Nomad Victorious
ROYGBIV completed…
Aligned that which was never fragmented (Light ) back to its component parts 14yrs (77…14..49…A.DD..I…add I)

Code Date ..
B.I ..F..H.
Being I a Fact of Harmony
Face Book I Harmony…
1O:26 A.M.
Birthday Professor Catherine Acholonu
“They Came Before Adam”
Adam Jon..A.J.
Joanna Adama J A.
AJA..Aja Anna..
The Holy Sand Of Earth Tradition.
Sands of Time.

Jonn Blackwell was wearing a Tan Hat..
“What does that Tan make you reflect upon” I had asked him.

Beaches of Paradise…Home se said somewhat surprised..
My concept of Being Home.B H.
(and Being Harmonious)
Jonns actually Home is the 5O State
E O. evolution Full Circle ..
Hawaii.. Paradise
That is where his first Aspect as Wisdom Jon Nature Ishmael.. Eric Samuel David KE IT-H had to go through the wilderness of his wild Nature and evolve within him and outside of him from wild to Wise but never Tame. .
The sexual sensual adventurous inquistive and investigative Nature…
Catyst for Evolution…

Eternal Youth evolves to Wisdom not to old age…

AJ Angelina Jolie
Beautiful Angel.
Beautiful Pride…

The Time code of the posting and subsequent play moved us to completion of ALL…

Arayana Luna Leon..

Yes the battle of 1889 -1945 Hitler and the Aryan Race Expression Alpha…
Arayan Race E..
A.R E..
Spear of Destiny.
White Supremacy consciousness brings the END of the World..

Back to its True Meaning
Do Ray Me Far Sew (Link) LA TE Do..
AH BE CE DEED EE F -+Act G.. H.A..

Completion in Colors (Wave lengths of the Cee S-EA Consciousnes Supremacy Energetic Atomic- Linking to one Manifestation…)
Vibration..The Line

To letters “The Word- Family Nucleus of a AhTom… Anung Sangha Meaning…
Particle..Dot Point…

To the Sound waves..Vocal Range Song
Solage Scale..
Sol of Age-Time.. Sonar waves…Circle

Line Dot Circle
Three Dimensions of Consciousness: Hieght Expanse and Depth..

3O7 Facebook Friend
*See Sacred Portal 37..
Donna O Sullivan
D OS..Software
Ana Leonardo Caixas
Inês Guerreiro.
Artificial Intelligence
Artful Intelligence..
Fifth Note D.Dimension Conscious D C.
4 3..7..12…19 S Supreme Family of Splendor
Code AH Mountain View 4-8-4..
See MT as Mountain not
The Creation Story
The Family of TEN.
The I Full Circle.
The Family who came before RA the Sun
Portal the Moon..
Waves of the Sea…Cee
This is how we entered this Realm of Sleep.
We are the Silver Surfers
We came in from with.
As Particles Waves with the Dot which transforms into the Point of why are we here.
Which is to understand the Point (Pt) of perfect Timing.
It reveals the Consciousness of Harmony
Perfect Symmetry
Pamela Stefaniotis

Arayana means Noble and Pure and is the Original name for Persia first home of the Eternal Dancer.
Aja Anna
Africa &America
Bringing End
Sands of Time…Infinity.
11:22 A.M.

Arayana Noble and Pure woman Persia Buddha…Zoroaster
The Moon Lion..

The Lady is the Portal and she is the C Lion the Moon who moves you within to “Go See” if my sons song is real…
Instinct Jonn
Intution Donna…
I and I not Rasta Farian I.D.
It is a Consciousness of E..

Peter Tosh PT.
Robert Nest-A Marley..R.N.M…
R N.O.M.
Our Name.
Nuno Ordens Miguel
Emekas Manual
The Point of It All..

The Lost Arch of the Covenant
Ethiopia? E
Lost A Way…
Met a Wall E?

That is because many based the identities on Physcis and Physicalty
When the Truth Arch Angels and Bridge builders do not link merge and align by being Black or white but in the Consciousness of merging and harmonizing two points of view to become 1.,
2-1..Then AH…3.Cee..

Africa to America
K.E..I T.H.E.
To unlocking the Passed.
Nikolai Tessla
Mountain View. M.V
J-AH People.
EXO Dust
Exo skeleton..
The Cell
The Skin which Sheds
The Serpent twins.
Umm Biblical Chord..
Create Harmony 8
11 39…

Jonn came to see me as if he were both my Father G-Ode, and my brother Wisdom Jon (Natural Truth)
visiting me in both Boarding Svhool and in Prison.

I had been to Boarding School in Nigeria..
A very privileged school and I had spent 8 long hours in a Nigerian prison.

My Grandfather would come to Visit though Rarely while in Boarding School…
And my Uncle Peter and got me out of that prison cell..

Which story am I in..
A Time Loop..
2O15 or simultaneous Dimension of liner Circular time of a 14 Journey of Natural Truth..
N.T..14+2O.. 34..7…
Of God as Father Instinct Naturalness and Mother Intuitive Nature …
Going back through all the stories of my Existence in this Time Line since the first Earth Being the Elves and Fairy Consciousnes
E C..
E F.C…
Or further Back to Age 36 Bob Marley age of Death.
Further back to Jimi Hendricks who Jonn saw me morph into
1O 8
That Sacred Number..
To Nikolai Tessla.
Or Even Before The Family of the Full Circle O of Light 36O°= 9=I…E
And The Square Root called Dark Matter
Dominic Temp ..DOT…
The Square 4
The Circle O
And the Root ABC AH BE CE..
The Pyramid Triangle P.T
Peter Tosh
Whom Jonn met as well as Robert Marley
Room with a View…

No, Jonn came with gifts ..
😯 as the Code For Balthazar 😯 Spring Street..
And Daniel in the Lions Den
😯 full Circle
Twin ladies Donna Arayana..
D A.N…
A Band, Sacred Three Hearts Beads red Brown Blue…The Land The Blood the Cee Sea
Neel Akash…
Akashic Records Recorded With Emeka .
To hold..
Flowing out of moving..
Moving my body as if I am still a Captain sailing the Sevens Seas…Of Consciousness

I knew which Story the Espirt which moved Jon was in…
The Passed..
I am in the present
Jonn has Italian names
One Means Palace…
Cloud 9
That is where I am in the True Story.
The Palace Of Budd HA..
The Flower of Life opened and closed at the same time…
That is where I am…meant to be.
This Shelter 1-46 is the Code of Sacred portal 46..
Pls see it- it depicts the Creator watching from the Sky..
This is where I am observing Everything I am meant to be experiencing “Down Here ” from..
That Consciousness of Cloud Nine…
Beyond the Realm of a Number in a play.
Dante 9 dimensions of Hell
Or the 7 Dimensions of Heaven
Or the 8 and 9 dimension of light and Dark Matter…
*And yes, the Square :Royal Elves RE
Dark Matter Came Before the Light..the Fairies..The Tunnel of Epiphany Remembering Memory
Of the Room E…

This is the play I am in
99 as one…I . I.E..
I.E. A.M…

But we are still at 18…Mountain View.

And still I work and decode and move the play to
AH Mountain View O.E . Move
The Stone Ridge…
Paul in the Shelter the 47 yr old calls me Pierre..
Pierre David…
The stone of the Beloved..
Its called the Corner Stone of Existence…
Its in my Bag..
Its is inscribed with the words
Amazing Grace
The other meaning of the Italian name of Jonn as Father means Judge.
Judge Palace.
Daniel Means “God Harmony is my Judge”
Yes..And So it is..

Perfect Instinct of Harmony Jonn.
Perfect Harmony of Inution Donna
Perfect Timing Aryana Luna Leon
All in Harmony

12:15 pm.


LA of Sixth Sense.

“Where is that Response?”

Response “Still working on It C.Emeka”

This is what I am doing now.
Linking 1 -8..to A.L.L…

Blackwell Manager Bob Marley
This is the correct play.
Public Relations team the Consciousness of E.
Tele Communications from within.
Dina Sing Harmony
Visions from within
Emeka Individual..
E Cee 53 KE I.T ..H…Erike
12:21 P.M

I.E is E.I.

12:22 pm.

Found a Book
Bought for 1usd..
Sophie’s World.
By JoStein Gaarder..

A little Girl comes home to find to questions in her mail..
Who are you.
And where does the world come from.

These are the two questions which move 14-15 year old Sophie from her comfortable “Slumber”

“To UNRAVEL” this riddle she must make use of the philosophy she is learning. But the Truth is far more complicated than she imagined”

Donnas daughter is called Sophia..
Sophia means Wisdom

Aya Sophia Mosque in Istanbul Turkey I.T.
Mosque in Mccarrens…

I solved the woke up to that question when I was 8-9 when I asked my mother about the meaning of the word Existence…
I too studied then wrote a philosophy called Talkingthe Silence by merging all the peoples I met, thier points of view..
But though born in England then Grew Up in Canada…I went to Boarding School and University in Nigeria..
And I studied the African Ancient ways of Being “Live” by watching the play of my two grandfather’s Father Up and Father Down..
And then from that base Philosophy of Africa I moved to European then Western…
Until I re ognized that I already Knew all this and finally was “brought” to Facebook to articulate, Present Demonstrate and Defend mine.

That is why mine was and is simple what was more difficult that I could have ever imagined is dealing with humanity who make everything seem so complicated to create a measuring rid of worth and value.

I solved the riddle.
But they deny that they got lost..
Because they forgot to include African Natural Intelligence and the Individuals point of view…

I am sitting in Williamsburg
Jonn had not been here since 1986!!!

He was shocked by theBlindness

“Arrogant Superiority.. Stupidity.. A.SS.

South America S A..
Siththy Ameena
Nadee Nakandala..

Assa Mpete!
Beyond Beautiful
12:43 pm

29 years..
He had not been here.
Zeina Hanna
Spear Of Destiny
March 15
Adolph Hitler
A H..
Get the point?
12;45 pm

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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