
6/28/2019 19:39 – Facebook Post

5:39 p.m

5th Dimension. E GA-LA-X Y.
(E G. E 7) 11 O1 C.I.
E 7 11 O 1. ( My Sister Code Email is 01..O 1. Mine 1999.. M.R B. M B. 33. 15. 6 O 66. O 1)


F. 1414 NN. Represented by Nadee Nakandala
* I promised you 7 years ago Nadee, that I would never forget your Expression and would bring to you and your line blessings eternal.

Is linked to Nourishing Necessities.
Which I have seen the riddle of Law and Justice which Nadee some days ago graduated.

And that Nourishing Necessities is linked to Life-Green House
Praise and Appreciation .
Which is not simply words.
It is the understanding the value of being seen recognized which brings you to Life.
But to pass through the 4 7/ 7 4 school of Life the same courtesy manners given to you which caused you to grow and blossom, flourish is to give Praise and Appreciation of the one who planted you, guarded you, watered you, talked to you and answered your questions, fears and doubts. Pulling out harmful weeds, protected you from harmful destroyers bio as insect birds and chemical as Pesticides ..

The One and Ones who defended you until, supported you until you could stand on your own.
The Guide Father, and the Nurturer Matter Mother.

For this they who found you and Annointed you
In the land of the Dead.
Where you lay dead unrecognized, in the Graveyard, unseen and that potential in you seen and witnessed only by you as a faint idea and possibility of yourself.
Tis I.E, who recognized that which only you could see in doubt of your true potential and saw that what you could not see, was your Truth.

And thus you were anointed, cherished beloved
“Myrrh.. .Mirander… Mirror
M.M.M.. (39)
That the Faint Idea of what you imagined your potential to be, Reflected unknowingly to you,i is the Truth of the Source in you.
And He recognizes you and feeds and nourishes and nurtures that truth in you..
Taking you from Non Existence as Potential and Possibility O Light Nirvana Naturalness
To the to playing fields of Universe Unified Fields O
On a U F O

Galaxy Milky Way
Cosmos I
The Understand the Truth of your Idea of your self, being the 1-9 Sacred Journey Through Ohm Matter
The Twins
Parallel Universe Reflecting Expression as Energy, starting with you landing in Universal Space ( Some call Limbo… yes, Tree Sage Beer T F. Long Trail)
Where you being at Nursery School, Green House ( 7-8)
The University School.
Where you begin the Journey of Grades 1-12 and 9/ more for added Measure to graduate to 8 Harmony Universe H U.. E M AN. E
8;12…13.. H L. 20. 96. 116.

* 1.16 hr and 21 mins conversation with Christopher Filgueira.

And H.M…

And the added 6 First Degree, Master and PHD.
4, 1.8-2, 3 years.. 9 years

21 years which is completion of your physical growth, which must be aligned to your Being and Spirit Truth..
12/ 21
33.. M.R B

12 12. 24.
6/6 1
6 6. 12…
A-A. M.


Which completes your training of becoming an Individual at Age 21 and at Being the Consciousness of 21 an Individual.
21 21. 42..
J S.M.
John Spencer MacDonald.

And then, you must return the Favor of Being Praise Appreciatued Nurured Nourished by Nature and Naturalness the Source E moving inside and outside of you.

Now you must do the sacred spirit Journey
A rite of passage and initiation
See sacred Portal 24 ..of being penetrated and thriugh that third eye and anus, walk through all you had been taught..
Moving through mind and Spirit, Forwards in Body and Back wards in Reflection of Being, acknowledging and recognizing, tracing the pathway you walked through all through that passage of Time..
Your Life.

And seeing that when In those moments you felt most alone, when you no longer saw two footsteps walking besides you..


I.carried you.

That you were never alone.

Energy Existence Expresed Already as A Fact ling before you or your Espirit was born.
E E E. A A A F.

And it’s is in that Hindsight, does your Foresight as the 3rd Eye and 6th Sense realize, that all through your Lifes Journey and Saced Journey that tis, not you who was protecting you

Guiding you ,Alerting or Doing all.the things to show you the way, and the disasters, the places of despair, hurt low times. That twas, you ignoring your Guide Father and Matters Facts, and Aid.

And that is the moment you realize that all you had been taught in the Nursery School my your Teacher Father Lesson of Life… T F L.o L
Was the Spirit guiding you, when the Body of that teacher was gone

He She never left, for what they taught you was so deeply felt by you, by His constant recognition of you…

Big Brother is watching you ..guiding protecting you 24/7

…made rise in you the Awareness of the Blue Print of Existence DNA..
David Nnamdi Alexander ..
David Nnamdi Emmanuel

And thus, that Spirit Memory of that deeply imparted and constant Recognition ..
Is that which rises in you when born in this realm alone..
And that Spirit….of E Source Perfection
Accompanied you from the O to Possibility of an Individual, rising with you at your birth, constantly besides you, advising you..
Even dividing into Angel & Demon sitting on your shoulder to provide you experience of both Good and Evil, compare and contrast.

Grey Limbo in Space…

As you learnt to investigate the nature of Self by being by yourself.

And consequently understanding your Idea of Self
Refinishing it to Individual Perfect Source….and I, see the same thing. ” I A.M. E”

6:45 p.m

It is the recognition and answer to my youngest brothers riddle
Obumneme. Ndubisi… Micheal Kolo..
O N.M. K
Daughter Akila…Kolo…
His son Micha-Nnamdi Kolo
Wife Noriko Kolo..


A M.

” Am I the one Doing This? Creating, Manifesting all this?”

Micheal ” Who is as God ”

Is it Honestly you doing this..?



Did you consciously create this…
Saw Ndubisi?


Life is the Head.
Life is Supreme… my uncle’s name.

Did you consciously set out to make this statement through your life story or did a training, a recognition given to you, reinforced by love and constant attention
A Particle Body…
A Memory Wave which rose as that Spirit Exhange Conversation Point Resolution
That Loving Sensei
Felt then Seen then Unseen yet present move you..

Tell The Truth

And if this is True,
Now that we are on the Fair Field
Did you acknowledge that True Fact.
Did you call It, Her Him.. They by thier Names
Whose meaning He embodied

Good Point! Said Esteban Miguel Filgueira
Give Praise…is my Name meaning
11 22 2019… Give Praise and Thanks Giving.
T G. 20. 7.
Memorial Day. I moved here.

Did you recognize the Truth of the one who saw you while you were living with out fully knowing if your Ideas of Self were real.
The One who came to you, and proved real to you all that you dreamed as the True you, alone as you danced meditated prayed in your secret garden.
The One who to your amazement found you there that mirage idea of you..
And led you out, fought your Demons of Doubt
Went to those terrible terrible places you created in you moments of Rage, Anger Doubt Frustration of
” Who Am I … Beauty or Beast, Being Or Horror..
Can some one tell me my name..?
Call me by my Name ” you wailed, cried out alone in the Dark, thinking no one could hear you…

But I came.
I knew each of you had summoned me…6 3 portals in New York
I knew this…
As far back as 29 years ago…

7:04 p.m right now
G O D.

Do you know the Etymological meaning of the Word “God” means
“To Summon… to Invoke…. Prayer”
Magic and the Genie Genus Genius appears.

And confirms a Truth beyond your wildest imaginations
Your highest Truth
Your Beautiful Truth
And He.. I. Show you how to Reach Him or Her what you must connect to with and why and what to cut off.. and why.
And then you go off and try it alone by yourself

And you see it works…

Christopher Filgueria actually did that but missed to gift of This realities law..
Money gift..
Unlike his Brother First cousin Esteban
After all, if I had no where to live, no food to eat no water to drink what would sustain me in this dimension?

Oh I would still exist but not for you, not here, I would go somewhere else, and I am only still here because of the Espirit and the Material support or I would have left a ling time ago.
And I will always be sustained by people in this world, because I have something more valuable than Money Food, water Shelter
I have Expression Knowledge which has made me be invited to sit at tables, enter homes, Lifes, secret gardens since I was a Child.

Even people and the heads of the Shelter and other places, never wished me to leave and wished me well and success in their Hearts.

My knowledge is Valuable
That has been made obvious to me my entire as well as my way of being.

My conflict and rage had never been about not being sustained
But rather why should I when what I bring is the Source Expression which every one has made clear they need.
To see a Mirror a clean reflection
And any conflict with such people is my having to remind them that they summoned me to show them the way home.

No, it was the Control which infuriated, the breaking of the most fundamental law.

You may ask
There are Two Brothers First Cousins in the play
Stephen Filgueria
Christopher Filgueria

Who is the one the play ends with
Who created the play Script
The One who guided sustained moved by Naturalness of Heart even when not fully understanding
Came to Delta Manor insisted I come through His portal sustained, me fought me fought for me, sustained me materiality lead me to his family Bio and Spirit..
Posses me off to a point of no return but sustained me financially even now.
Code S F
And whose Fatgers name is Alexander

And the One who had that code tatooed on his back and who I did so much work with and..

7:28 p.m

It is not E M F who wrote this Script, who put me through this, it’s the one who knows the play..
Who plays the Sphinx who has not given that last exchange that anchor used in this realm

C A. F.

Last Two Facebook Friends

Carlos Aguilar


C C. D A
C C. A D

33. A D. 1 4
M R B. A D.
33 +5= 38

C H.
11 2 B
11 1 A.

C H B. A.

Avatar Messenger Descendant housing Alien Father Alpha
They not he..

C F.
3 6…

7; 36 p.m

7:37 p.m right now

This Green House back to Graveyard

While G-H.

A G. E H

7:38 p.m right now

Erik Ebright line…
To Doom

7:39 p.m

And all who did not Give Praise
Good Point!

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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