
6/28/2017 17:28 – Facebook Post

From Face Book Memories

How True.

And in this case,
I do believe that it is me saying to “Go To Hell” to this Universal Script which I have been propelled to go so far for.
And paid such an ultimate price to solve.

As I have stated, and demonstrated, this is not my riddle.
I was brought here to New York to solve a riddle created by another.
A riddle and equation which refutes and refuses it own objective, which would be to resolve it.

As if It had created a Riddle which it felt that no one would solve, then set up someone to solve It.
And that person solves it.
And It can not believe it, and denies it.

Anyone who has followed this long silly War -Play, can see that it has been resolved.
And if there is no one, then the Trail of Evidence and Facts I have indented over and over again, and so in “Perfect Timing”.
People can read and see it for themselves, and find their way out of the Matrix, Web, Labyrinth, of what I call The Lie of Death- or the Underworld…
The Subconscious Mind.

This world you call your Reality is not real.
Many were already aware of this, sensed this. From the beginning of this Idea of Life to the current new wave of growing perception.
It books films religions, but most of all in the realm of Imagination, often the very flights of Fantasy, which are inspired by a Naturalness of wishing to escape the present.. Lie.

There has got to be something better than this?
That has been a constant reflection of the Ultimate Realist which some call the Fool or the Day Dreamer.
But they are the Ultimate Realists because their Question is rooted in the One Blue Print which is constant, even predictable.. (If you know how to read)

Which is Nature, The Earth, the Universe, the Cycles, Sacred Geometry.
Giving Birth… Logos Order.. Their are Laws and Constants in the Natural World which proves this Truth.
That there is Harmony.

That is the Exterior Blue Print, in the Physical World.
And there is another in the interior World
E S P and one line of 6th sense which is Energy Speeding to its Point.

All it required was a person to Observe Participate and simply go out onto the Field to See if there really is a Harmony out there.
And if there it did Exist, how does it work, how does it operate?
And does it not manifest in the World of People … Humanity.

5:00 pm

All these questions have been answered along with something I am particularly personally proud of.
Which has been my ability to pick up from this awful story, the pieces of the Story of which are Factual; the Pieces of the Realm called Eternity.

I woke up today, and even recalled how Eternity works- how Being live and Dwell in that realm.
Much I recalled, even a presence with spoke to me for the first time..
And I wept, for a split second, and a plea rose to it not to speak to me such words while I still dwelt in the Last Womb Maze Mind Games Play.
E S P is a fact, and as such even such a presence must have a body.

I find that I know so much,
And yet the desire to share all the amazing data of how it all works so beautifully together, how the Mind Brain can comprehend Eternity-
Simply required someone correctly imagining it.

But to share that information is something I won’t and can’t do.
The Script I am in denies you that right, for it has been made very clear to me, that it is now time to take care of practical things for my own well being.
Not for yours- because I have forged a path out of the Maze of “Daedalus”
Dalu means “Thank You” in O I Nri Igbo
And so much of this riddle was in that
“Original Language of Humanity”

My Job, it would appear was to be The Path Finder” T P F
And not the one to reveal that which is now exploding in Awareness Memory.

Financial concerns as well as so many others, compelling me to realize that in 16 yrs I was always provided for but right now, there is no requirement for me to live this way- sacrificing myself, my peace of mind for you all.

I have solved the Riddle.
And it is now in your hands to tread on the path and Trail I have Left behind on Face Book.
It is all Written.
And thus I suppose this is your Leap of F O I
Faith of if you are Clean.

I can do no more for anyone
Except deliver the message
5 yrs and 4 months of Testimony
Evidence and Facts of the Way Home.

5:27 pm

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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