
6/26/2019 21:36 – Facebook Post

6/26/2019 21:36 – Facebook Post

From Curtis Dubbeld

9:27 p.m.

And I wonder what will you say?

Lie, hide, excuses, blame others…
Tell your kind to ” Shut the Hell Up…?

Let’s be Honest,
This Humanity Mentality
Silences the Voices of Children and all voices who point out the obvious truth.

This is a reality of compromise and soon
Without effective action taken there will no children left. The Consciousness they represent.

War is required
War on this Worlds
A war to find a solution to this World Problem of Bullies… Tyrants…
Even now in children..

And the statement

” I Don’t Care.. as long as it does not affect me.. and my own”


Let’s get realistic, nothing in this world will change, It Will get progressively worse and more unbearable if the riddle of the Human Species is not solved.

Why did this species come into Being
What is their purpose and are they the end of Evolution
Or its Herald

The Trumpet and the Trump card..

9:35 p.m

I C E…

9:36 p.m

I C F…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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