
6/26/2016 18:16 – Facebook Post


Anomaly Simulation… A.S
Self Annihilation…. S.A

Impossible Versus I’M Possible… I.I..I

26th June 2016..


It suddenly struck me that I was in an anomaly a singularity…

The realm of IF….
What If….

It was so Impossible to conceive what was happening to me, it was made so real..
Yet I was totally alone.
I tried to feel the country, get work, escape, but every road kept leading me back to this address…
to this Rage and Wrath of Being I had never believed possible..
Knew that it was not Human and was given the evidence…

It was a possibility which was demanding, in this story I was caught in, to be made Real…
An Evil so beyond my own mind…or even belief and KNOWING.. that this is impossible.. but was what I was Living..

5:11 p.m

And so for 4 years I was tested by the ‘Spirits”- I passed through stories so vile with living witnesses, including my former host witnessing and even becoming afraid of what he with his Sight could see I was experiencing…

I had to to hold onto this is truth, that what I was experiencing was Impossible.. But I could not die, nor could I kill myself, and there was no one to help me…

How do you fight the Impossible, that which defeats even the memory of which Universe Nature Everything confirms that you are correct, but which does nothing to change that which you are living…

I will not go into detail with this since I have written about this Live when I was in it.. EVIL…From Beyond the meaning of Evil understood by Humanity…

After 4 years, of a Hell which I knew even Energetically had changed me for ever…
I was no longer the same person I was, even ‘Eternally’ I knew the exact moment I had shifted..
I had been put through something so vile… So incessantly,
Rape in every dimension even my Spirit body.. but no one could rape my physically…but the Spirit realm were able to…
It was impossible I would scream aloud.. walking the streets seeking to escape the Hell I was being exposed to in every concievable and unimaginable way…

I did fight and I went into those scenarios aware that I could surmount what they were subjecting me to by rising above it..
But my nature is beautiful pride.. and there was a point…
I just could not …and I tried not to beg…
And for years I resisted but there were points when, it was so so vile, so impossible, the torture and torment so well executed…
that I found myself after yeas of being subjected to this day and night that I would cry out… “please! please! No more I beg of you…”

Even my being on Face Book and speaking revealing all this to you, has been my torment…

In 2010…I was “released” with the expression from my former hosts E-spirit and blessing that no human being had passed his test…
I had changed…What I had experienced had changed me on the most fundamental level…
My only chance to Exist was to Evolve, because I could never go back to the Eternal Emeka at code 19 years old Eternal Youth…
And that is when I went to live in Pelham Park led by Fritz Venneiq, then led by John Show went through the portals of Marina Burini and Tom Truman..Luke and began my work of finding a language in this reality, of which I who had been “condemned in a story made to feel so real” of Non Existence…Nothing but Pain and Betrayal for 10 years non stop…by a play of the Fury of Nature and Woman at the Evil which is man…

It was not my former host speaking, just as Erik Ebright I speak to now is not the same person I met and spoke to on that highest frequency…
Is here there…?

Well this is what these two very long posts are about…

Yesterday, after Erik helped set up the L.G Tribute 5 Phone (To the 5th Element”), I handed him the L.G phone which Albert S had bought for me which I recorded here after, my Galaxy Phone..G.P White, was stolen from my hands in between 3rd and 2nd…3 2.. The Bean cafe…

Most are already aware with the correlation with Everything and what the codes of both phones represented.. even to the colors Black and White…L.G..12..7…19..84…Big Brother is Watching but not George Orwels, G.O… But rather Japanese Father from the 5th Dimension.. Go means 5 in Japanese..

“If you continue like this Emeka, with the codes and linking everything, you could end up in a Vortex…” Erik had stated yesterday…

His house is called the Vortex, by some…though I have been re-aligning it back to its truth which is that it is a Cross Roads and a Gate Way to a Road that leads this physical world Home…

“I am in the Vortex already from the very day I arrived…I said quietly to myself…transforming it back into a Spiral and steps and finally a road home…” but I kept quiet..

After the phone was set up, and I handed him my phone..A.S called me, but on my tribute 5 Phone.. The Mother of R and R is in Florida…

And I knew the Loop connecting me to 2006, meeting Erik and then in the same year meeting Edwin A.S.. was my journey into the Anomaly Singlarity linked to that which I am experiencing here..
The Impossible.


That a Beloved can betray the E line Consciousness…
It is IMPOSSIBLE.. and yet, I am witnessing a play in which I know it is not true.. that it is a lie..

Yet the test was if all evidence points out to the farce, the comedy, Dantes Divine comedy being true, and that this is a play of Eternal Truth and Eternal Law and nothing to do with Love…Because Love can exists with out Truth…
And let say this was all set up…
A replay of 2006,
and today is the 26th..
And I met A.S.. 8-26-2006..26.. at his address 268…
And now I am at 26 N.E 6Oth…

And the “Unseen”… which is the name of the Screen play written by Erik’s close and my name sake “Victor” who recently tragically took his own life…

..The Unseen set this entire play and scenario up, to see if I would show “Favor’ to the E.E line despite what seems to be the projected illusion in an Unseen play set up to show that the E line not only do not exist, but are the source of Evil.. the Source of the Beginning of Evil…

I Know that this is Not true… I have the Evidence of it not being true but only in private or a different dimension of which the E and the E communicate..
Yet on the World Mirror, in enactment, interpretation, and Demand, it paints the worst picture ever…
Will you cut out this Beloved or the line of that Beloved out of Existence, even if He has the keys to your way home..

Again it is Susan Otelia Nelson-G.E.O…Post..

What I think and Know should happen and what I am Living..

The Anomaly Singularity came to me…E.K.E.E…E.K.A.S….
E.E.E.A..R.S…(E.E.A.S.E.E.)…Came to me through both at the Speed beyond light called Perfect Timing…

6;00 p.m.

I’M Possible…

This is NOT Possible…

I Already have Cut It and Them Out…
With the King Cobra 107 code affirmed.

Because I know the Eternal Truth, Eternal Law…
I know what Eternal Love is…

And it can not betray Existence… it can not move from A.S to Self Anihilation.. A.S.S.A… Assa!… Beauty is the meaning of ASSA…Mpete!

A=1..S=19…19+19=38/83…A.A is 1 1… 2..B.

1+1=2…B…3+8/8+3….11 11…

2 2…4..D…V..Victor…


6:06 p.m.

I say let the Blade of Death and Non Existence Fall of the Beloved line..
For this Energetic play I have witnessed on Duality, Two Faces is the Lie.. Energy is Can not be Divided..
Ah Tom can not be divided…
When two molecules fuse together.. they can not be divided…

So, I say there is no risk to my line of the E, of the Beloveds and the Beloved present with me in the most foul evil cruel play of Woman or man as the Source of Evil…

6;10 p.m

Let the Sword and Blade Fall where it may..
My Brother is innocent
HE is M.E.


Neither He nor I .E are the Source of Evil…
Let the Blade of the Unseen Fall and reveal the Eternal Truth of what brought Evil into this Existence..and who really had the most unbelievable Audacity to change and switch (try to Switch the focus of the play for All A.H)
To all about their selves and the Expense of Everything and Everyone.. despite it still be a play… to find the Truth.

6:14 p.m

Judgment Emperor… that is my vote…
Let the Sword Fall…
and the Eternal Truth will be revealed.
My Beloved Brother is Innocent…

As am I…

And from us SHE Comes..
Lady E

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