
6/25/2019 21:27 – Facebook Post


Jesse Macias
Took Medicene last night..

I felt it, I did not tell me as he described to me in the Car what his experience was.
Cannabis aka Mary Jane
And in O.I Nri and West Africa Nigeria it is called Igbo.
The Medicene I used to travel is Cannabis..
That is the tool of Nature and to travel to that realm where yes it’s called the Mystic River or the True Natures Dimension

Christopher Filgueira kept mentioning the name Mogwli last night in The Jungle Book , last night ( T J B.. Being John Thomas
O P E N IS and TWO Balls and Seat of Pleasure
Prostrate Gland”
G P “Good Point!”

9:20 p.m
Dark Matter
After math
C Men
And Sensation which made rise once
Lord Desire…

And yes,that is the literal story of My self as the Black Panther and in seeing the Man Child

9:22 p.m

Jesse Macias Biryhday
Royal Mayan Rodriguez Santana birthday

Son of Albert Einstein Santana..

I V..

Me ?
V I.. 5 1. = 6 V I. King

4 is a story
I V.
Is the Story of
1 5. 6
A V ..F
I recounted narrated and you rose to enact it because You are literally made of Energy Truth

Right to Brooke Lee Lemery
Brenden Velez
On the 22nd.

Mother Of Dragons
M O D. E. Fashions
D O M. E

Not the Mob
Bom b

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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