
6/25/2019 20:54 – Facebook Post

6/25/2019 20:54 – Facebook Post

This is the T shirt, I merited and earned which as you can see has two Eyes formed out of Two Jaguars sitting in a tree which forms a head.. A Face.

8:39 p.m

It was inspired by Jesse Macias post.

And then he informs me, later as be kindly took me to buy some groceries compliments of Esteban Miguel Filgueira
And Sarah Kaizer
250 was the code
25 is today’s date.

That He had taken Medicine
And had experience two Eyes peering in the Darkness…
He spoke of the Jaguar
The Black Panther..

He has no idea of this play and the Black Panther narrative from start to finish and even to the Black Panther, truck which arrived and parked in Front of me when I was at Panera living at 114 Grant Moor

Or of me in the Eternal Beginning seeing my reflections manifests as a Blue Print wave film with Windows, Stills which recounted the everything manifested, and how when he came back his entire expression had become distorted.
Transformed into a terrible story of Existence and its point, and how he read it, correcting it as he moved along…
His lightness turning onto fury anger, emotions which he had never felt before
And how he transformed into a Black Panther, a Predator and Hunter
The Beautiful Assassin.

Tom Truman Marina Burini…
John Luke, have a sister called Bridie Birdie and there mother called April

Tom Luke..

They Lived Before Adam
By C.A

A B. T L..M. E
A Beautiful Truth De- Lights

A B C D-E.T L. M J/J.M . 23 W. VV.. 5. E

April Means ” O P E N.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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