
6/23/2020 22:14 – Facebook Post

6/23/2020 22:14 – Facebook Post

8:57 p.m.

E Means Energy-


That is what everything in Creation and Existence is made off.

All derived from the 5th Dimension.

To return to the 5th Dimension one must be as you were originally but with something added
Awareness aligned to Eternity Energy.

I for one would never have agreed to this play.
Each was meant to have done their own homework as I did when I was brought here as each of you- with no memory of my Identity or this play.
I was 7-8 when i gained my recollection through a Vision Dream which I knew was not only real but how I came to this world and why.
I could have given up on that truth- and entered into the world- i could not give up my way of being and seeing and you have seen and witnessed many of you what my holding onto the this truth did to me.

Each of you, all the places and people I was lead to and who i did investigate, had recollections of that Light Existence from which they had emerged but i witnessed how nearly all di not pursue or investigate them.

It was a choice.

I have been used, and even taken over, and I was led in the end to Arden Gemino who was a 16 year old.
The End of the Wave.
I did not do this to myself, nor did I wish to solve his riddles of Existence.
or the Riddle of the Sphinx.

Nor would I have ever agreed to such a journey especially in this 20th century world.

Do not shoot the messenger.
I was sent to you all by Him ( Him Her) it is his Script I had to solve and decode
represented in Jeron Satya s Lang born 2-25-2019 B Y T.S..
The Script of The Source Beautiful Youth.
Tree Sage Kim Arthur Hines.

I had no control of this play, except how i would respond.

And for the last two – three days and nights I was checked and tested by the source of the play I was led to moving through Arden a 17 year old.
I never did not show respect, even though his age and his mood, even knowing that he was once my younger brother, lover and best friend.
That i came before him.
It was his play his script.

My job was never to convince anyone that I was telling the Truth but rather present the Evidence and Facts transparently and even the added play of 2012 of the evidence and facts being echoed through you all.

It was His ( his her ) desire that i come as a man and pass through all the worst scenarios of the Human condition, Human Children worst fears and to prove them not only illusions- riddles to solve and solve them out of existence all based on how you perceive each situation.

I despise this play, passing through Human Cultures through the ages, or being moved and occupied.
But He felt that by my passing through it and reaching the end point which He indicated is here, where I met Ferrill and Arden, Aurelia Leander and Jeron that it would inspire people to see clearly, follow my own example in their own way and see that h-God Responds.
That that everything is in perfect harmony and that there is nothing to fear.

That any Human being even as an illusion can rise and see Beauty and his evolution E via Awareness to Harmony.

For 8.6 years, publicly on Facebook linked to my tel no which he made sure Liberty C Liscomb arranged. 860 804 1905
To the 19 years in the U.S.A to Ferrill Gemino whose former room I now occupy that you would be read for yourselves and discern and make your own decision of yes no, true or false.

It was never my responsibility to do your homework- play the reminder, teacher, sacrificial Lamb.
But he forced me to play that role, so concerned by the depth of lies, the blanket covering your world from seeing the truth – and the evil created from careless and thoughtless expressions and then break down how evil became conscious so that you could learn the lessons of responsibility before gaining those so called Super Powers.

I have sought to escape this play and fate since i was made aware of it age 21-22. But I could nor nor could I betray the truth or all those people i was sent to bring a message from him.
I could not fight him and he wished me to fight for him and that you would to….
Fight to bring Harmony into the world.
Because it was not only possible but H E had planted it in you.

I never betrayed Him ( Him Her) no matter what was done to me, and I obeyed him because I was set up and He she knew what I would do because he they knew me so well.

I have been decoding HIS script, His Her will not mine, and I hated him, felt hate for the first time in my existence but i did not betray him or any of you.

I do not care, and never have, who believes or not, it was never about believing, it was about solving his script and riddle and getting to it End.

I will never forgive him, this force the play of cause and effect, but I will not lie, or refuse to be what I am and share with you by obeying Him because I recognized his Truth and true intentions.

I would never create a play like this, i would rather let everything go out of existence rather than let such a play like this exist or subject anyone to such ….

No, this is His Play… Y yes male chromosome… It is not real it is a Examination Test in a class room, while the only reason i am still here is because of it being in me, and making its will very clear.

His mercy to you.. this use and abuse of me, who came before him the Big E who knows and was the only witness that that he BIG E source and big brother is A MAN is the action of the Unforgivable not just to me, but to all true existence, for if such a thing can be done to anyone, why should life existence or anything come into Being, for such a play destroys all Trust and Truth that We are Safe….
S ..A F… E…
I am not a Lad pf 17, i am a man representing eternal truth.
That No one is alone, not even I whose existence and life was taken away.

So please be feel free to decide for yourselves, the luxury of which you have been given was never given to me.
Choose whatever you wish if this is Judgment Day or not.
He used me to provide the evidence that it is, you can twist my word, mis-translate them call me a fool..
I have seen everything you have been able to throw at me, even my mothers passing here on while on Facebook, things done to me at night in the spirit world, I have heard your most malicious and cruel silent thoughts and wishes to me, and still as a gentleman i have plodded on to right this moment, documenting publicly the awful things HE SHE Intentionally did to me, so that I could make public and rectify the truth of God simply being the Beautiful truth.,

What more can you do to me, can you blame me for saying that none of you are realm what beings of heart, E.,M.F witness such devotion to you, to proving your Beautiful Truth, and that your bodies and beings can literally rise.

What heartless souls you all are personally i say quietly, in my eyes.

No, my job was to complete his play so that my body could be free, he knew i would not leave my body, do violence to it to leave his grip and the grip of the lie and evil created by all of you who always blamed others, forgetting the parts each of you played in it.

No, I am not here to convince you, never was, I just came this last part to free my body and see where this sojourn would end.
And if there was any heart behind it…

I say heartless cruel .. bickering to the very end.
Corona Virus is over… Nothing happened .. ha! we are save and we can go back to our old ways…
Emeka is full of shit – lets sabotage the bastard for making us clean fighting for us to be true to our most beautiful selves…
We can now go back to filth and old habits… is that not what a Demon is….?

I know there are Naturals in you, who do not deserve this my expression but please Fahad Hassen read the story of the EManual…
See the truth of A Man and why should he be a God, to be afraid of to make you be not good, but true to who you are, why must there be something or someone to force you to be clean.
Why should there be Evolution Awakening to get you to chose what you conscience, your body of truth tells you.
Y can you not be as a person such as Arden who is not good or evil, not Angel or Demon, a mischievous horny fun loving pure intention ed pure heart expressive his love of being alive “I just wished to be happy that is my lifes ambition, moving through the world – attacked left an right to transform into something he, they are not.
And then find out that he is literally me, my past Alexander Nnamdi and that they were prepared to do to my Past what they.. you did to my future.. Look at Jeron…

Please do not review the facts, go back to your old ways, but I was coerced to give you empirical evidence to satisfy the age of reason- you were looking for a God of your imaginings, many of you imagining that hey you are god and god is power, every one bowing to you “Empire” Evil Empire and when I call you Evil from beyond, you rant and rave and prepare to retailiate when I have called a spade and spade.

Go ahead, convince yourselves that I am a lie, when none of you have been able to move people who are the seed of the worst of human expression- gossip malice, innuendo, back stabbing, using power of suggestion, dark arts, to move even them without being aware and then made aware, to tell the truth..
Be your former delusional selves..

And see if my Truth will manifest and destroy you in a manner.. you have to invent another word for Regret.

Sure i was betrayed, but I did not fall down, I stayed up and fought back using the tools of this age- A computer game of coding and of the old age , true magic spells.
to move your bodies which are all programs to enter a place of which the one who brought me here, intended for all who are not real.

Go ahead….
Deny the evidence the Facts.. Go back to your acts..

10:11 p.m.

Yes beauty nature betrayed me for you, and now, let see whose truth is a lie and which one is a Fact.

10:12 p.m.

I could never be as what you chose to be, no matter what you did to me…


10;13 p.m


Jesse Macias Orejuela J M O… O M J

John Mack rep of Erebus

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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