
6/23/2018 2:16 – Facebook Post

6/23/2018 2:16 – Facebook Post
6/23/2018 2:16 – Facebook Post

2:13 am.

B M..

I am in the back court yard.
Micheal Bell just joined me and is wearing a red cap with the letter B on it
I showed him the Letter Magnets.

“What do you see?” I asked him.

” I.D and 1 D. ”

Red and Orange…. And Blue…

2:20 am.

Lewis who used to call me Master and Babalowo…and Lucifer..
M B L…
I told him to call me Emeka..

He was wearing Wine Red..the color of the background where the Kitaba hangs.

Only 3 of us..
E M L..
E 13 12..

E 25..

S P 109…

My last coffee was 13..

13 13.. Pause (77…the past Africa..went tpo far.. code 76… You can not tamper with Time…Time Codes of the Play.
Kyle grandfarher has visited only 48 States..
T C.. Lady Echo..
Rage…109… 13
39..C I

Kyle Murphys Big Brother..
Brennan B Young..

Y…I the Past..
Paangea Africa P A Y
P A G E A H…

3 down stairs..Back Court Yard.
E M L..

3 were left upstairs.. T V… 7 7 Color Notes..
E R A…
End of an Era of “A R E”..
They are not the 7 line..

Kyle 7 Floor 7 months
Belle Vue.. Sunset .
Room in Delta.. 5 C bed 26..
Sun set..

Michal BelleVue..
Yes BeautiFully seen
And Lewis Beautifully seen..
Micheal is 70..
48 States Kyles Grandfather has been including the 49th State..
Sakess Alaska..
He said the skies there are the Most Beautiful..
For those who know me.

But No Me Alaska..
The 4th Kind..
Death Ray is a Stare .
Not a Stair..


He I recognize now as the O I Nri man who was a church deacon and ex military bed 009 at V R C..B R C…

2:39 a.m
B C I.

He replaced Erik Eposito..
Who was moved to bed 004..
Luke Wilson..was in that bed..
9 4..
I D…
4 9 4..
I D I. E E… Now E A….A R E A 51.
And the true poral of a Dawn of a New Era..
A Golden Dawn of the Eternal Hero and is Family Line arisen in Being..

Kyle spoke of the point of the Play in Ready Player One..
O P R…
O P R E T… Ready in French…
Was to find a Door..”Juan” Room 243..
And a Key..Under the Dark Green Bench..
With Micheal the other day…a Golden Key..
A Note.. Tone of Voice to open the door..

See the Dark Green corner stone I found sent by Sue.. Green House..

I found it on E Street.
Alpha Bet City..
“Amazing Grace how sweet the Sound”..

Micheal has left calling me “Master Emeka”..
After venting fire..

The Two 77 coffee Arab Bodega..

2:50 a.m right now.

The T V Room.7 note and sound..
B C Yard..
7 Sight.. Sense Seer Sound Silence Sol Sun ..

Bathroom Starbucks 77450..

No anger is as Dangerous and intent as I..
T V Room..E?

There was a man here earlier when I was with Ant and Kyle..
A 4th man who was at the base of the pyramid formed.
A Cone..
Orange Cone..
Which the migrant workers I noted two days ago playing with

The real shape of the pyramids said Kyle.
It housed the Dead.

I knew it was a Tunnel because Keith Grant had worked on one in TEXAS..Lone Star State..

His name is Smokey” Kyle said.
I thougt of Smokey Robinson.
Swiss Family Robinson.. Lost in Space..
L I S..

And the Wisp..Of smoke..
Smoke Signals..
And a Perfume in the Air..
And a Lure..
Allure Magazine.

But his name is “Ira”..
I watched him all day walk up and down all day.
He cant sit still..

I too had observed him.

Kyle asked Ira his last name..
L I S S …
Ira Iiss .

I L..

Lost In Space. . ?
Rakibul Islam Rakib asked me in a text if the battle was to recollect Identty Forgotten..

I said yes..
But really it was Infinite Limitless were we the E lived..
B LISS.. At not having to recollect anyone or thing in lower frequencies..because all who exist are E..
My job as pilot was to get them out of thier blissed out transcdental state to alert them Land..
We have Landed on the Beach of Paradise E..
Not this Simulation Stimulator conveter transformer System I am in because its is still the Simulation..
The Game which was long since finished and was going around and around..
Darker and Darker as it sought to implode self destruct but I had to continually recreating simulations until you woke up.

It grew redundant..
But Kyle noted that for two days he saw something new.
I advised him to recollect that there are 60 6 months of Simulation Posts.
7 years and 17 years of enactments..
7 yrs 6 months.
17 yrs and 3 monthsm.
Q C.
3:21..22 am.

Since March 20-21..2001..
A M 5-009.. S P 59

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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