
6/23/2015 17:21 – Facebook Post

6/23/2015 17:21 – Facebook Post

3:32 pm


Emmanuel Church.
North Carolina
Nnaemeka Chinwuba Ezeufonna
N C E.
Nnaemeka Jude Charles
Meaning of his name.
“Father of Emeka (Nnamdi) praise the Freeman..

I am off Free Man Street
McGuiness Av. Iri-Sh.
Iri means TEN in NRI Igbo…
S is letter 19…1O…IRI.
H is 8.
1O8..end of the flower of life.
My bed mate at the Shelter is an Irish man..
His bed number is 5O.
He spoke of going to stay with a friend in North Carolina yesterday.
Kieth spoke about going to Tesxas the Lone Star State…
Colin David Lovvorn is from there..
A guy with the Lone Star State T-shirt just passed by…

Emmanuel Church..
9 people Killed in a Church by a “White” Supremacist called Roof…

Raise the Roof.

Pray tell me?
Did I not just complete the code of Emmanuel with Nenad M. Djurdjevic aligned to Nuno Ordens Miguel.. Emmanuel.
Name E…Emeka
N.O.M.E Alaska the 49th State…
Alaska cold…Emeka Tutu…Tutu means Cold but also A.M..E…”Morning” in OINRI Igbo…
Emeka Morning… E M.
Enzo Militano…
E.M..E.K.E….Eke Orie Afor Nkwo four market days….
Ti in Italian and French and Spanulish means the informal “You”

Emeka You…Exist

All seeing Eye of Rah .

9 people killed.
Did we not just not finish the play of 9th Street before being brought to the Shelter…
The Two Beans from the Mictchondria D N.A from Nenads worthy brilliant scholarship..
The power house which moves people through through a programming…
1889 Nazi Propaganda Machine and Programs whuch began with the invasion of Plans and the Ghettos.
The Jews..
How strange that Green point is filled with Polish people and Green Point Bedford with Orthodox Jews.. and Gay people..
And a shelter full of primarily black people..
Hmm E Gas Chambers..
The Nazi killed Poles Jewish People Homosexual people and of course.. Always Black ppl..
Aryan Supremacy..
A S…
White Supremacists. .
Are we in a Time loop…?
Ground Hogs Day..
14 years in N…N is Z. Z is E.
268…A-Z E…
A-N-Z E…
Alfie Ndubuisi Nze…Eziefuke.. A.N.N.E…
Grace And Favor F D.N.A.G
Forte Green Atlantic Bedford Shelter -14 yrs later after living in every borough in New York including the Upper East Side (Smirk)
back to Green Point via 54 The Bean and 1st and 9th the Bean..
A Viscious Loop and Cycle repeated from Hitler who got the idea perhaps from Slavery 1776…
Alexander Hamilton.
Thomas Jefferson.
The American Constitution
Constitution… Hmm does that word not mean Health….
Ones Constitution?
Is it Healthy..?

A computer programs, mind and brain washing and through overloading the human body and mind with unnatural substances drugs Television propaganda… Which then using sound to artificially move people to….
Versus the True D.N.E A programme of the Creator..
Surely, many will recall the great battle to here on Facebook with an Artificial Intelligence A I…
Which posed no threat to the Truth Expression Natural…T E N..
The Elegant Nomad…
Ana Leonardo Caixas
InĂªs Guerreiro
S.A G E. /EG A.S….example A S..
Anung Sangha who is no longer in the play..
But I am as the example Emeka Grace A.S..
Albert Santana A S my former host at 268…

After all my Bed number is 49..
The State of Alaska..
N.O.M.E Alaska the venue where that strange event occurred…
And the combination of my Lock is 1 19 M…
1 19 is A.S…
Anung Sangha means “Great Gathering of Elite Family…GEMS”
A S.
Alberto Santana means Noble Bright Famous and in Sanskrit Santana means ” constant stream of Expression of Observations and Awareness to infinity and beyond..”

49 is D.I…it means IS in OINRI Igbo and when you flip it I.D (Identity) in English..
I was born in England and have an English I.D (Passport.. Which has strangely been denied me each to I reapply for it after it was stolen from a Jamaican restaurants basement filled with Mac cosmetics…
Nikoma who channels N Boom companies principal client is MAC cosmetics..
And Rachel McWilliams…is Called MAC…
*Rachel perhaps it is time to put the Emanual Web Site we organized up…
Pls text me..

Rachel means purity and EWE. And Oh yes She did recognize the “Holy Espirit”

So MAC cosmetic Company with Nikoma works with..
And a Silver Mac in the hands of David Philipe Gil who is generously keeping it for me…

Cosmetics Make Up -Graphic Desigher and a Computer Programmer… C.P Intials D P.G and a Graphic Designer named Nikoma Rios N.R..
…G D… God?

(G.D…74…AL Santana my former hosts born in Green Point…Forte Green 4th Street 9th street was born 74…hey look at that 4th Street and 9th Street makes 49…my Bed number…!.
Me I am 147 Emmy which is located in 1st Ave and not 9th Street…And 54 -5+4=9, is located on 1st Street…
Which aligns to 54..2nd Avenue.
Opposite 91 where Joseph Carey lives… Hmmm
And 147 1st Avenue aligns 5+4=9=I…2nd Ave.
147 (1-4+7=12) 1st
Thus 54-(9) 2nd +147 (12) 1…align to
54..9 + 147..12…2nd 1st…
21 2nd and 1st..21..
A B…B.A…
Bedford Atlantic… Hmmm that was the Shelter I first came down the System of the Damned the Matrix 14 yrs ago…14 Is N…Z ..14-26…8

Let’s see Alberto…I met an Alberto U.S through through Teachers and writers at Union square through a woman called Dawn..
Alberto introduced me to J. Carey (then I met Tom Truman through Albert Sananta of 268)

I met Nikoma at Union Square and just before I met the most compassionate huslter at Staten Island and stayed with him at Washington Heights where Nikoma later lived and I visited him and stayed with him where he chose the safety of Sky Oak Speaker over what I represented…

Then Albert Santana of 268…
Three Alberto the first Called US who saw Father as the Great Computer in the Heavens ..
Sort of like Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy…

See…all Programs..

See The Atlantic Bedford Forte Green Equation to Green Street Soho “The Green House” to 4th Street to 9th street to every single Portal I went through in New York to my bed 49 lock 1 19 M..
A.S…M was not me being manipulated by a Matrix of by Programs or Brainwashing or being “moved”
But rather it was all my Will..
Will I Am BED FOR D. David.
I am the Green Point…
David Phillip Gill.. P.G? No.
G P…
BE D F-ord-ens .Nuno Ordens Miguel Emmanuel…
I am the Clay St ..
The Clay which Fashions the Body as well as the Being..

The Spies used 9th street code which was Als code “Rage”
I am 5+4=9.
And The Bean 147…
Not 9th Street..

A.M.E…9 people killed at Emmanuel Church..
Emmanuel Church..
That is the Bed of Keith in the Shelter..
Assassination of Emeka Kolo..
No, I am placed by the System the Matrix I entered 14 yrs ago exactly where I wished to be..
Emeka Tutu…
Meaning Cold..
49 State
Why do I come as Death..
ID English
Because David A N…4…114
Betrayal of the Alien Council
The Babies 1-2..
5:11 pm.
E K.

It means that I am exactly where the Computer System I programmed placed me..
Right next to the Iri sh. Bed 5O…
That before I go to the 5O State that I come as

A M.E…
Emmanuel C…5+3= 8…H…U.R.Consciousness ( Robert Cole R C ) Harmony
As The Beautiful Awakening…Emeka You you…
The Terrible awakening for African Americans who denied me…cold
And the N.O.M.E for all who refused me my I.D…and passport…

Alaska is Cold…
Hawaii us Hot..


I am Warm.

No the Machine works…perfectly well..
Bed 5O IRI SH.
Bed 49…E.K.
Bed 48 Marcos Quintero..

Albert Macros Emeka.
A M E.

Emmanuel C…H…U R.C.Harmony..

E T.

Emeka Tutu.

I Know
George Phillip ROC…
I Know who I am

Thanks to lord Orien Laplante and the Espirit which moves him, I feel I finally have the reason I was sent to the Shelter to “rest”
Having completed mission of N..the Story of the First World Creation Story…
Africa as the source of all humanity D.N.A..
All about E V.E.

I do beluev

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