
6/23/2015 12:28 – Facebook Post

6/23/2015 12:28 – Facebook Post

11:57 pm


Robert Pasquine Mzena…
And you are absolutely right David Philipe Gil, I do Need anything from anyone.
Because as that all Seeing Eye of Rah which Nenad recounted seeing pointing at an Icon of Seven Angels in Silver (as in my silver Laptop with you David and the other one which contains my Family of E) with the words Emmanuel underneath it, which at the precise time an eye of Rah on a woman’s T shirt appeared in front of me eliciting a “Lol” from Nenad M. Djurdjevic when I informed him…
Is because God is with me.
And as I grumbled to my Mother a couple of years ago to her laughter ” And I can’t seem to get rid of Him Her”…

Why would I say such a thing?
Because human Hypocrisy and unwillgness to see the “Wilderness” outside of the Garden of Eden for what it really was and is…
An expansion of the Garden of Eden within but outside…
That the wilderness was actually the going within to understand God, to understand and figure out the Nature of God which is Harmony…

To look under every rock and every tree, to listen to the wind and not ask or expect but to seek to understand its song and if your understanding of its song was correct…by its echo affirmation.

Adam was not asked to name all the things in Creations he was asked to understand the break down of all Creation so that he could create a Song which pleased the Lord, which goes like this the 4th the 5th…
With a joyous Hallelujah ..
H ALL E Lu (read) J (1O) A H. 1-8…

I protested because no one sought to figure out God by investigating that which is both Seen and Unseen.
Manifest and UN manifest..
Kinetic and Potential
All one and with no duality.
Instead you created stories with investigating the Nature of God when all around you is Nature and within all is His Her True Nature and in your moment of Beauty and Heroism, mischief and Lightness ..there was, is Gode Code Consciousness Gaite. .
That is who God is.

And so you forgot to find God and he used my body to Find those who were never lost in the first place .
Sending me to worlds and homes and even shelters to cyber space with his message and News ..
Come Home..

And your response was …
God as such does not Exist.
Contradiction “God is Love but to Respect Him hr must be as we Created him…
The God and Consciousness which you refused to listen to…
Or go within to seek Her, then check his response reflected outside..
But yet you who lost the way to Cee can determine or not when God speaks to you or through me whether if he is real because he made me come to you and say ” Shelter me, aid me in this most worthy cause. ”

Proving Gode back into Existence
But really proving yourselves back into Existence and into his presence

No I do not need anyone’s money, or Homes or Shelters because all came from the twins in one outside within and around me…
The 1.

It was to see Praise Appreciation Gratitude Expressed

To see if within you that you had understand Devine Favot .. Is Grace

And the response is that I am in a Shelter..

And I say to God within me…
Oh Hell No!

But I did obey and I did go…

The question is would anyone of you do…
Or would you pretend you did not hear what he asked of you and go about your Existence as if G.H..
God Harmony
Is Not Real.

I am Looking for Nikoma Rios..
If anyone apart from David knows how to contact him..
Ask him if he has message for me and please let me know.

12:27 pm.

Now isn’t that funny..

The exact Equation when Nikoma was Born.

12:28 pm.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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