
6-22.. 6:23 pm.

6-22.. 6:23 pm.

F V… F Double V V.

Micheal Trahe has arrived once again, how many times has he come and gone…

M T= 13 20- 33.

Todays is 12-21 … = 33

Do you still think that this is my imagination .. this play, and something refusing to give up, and another allowed this to go this far and my having to go this far to clean up its, their mess for believing a story and that there was no other way to get the truth?

Make rise the beautiful truth, when it was demonstrated, so easily by me through simply embodying that truth and observing peoples truth, and the truth rise in people not only through muscle memory but as Arden and Kim pointed out, how he always feels better after conversing with me, cleaner and Kim, saying the sound of my voice.

All by simply using Awareness Naturally Intent and thus proving that Nothingness is filled with Something- The Sum Thing, withing all is Sixth sense which links to the body muscle memory, responding naturally and almost involuntarily to the Expression which created Energy, Being Mind C-Raft, Thought – Body…

But Awakening Paying attention.. that is truly the choice each person had, as Choice and Free Will to ignore their conscience and what the body of truth and H-E-A.RT H Body was saying to every one of you.

Instantly recognizing as Arden demonstrated and acted out at First Sight.

To Lion of Judah Kiss of Bye the last day.

See what the name Trahe means ( Weaver Tailor Craftsman… Garment)- Body and Body Suit

B.S @ BS 2 19 South Whitney where we still are being made to wait.

See me age code 33 2-0001

add 1010 J J as Twins K J J K – ulh and J T

Kim age code 33, 12-21-2020

Arden age code 17. 12-21-2020.

Who is as God?

Gemino Gemino.

the 33 already 1.


A.E K A H!

6:42 pm.

F D… B.

Fifth Dimension Bellah!

6:43 pm

6th sense Sacred Portal Door of Life.

E-C Me 4/3

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