
6/22/2020 17:54 – Facebook Post

From rajiat alghufran

This is the same image of a kitten which Aurelia Gemino drew on the Cup which Liberty C Liscomb had Ferrill, Arden, Aurelia, leander and Jeron created for me as a pottery gift.

She drew a kitten on the outside base of the Cup.

I knew what it meant.

Here is the meaning of this name as my 14 81 Facebook Friend =95 I E… And 14… yes she is 14 and 14 is N
Today the family returned code date 6-22-2020.
Linked to Nature as Fritz Venneiq F V.

It also links to Ferrill= Valiant Victorious… F V
Last 4 digits of his number.

The Departure and Return all linked to Liberty C Liscomb was full circle the same equation and outcome full circle.

I know it was a set up, a play of Awareness.
and consideration and Love which linked from Dishes to Eau… Water H 2O
Death Ray…
R D… Red Dragon.
Leander just returned, the only one I saw return, the others I only heard.
I have been using the desk Top and his Red Dragon mpise Key board with the Red Dragon sticker he placed on the Monitor.
Last night, it came to my awareness again.
R D… South ROAD.
D.R .. Death Rays.. Which is Sacred Portal 49.
“Existential Death” the most terrible death.
Arden had gone to Luray Caverns.
Love Conquers
Last Chance.

The Word “Slay” was spelt out on the Fridge door… I don’t know who placed it there but Leander plays with those magnets

I heard the play with the water resevoir which i had filled up out of consideration the night before, I got up after she had left to find no water left at all and thus not water from the taps…

Like the Dishes, it was a micro thing which gave Macro implications.
No Love Awareness of consideration for the Creator present.
Thoughtlessness or simply Forgetting Negating is Existential Death.

Aurelia stayed in Virginia.

Of course, this kind of play is not my cup of tea and I am obviously following instructions of Alien Father.
A F Arden Fred… Lord of the Alien Council of Children.
Lord of Youth as Destruction and Rage.
A F is lord of the Black Hole

The answer to this Aurelia Ferril…A F F A is obviously NO.

No Forgiveness.
No Awareness no respect or consideration..
Last Chance… taken for granted

5:50 p.m

The answer is No…

And not only do I add my Authority to open that portal but I add my unconditional Infinite Eternal Rage…

I noted the time first today on the Oven Kitchen ( O K) it was 4:20 p.m
D T.

It was all set up…

5:53 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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