
6/22/2018 19:37 – Facebook Post

This Wicked Wicked Cruel World….

5:00 p.m.


F-V-T.R….U E..
Link to Fritz Venneiq F V. “Who saw the Vision of the Earth and Nature revealed in its True Splendor.”
through a conversation I had with him’

Transparent Reflections Understanding Energy…
Universe is Expression… ( Harmonies Sound)

It means that His Vision which he saw in Pelham Park in 2010 when he led me here, was True.
What we are living in as Nature is but a poor, poor imitation of its True Expression.
As if one is seeing it through truly filthy lenses, glasses or eyes sight so poor that every thing is dimmed.

I found two Letter Magnets on my way here to Star Bucks…

You do recall the magnet I spoke about often, Light Blue which I found in the second bed assigned me, where Micheal Belle is still occupying- 3-002 ( 32)
The letter P.
Well, I found a Blue one which is shaped as both the Number 1 and the letter I, and the other one in Green, the Letter D.

1 D..
I D.

Thus, I D P….. which links to I.. David Powers … I Dawn Piercy..

You will not believe of Cruelty and Wickedness which took place for it would seen my earning those last two letters and Number 1,

( Yes, 11= 1… Finally… 1 D P….. A D P… 1 4 16….9 4 16…At Delta)
I recognized the Anger, Fury behind the play, that kind of temper who is such a sore loser that They, so furious that that commit an action of such spite and malice so shocking that you almost refuse the prize…
An ungraciousness so startling that you just stare in shock, especially when you see the Insect who act this out..
Insects who can be crushed like a mosquito.

Natural humans look like Ants or Bees to the “Tall Beings” who as Vaïhéré Cardonnet showed in his response to my post of a being high up on a mountain top or the code..

*Recall the code play of Theia Divina?
Pontius… And the meaning.. 5th, Bridge, See from Above..

“Pontius meaning
The name Pontius either means Fifth or Big Blue…

Here at Abarim Publications we’d like to additionally point out that the most dominant sub-tribe of the Samnites were the Pentri, whose name is thought to derive from the Celtic pen-, meaning peak (hence words like pin, point and even pinnacle).”

I am always so startled by the depth of Wickedness and Cruelty, I have observed at Delta Manor and Starbucks..
and the streets of New York, despite having experienced Its Full Array through out my Life and through the countries I have lived in.

‘But there is none that can equal the depth of that which I have observed in this ‘Set Up” and Script.
So much so, that you have all witnessed me falter, and not wish to go any further,not because of the Cruelty of the Species in the shadows or gripped by fear, greed or the disease of Rage and Hurt that they act out i moments, stupefying acts…

-When I lived with my Peurto Rican “host” at 268 for 4 years,
Fritz Venneiq will one day testify to having witnessed what I saw.
Most times it is those most gripped by Cowardice ( not really fear, every feels afraid and fear, and it has been a catalyst from which great spectacular feats were discovered.

What is horrorific about the Script is the demand to pass through and dwell in a place of which cruelty and wickedness is allowed to be done non stop to you, and you have to stay to complete the play and discover the reason you are there.
Meanwhile, they spawn of Satan” are free to enact out to their hearts content all the evil they wish- which you are meant to endure and transform by finding the source and the reason it came into Existence and Creation.
Then you have to present the evidence and the facts. Then go through a long court process where you the investigator are sent undercover as a spy, are treated to the experiences of each abomination of a mentality to bring the evidence and facts to prove your expression are facts.
Thus, a play created to make you suffer, all a ruse really..
It was all designed to find a way to destroy you by putting you over and over again in a situation and circumstances which really sought to find your weakness..

Tito is the name of the person used in this last set up, which did so much as surprise me but startle me that still… even now..
This is how much malice there is in the Human Nature…

I knew something was up, and had already been alert when I was able to buy some change of wardrope and three pair of shoes and was able to buy food more regurality from outside.

I knew jealousy and maliciousness would rise, some people would be glad for you, others act nicer because they wanted something from you, while others would be jealous spite full and lie in wait.
So I watched and waited…

It began with this little little man called Tito.
I had known him when he had first started, and he had no yet been fully aware of the “Power” in in role as the head of the Staff of the Ambassador company or should I say was fearful.
His staff include Elvis another diseased one, Eli, Anthony, Moe, Dee…
He is peurto Rican and tiny, but has a flashy sports car with his name TITO on the licesence plate.
A Tiny man, who wishes to to be seen.
Tiny men are also known to have the most terrible tempers- or throw temper Tantrums when they belive they are not being seen.
Or because every one can bully them they seeth in quite resentment.
There are others such as my brother father in Law who is Japanses and more like Ant, but full of wit spark spunk and wisdom…
These one can not be intimidated and are wise, and respected.
But the ones who are small…
Well there are personal examples of this I have experienced first hand as I am sure many of you have.
And there Gnomes Billy spoke about.. are no where near as the Dwarfs- which I call children to tease them, or the heroic Dwarfes or little folk Hobbits in the lord of the Rings…

Kyle Murphy spoke about seeing a little girl in American got talent who looked like girl from the Movie the Ring ( The Horror Movie)
and last night Micheal spoke to me about a 12- 14 year old boy who was gunned down by the police which was on the news – shot in the back..
( I did not remind him that he had stated that he felt like he was 12 years old…)

Tito was a decent person I found, but he used to tell me how he was treated by the company because he was really dedicated to his job.
I watched him transform from a decent man to a truly cruel gnome.
i will never forget how he treat a man, a black man fully grown called Sam, like shit.
Non of his staff like him and Dee almost quit twice because of the way he speaks to her.

He turned into a Monster..
Really literally…
Treating his staff like dirt and I recall when he made that switch, he even told me while I was still in Room 3A..
He decided to consciously become a Bully…
Because that was the only way he could get respect.

Oh, I understood his point of view, people only respect that here.. base people who vibrate of frequency literally lower than the animals, lower than insects, bacteria.. Viruses which at least serve a function ad purpose in the scheme of things.

I understand why he snapped, but I did not turn into that which he became and I had it much worse, so have so many others..
What I saw was that he began to enjoy the power he had over his staff to make them jump.
Be rude, say things a tiny man like that should not say to grown people.

Dee who had quit was brought back by the staff and the Men at the Shelter who love her…
But this seemed to rub Tito who had I suppose set it up to get rid of her.
And he knows that she confides in me.. I already saw the signs.
But yesterday he came to where I sleep alone in a corner and made a comment about the corner being Filthy…
It was not of course, I am clean and I clean the floor with a rag, though it is not my job.
He commanded the guy to clean all the corners in the shelter by the beds.
They ignored him.
I was aware that it was a veiled slur to me…
My brand new shoes were prominently displayed.

I sleep in a large corner alone by the Window.

Suddenly this wretched man was in my thoughts which I knew meant that it was being planted in my awareness for a reason I already knew…
A Play of judgment which is not the play I respect or wish to be part of..
I am of the Evolution Awakening…
Not a stupid Human Jewish Arab Christian ( J A C..)
story.. ( J AC .. QUI… Jack Who….. Jacqui is not Jacqui in the play he is Quanma’e Lewis Q.L… I am the character sigh who was cast as Jack and The Bean Stalk… J .. A T B ..S…
Jay is Awareness of Truth Beauty Supreme..
Yes Jay whom I met as myself in the Collection with Tuan..

This morning Tito, the supervisor of the Cleaning and Catering
Tito arrived again and as I lay in bed, I saw him and Elvis…
Tito Elvis.. Tito.. E.T.. 5 20… My youngest brother Boom Micheals codes.. Micheal Obumneme.. M O..

Pause… I would like to go back to the scene in 2003 where I met a person called U.S aka Alberto , who worked at Teachers and Writers with a woman called Dawn at 14 street.
Who was so pure and my younger brothers Spirit no doubt
but who had become Daddys boy and thus a big ego.. innocent but the type you roll your eyes and know that his bubble will soon be burst and it would be good for him…
Not to see him Fail as many wished of me, just because of my confidence and desire to feel better about themselves…
But just a child who has required a lesson…

He is the one who David Roman Nicholas met through me.
He was the one who introduced me to Joe Carey..
( Ah I this is going to.. the begining of the Spirit of Jealousy.. I met Joe, and saw him through my third eye cowering in fear in the darkest shadows…
What had you done..” )

My former host was called Albert…

But I met a beautiful Albert with a beautiful voice, and the only first compassionate person I met in new york who was authenticly compassionate,
I met him when I was living in Staten Island and just a week after 911 and I had decided to escape” the terrible truly trulu terrible drunk which the Jamaicans had set me up with- the ones who worked in my former Managers Moms restaraunt o 14th street, one of which was famous called Bamboo..
My manager and indeed his Mother where not happy when I was set up to live with Donald but did not intervene when it was set up to giggles of the staff..
Donald had twice TOTAL Amnesia.. It had been a Builder and interior decorator pretty successful, married and 3 children.
But had become… whew…

I met Albert on a bus, and called him when I left that place.. escaped ( the lady who lived above with her Son a medical doctor who worked in the Emergency room was so horrified that I was living there and having just had all my luggage portfolios passports documents stolen from the Jamaican rest during 911…
some one took the opportunity…
That is how he passport story began)..

Alberto lived in Washigton Heights… W.H..and I recognized him and truly loved him, his beauty.

I see this is about the real Albert…

Okay.. let me do this quickly, Alberto of Washignton heights lived with a girl called Beverly…
He is linked to the man who had a beautiful voice who was in bed 5-001… the one which Ant now occupies..
It is the exact same position as the bed 3-002 I was in but two floors down…

U.S.. Alberto lived in Brooklyn and though wanted me to live with him or pass through his portal, he had innocently told me and Dawn that he had seen us in bed together making love.
Dawn who was after him ( he was spectularily good looking and tall and so so pure.. a pure Joy Boom! Boom!.. The Innocence of a Child.)
This Dawn began to say things to him, she wanted him, but she was way older than him.. I was in my 30’s at the time and she was older than me.
He was my little brother, just as David was Nnamdi…

He was the one who had stated that Father is the great computer in the Sky…
And he is the one who asked me my shoe size and like a little boy gurgled in pleasure when I said 11 and then proudly said his were 13.. The correct size and that he was Fathers Inheritanc…
Yes link Micheal Belle who calls father Daddy…

That was the play of the Family of TEN.. I represented Spirit E..
Awarness the Blue Color… Devi as David reprented the Color Rose… White and Red..
Unity Boom Boom the 7th color…
In that play Nnamdi was incarnating as Father…

Anyway…My shoes sizes were listed… in the challenge where I bought three shoes.. 11.5.. 11.. 13… Meaning that I am all three as well as the 13.. 12+1..The Resurrection..
Sacred Portal 31…
Nnamdi passed at age 13…
13 31… 44.. Bed 4-004…

Lord… Alberto transformed because Dawn began putting stuff in his head to compete…
A Pure Love, I watched transform him by feeding him each day…she was his boss, and though I tried to help warn him..
She was able to watch his schedule, and made sure that the job i was meant to start working there was delayed and even curtailed my ability to see him.

You must understand the Love and hurt by youngest brother has over me for leaving him to finish this work after we separated in 1980…And all i went through to get him back after they were kidnapped..
That was the love USA had for me, but he also had that seed of competition with the big brother…
My father who was so cruel and brilliant at it when he wanted to, used to use me as the example and push it in my brother and sisters face especially when I succeeded in things..
Despite treating me to such cruelty and beatings that there is no way you would suggest that I was his favored child..
My sister and Boom were…
Nnamdi and I.. NO… We fought him.. perhaps that is why…

6;58 p.m..

Lord this is tedious… after meeting Alberto of Washignton Heights I later went to the Shelter and it was as if Alberto knew.. he was so much more aware and wake not as a family of ten but as a real embodied supernatural E being…
I knew him from London as Kinder and his girlfriend Beverly…
Now as Alberto who told me how the Peurto Rican community did not like him because though fair that he had negroid features and they used to taunt him.
He did everything to not be negroid looking…

After him I met Eric.. then David…
Alberto Beverly..
Kinder Beverly…
Man Kind…
A E D..Delta..

Anthony Mannino…

Yes Alberto was Small like a Elf…

And Tito came this morning and I began cursing quietly him, he heard me and Elvis too.. it was as if I already knew…
Then he decided to get even and had Francis bed moved next to mine..
I could see that he wished to make sure that I did not feel as though I was anything but a .. “Monkey” that is what some woman and then a man called me from a car, and on Beach Ave, Cowards.. they wished a response but were scared when I turned to them..
Provocation for no reason..
No sense… just to put someone in a base place…

I saw the play… Elivis.. Tito…

I recall that which U.S had become .. he became like a mad man angry incensed..
he lead David to start having doubts when Tanya his girlfriend saw David Kiss me before her …
It was just a Kiss on the cheek but he kissed her later..chosing to kiss me first as a statement that I came first…
US had done the same thing and Dawn .. whew..

So… My Francis bed was moved to next to mine…
And Anthony and Eli all saw the play… I called attention to it of course,…
I went and informed the Director Asst.. First Micheal of house keeping.. then a new staff member who is white like Jessica then DEE who loathes him and said “Anything he does he thinks he can do what ever he wants because he is coddled because he is tiny and sucks up.”..he anger was intense about him.
I had observed that he inspired that kind of rage… others suck up or stomach it but Dee is not that type of person. ‘

I did not really care…

But I had watched Terrel -Taylor Law that beautiful young defiant man who did everything to assimulate and fight the way people are treated here. I watched how he saw what I had been through and try to get off his hi horse which made me me turn away from him.
But I had observed him, and how the people he tried to bring together betray him over and over and then fling himself from the 6th floor…
I was there.. Lorenszo who spoke so much of Gd had asked for the T.V Room to be open until 3.. ( anyone can ask)
and how Terrel- Taylor.. came in .. just before 3.. he never comes to the Tv Room…
He ignored Lorenzo and came and sat besides me…
I recorded it all even when he say and my not talking to him but encoding him to resurrect and then Randall Michael Wiltz arrived…

Let me pause for a sec… This part…

Because the rage of what reaaly took place and how no one spoke about how they Killed him…
Their cruelty and indiffernce…
I spoke up.. I wrote about it.. because you all saw how they almost killed me…

David Dawn recall was bed 4-017…
Francis is in that bed.. F F..
And now we are sleeping side by side… and it is even against the law the way they placed the bed..
Francis will feak.. but he as me will adapt.. It is not that much of a big deal.. it is what was is behind it…
Cruelty.. Francis could trip- thiough he is tough as nails he could could easily loose it…
Just as I could if I was not who I am…

I saw Theo on my way out…in the staff room and I told him infront of everyone.. That there are truly wicked and evil people here… He said yes there are.. ( looking at me as if I were a little dumb.. but there was a reason I was asking him.. I saw in hindsight)
I continued. :And the staff…
Yes he said …
But you just have to see them coming before…
( I saw Tito comming )

I smiled grimly.. Its people.. they are just people of this world..
Yes he said as long as you remember that…”
We both smiled and I allowed him to go back to the staff he was talking to, which I noted he stopped his conversation with them to address me…

I was onmy way out and there was Micheal Belle.. I told him that he was right… about this place…
But I already knew that.. I have been here for 21months…
7;28 P.M.

Kevin Wavegodsunnyg Gordon.

Theo and Dee had given the best responses.. Theo…first..
“See them comming before they strike…”
Then Dee… Rage…
Then Eli… T D E… T I D E …

I or Father is no longer moving so in Michael Belle..Holy E-Spirit…

I resurrected Taylor Terrel Law… Randall Michael is the Rep of that Truth…
Ant is the real line of Alberto..

I had noticed that he had sat on the last bench at the end of the evening..at the far side of the Court Yard..
While Kyle and Quanme stood at the Apex…

I saw that Ant was seated besides a person always in Orange..
who had streamed codes as well as 61.. the first Day … the time in the abyss.. F A… T H E R…
Francis always wears the color Orange…

Ant sat besides him and the man sat beside Pierre.. Rock Stone.. Scissorrs…

Tito means ‘Saved” .. Honor..
Saved the line Francis Frick reprsents…

Quanma’e Lewis wanted me to Help Francis… I already did.. My way.. the way he hears me… Through my silent roar and temper… the language which fuels him…
The rage done rto children and youth,

Nigeria versus Iceland…
2 0… Nigeria Won.

But not in the Eternal Play of Energy… I C E LAND.. E.
In that game Nigeria was annihilated off the face of the World.
As well as all the “Forest People” – so that All can stop being Countries, Nations of warring people…
Tower of Babble.
And revert to all being Energetic Peoples… and “Grown up” to become Evolved Individuals.
No boundaries, borders… And Equal distribution of wealth, fairness in trade.
A brand new era, a golden age of Mann.
The E.

Yes, the World is about to change from this idea of Countries Cultures, Competing for resources, each bearing historic resentment and grudges against each other, bitterness and wars of destruction and domination.

The change this time will be for the first time Energetic- Expression of not only the Universe as Infinity Harmony, but with the Physical World as well as the World Peoples themselves.

The Earth has evolved through 5 Ages,
And Humanity- People, were carried through this 5 stages by the Natural Blue Print of the Earth though they appeared only in the 5th Stage.
Meaning People Harmonious People, represented the Peak of the Evolution Process which began with V.I.. B G, G-Y O R…( K =11.. because Spectrum Rainbow are parallel universes until they become 1.)

R O Y-G,G B.. I V… R O Y-G,G B .R…. I V E R…
V I/ I V….( 6 4… 10..1 O)…
B G G Manifest in N E W S ( North East West South) YORK..
Completed so B G G…
B 7 7…
My at the Arab Bodega ( which today I decided I will no longer patronize.. money grubbers… cruel wicked.. the decent ones no longer work there…) is 77..

I am seated right now besides Raheem Sarcar..
E R…

Yes a R I V E R.. B G G… B 77… B 14… B N…( Nature Naturalness) 14=5…B
Blue Blue… EE…
Thus, a journey which went both ways…
5=1… 5 1- 1 5… which would mean, just as I responded to Kyle Murphy riddle of Clouds
( knowing and alerting him to the fact that he was being used because I knew why he was asking me that question but he did not because he had not thought or reflected about it.. It came at him out of the blue after mediating about in in Cloud 9.. His Bliss.
“Are you testing me” I recall asking him.. He said he was not)

..It means that you never really moved or went anywhere.
Meaning that just as the Cloud 9 state of Bliss you access it and can move through an entire adventure, while still constant in that state.
Are you really moving, or are you really still.. are you not looking down from within and looking Up and all around East…
Is it not a state.. and like ones sight.. ( Theia means Sight and the Wide Illuminated Pathway.)

So that is what I have been stating for years, and then proving that Humanity is an Idea, a story of a play of Ants and Bees..
( Anthony Mannino… 51.. 51… Peace Bee…)
A B…
Anthony Bienke just appeared and liked three posts.. I was wondering why and when my last post would be liked and who would be the first to like it..
Arab Bodega play is over Arab Bedouins as A,B.
Sacred Portal 147.. Emmy A B…1 and 2 is Victorious of the Users of Zero to create Non Existence and Zero..
The Void and pits of Human Existence… Bed 49.. 2015..
B R C..Assessment Shelter…
is really B R O… . O R B..

*Do you recall the ORB which The King of Saudi Arabia, the President of Egypt and President of America Donald Trump placed their hands on which created all this furor at what it looked exactly like. Causing Jimmy Kimmel and other Late night host to go crazy with the implications of the visual..?

Mosquitoes Wasps…Tse tse Flies,Dung Flies
..(WASPS White Anglo Saxon Protestants)

All Energy are one and the same when everything is broken down to its lowest common denominator…

That Energy People… E P.. are experiencing the Universe through a Rite of Passage to reach the I=9..
I.D.. of themselves from Energy through Personality ( the Family of Ten) that they are in a sort of Stasis.
A Holo Deck.. A Stage… 7 different stage of a play of Expression.
That it is through Expression that Being became a Solid Body in One.

7:37 p.m.


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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