
6/22/2017 21:21 – Facebook Post

7:47 p.m.

So you see.. I am not the Demon..
You are, even if it is unintentional… It really is Intentional…
Because the E in You all has proved it…

It is the E in you and outside of you ( Me) who was fighting for you, fighting for you to see yourselves truly and clearly..

The Activation of the Circuit of the E Line Full Circle is completed.
It was completed this morning with Chris in bed 4-011…
4 11… D A A… Angels And Demons….
511 is the Angel Number, in “Your” reality of the U.S.A,
Those are my initials…. DEMON.. Is I.D E…( Confirmed by Shame Micheal Robinson Sr… Yes I know, Shane but for weeks each time I wrote his name, it would come out as Shame)…

Recall his last text was at 5:49…/ 94 5… And I reached 9 94 Face Book Friends with Kevin Wavegodsunnyg Gordon…
That is my I.D…E…. I D…E…M..O.N…
It is a code meaning that I.D.. Identity of the Infinite Definition -Eternity Manifest O.N.. is On… Full Circle Naturalness .. Expresses Supremacy Sao… Harmony through Transparency which is the Rocket Fuel…Transformation…
Transformers The Last Knight… and Night…
Author and the Round Table… Anthony Hopkins….
Not Rabbits out of a Hat as Mr Johnny Sun knew… “On Earth a Magician puts his hand in his Hat in the Rabbit Realm; The Hand emerges, it is time, the Rabbit Council must choose a Sacrifice…

No. No… J.S… 10 19… 29… * Brenda is born June 29th….
No the Magician is as in the Tarot… He is the Symbol of Infinity… and He is a Magician whose Magic is Transparent and gives Reason and Explanation…

That the E Circuit is completed…

What does this mean?
It means that 2/3 of Humanity will Die….
Because they are Demons… Because they are Unclean…
Because I am D.A.A…D….I.D.E.M..O.N…The Identity of the E is confirmed… And the Electric Circuit is on…
I D Mon…. “MY..Mine”

So, you see what I am getting at… Humanity was given 5 years of Grace, 5 years and 4 months- all against my Will, but they were given this by the Truth in you, the E in you who I had to pass through and access of you the E in this representative Play Script, and Royal Court, which created so much delays that even as I write on this post, I no longer can acknowledge even this Awakening Evolution as Truth because to have done this to a person, to have made a person who was and is telling the Beautiful Truth endure such a Torment, to make him even question the very truth of how he Rose, which he never imposed on anyone, but which he was forced to bring out, to come to New York and Face a Fake Challenge in which to prove that in All Humanity is the Knowing of the Truth. Is that Gift of Discernment which each has and could exercise.
This play was set up to prove that which was already obvious, to make a person who rose Naturally pay for that as if it was a Crime, and then suffer and surmount misery day after day night after night while in a set up which was designed to make him Fail and yet not allowed to Fail or walk away..
Alone in this World… to carry such a Burden…

To the extent that my very being has suddenly stopped arguing in my mind, that such a thing is impossible, that that it could never could have gone this far and not even the power of Evil can do this to one who already knows that Evil has no power… But Evil was Powered by the Truth, which gave this 5 years and 4 months of Grace…

You may ask but there are over 6-7 billion people on the planet… And I respond that on my page there are representatives of all the Lines of Humanity, and that the original Humanity were a Family of 55…T.EN…
Expression and Creation… E.C…
Yes, Elizabeth Clarizio… Eduardo Corona code…
And that they were 5 5 … * Brenda just arrived and Robert is sitting right besides me, both are feeling the same Tug at the Neck which I have been enduring for the last 16 years- as this Illusion of of Being so Unnatural was allowed to exist and I was forced to interact…a Lie…

Robert is born July 5… he will turn 53…. code 1964… 7-5…
Brenda is 55… Expression Creation… E.C… E E…
Thus.. 55 is E E… They are 1… O…
And … 53.. E.C…8…. Harmony…

Thus, to reach the Entire planet I had did not have to reach 994 Face Book Friends… I simply had to reach the code of TEN.. Which I did in 2004-2005…
All the last 12 years L… was set up for your benefit.
And all the detours, all the delays… this long long long play which has becomes so absurd and ridiculous that only the hold on my body and my being stopped me from walking away in contempt and disgust…
And yes. i will never forgive this and I know that I am eternally changed and transformed by this Experience of what could not not ever be… And what has been done to me, what was give to me to not only bear but surmount….Alone.

In such a Script….

And, so even now, I refuse to acknowledge not because of Emotions or my feelings being so hurt or shocked- no I got over that a while ago when I was able to logically and empirically define this as Evil beyond the definition of Evil as prescribed.
No, it is my Reason Logic Common sense which can not Equate Compute this… It simply makes no sense.
That is the agony that I have really endured…
Knowing that everything I have stated and proven is true fact.. seeing it manifest about me daily even when I wish to ignore it…
It refuses, and imposes Its Will on my Consciousness and yet is asking me to accept that that this can and could be done to a being who fought Everything surmounted all that was given to him to surmount, made into a living Sacrifice with no soul to turn to and which he is deliberately placed in a situation of constant Betraya;l which he alreadys sees and knowsbut is forced to walk, with every moment, every decision he makes, but his existence in danger… And the arrogance of this Force, knowing that He will find a way out of each circumstance…

No. the E is set to transform Humanity, to what they were always destined to be, and always were and are….
And that is to come Home..
And the E now proven Supreme takes over the Human Being and Body…
Leaving only thee E standing…

Nothing and no one else…
Hampton Renee Rhonda contacted me at 7:53 p.m…
H R R… Its is enough to look at the meaning of her name to understand the relevance….

?erø Xamaa Merø Rakhel contacted me yesterday, at 9;32 p.m.and 9;33 p.m…

Xamaa means One of the 4 wifes of Satan and the Mother Demons … And it also means The Plant tendril…..

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