
6 21 pm – My computer internet

6 21 pm

My computer internet shut down.
Jae is not here so it was all in perfect timing, I was able to take a shower and a break from this.

Yes, it is a Simulation.

There are actors playing the Good Guys and the Bad Guys.

And you are right in n the middle in Transparent Space.
Holding Space…
Or Holding it up.

By your being taught Discernment.

There is no choosing of sides.

Only one understandings the cause and effect which created this outcome and choice as to is it the desired outcome or is it not the desired outcome.
And if not, such as the Annihilation which even reps of the Human incomplete race have realized is the Final Solution.
Which I as you know, whole heatedly agree.
But not through that point of view and lack of providing logic and reason through Transparency Supreme.
And Beautiful Expression called Explainstion
Compassion Empathy. C.E.
/ E C. 88 1. 16…28…64/46.

16+64=80. 80 8080..88…1.

The question though would you listen even if they found a way to Explain with True Clarity?

Obviously not.

It’s an Egoistsic Megalomaniac thing in you.

“Who do they fuck do they think they are?”
Says you the idea of God.?

And if The True God shows up as a family of TEN in One, would you listen or pay attention?

Even after getting your Evidence Facts Proof E F P. E V

And if HE they paused to Teach Remind you of what they already know?

7:17 pm

I thibk you already know.
Jae is back we talked went to her room and she came came back startled It’s on!

But for the first time ever it was in harmony with me.
I said I would take a shower at 5 pm and not waste my day on Facebook fuck what they do to my body, I still have a choice
Say No.

At 4:51 the Internet turned off.

Came back on Hard return and aligned to me in the Infinity realm and her expression in this 3D realm.

7:21 pm

7 21- 2920
Arden E

7-:22 pm

Video Game V G G V

7:24 pm


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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