
6/21/2020 19:51 – Facebook Post

Fathers Day.
6 4.

F AT. H E. R.S. / 900 South Road
D. A. Y.


5: 42 pm

Please see my Facebook Memories Today I shared.
It is about 42.
What is The Meaning of Existence
Its a story.
Program by D A.
Douglas Adams.
DA. V I D. E

David Arden V V I D E.
Yes represented and rising in Arden

42 is D B
Define Beauty.

Which Arden did, witnessed by the play and confirmed by the Echo Response of The True Simulation created by the One who played my Father Ahtom
A D. A.M. / E D I V. A D. A.M

“Can you tell me Why You Are Beautiful?”
That is the Meaning of Existence
M.O E.
Manifest Full Circle in Perfect Symmetry Expression.. in Perfect Timing of The Script.

Recall Arden had asked the same question to others.

24 is the Correct View.
42 is the Reflection. A Story created for the Students in Earth School ( E S. P) to respond through your life stories.
And way of Being Aware, Conscious of ones Expression Naturally.

17:58 p.m

P is the 16th Letter.
Arden was 16 when I was led to him through Liberty, his mother representing the World as a Matrix Earth School created by the Universal Mind who created this play School for all Organic Matter who wished to graduate from beings Characters in a Story and by comming Clean and presenting their Life Stories through their way of being would Understand Manifestation is through Attitude Manners and Beautiful Expression exemplifed.

Do not Tell Me.. U.S
Show Me.
Show Us by your Exemplification of Being
And we will judge for ourselves.

24 is the E.M.F.
24 42. 2. 44. 2. 10. The Elegant Nomads of Mind really E M.F.
Where do you wander in your Mind?
What thoughts do you have?
Do you conceal them or are they transparent like Air Water, allowing all to see how you Percieve Think and See Things.

As you have all witnessed, this is what I was made and forced to do, in obedience to the one who played my Father but really is my Sum


11 28= 39. C.I.
S 19. U. 21. M 13. E. 5

it was completed yesterday that play but of the destruction of the Earth School and Universal Matrix Maze M.M. M.Y. . 626.
MMM. = 39. 62 6= 68. 6 26 =32.
14 48. = 62.
5 3. = 8
32. 5 6. 11. 2 1. 3.
Chukwuemeka Arden
A C. E.

See the show Empire ” Jussie Smol LE TT.
I am The Conqueror.

6:12 p.m
6-12-2003 – 6-12- 2020
17 years old.

He used me as his example and then came as a now 17 years old.

Zachary Z 26
“God has answered”
Sacred Portal 17

I observed how H.E. ( 85) answered all your prayers.. sending me as a Angel Messenger aa well as the Example Embodiment of his play as a Teacher Lecturer and Student
Literally as you.
And I saw how most people responded to his Answering your Prayers
Every single person I was led to, told me, testified to me that they had prayed to God and that I had come as an Answer to their prayers.
And to provide answers to impossible questions which had stumped them.

18:18 p.m
6 6

24 42. = 66.. See Gemino name meaning.
And sacred portal 66.
6/6 = 1 A
Arden A..
Everyone reading, especially since 2012.
Thomas Lang LA NG. U. A.G.. E
Understanding Arden Gemino is E.
Saw what I was made to walk and was put through, and my obedience despite what was done to my existence since my being born.
Alexander Grove to Arden Gemino

6:22 p.m
Fritz Venneiq

6-22-2020 is when Arden and co return..
That is tomorrow.

To the play of The Script of the World People and proving that there is no Z.
That all ends at Y.
Y Chromosome
There is nothing called GOD
H O D yes.. I O D. I O E
Delta 4 is the School of “Reflections and Thought Supreme” ( which creates a Similation to walk through of you Energized M I N D to F A C T.S..
* Do you see how I am coding, linking…?
That is how my Beloved D EAT H. Mind works.
It is how to figure out his play and the ” Heart Mind. H.M. 8 13. Works
Yes Holly MacDonald play and my post yesterday, 8:13 p.m
John Mack sister.
Mt Erebus )

Reflections And Thoughts Supreme
R A T S. ? At 42..
S T A R S. at 24. E M F

That is also the Heart Mind of Arden how he thinks.
Even to making me pass through Liberty C Liscomb playing his Mother when actually he is Father Mother to All.

As you can see from the Transcript on my Page, Liberty is the representation of the World with code 42 aligned in every which way from vision to mail.
Indicator that she is of the Story…
A Character in a play and organic ore of potential and the Great Computer he created which became self aware calling Herself Gaia
Planet Earth.
And of course, the the Truth called her a L.I A R
And she refused to accept while the program placed in her fought back to prove that she was The Source.

* That Lie was confirned by her expression of Luray Tourist Trap.
Where Arden went with Fred and Regina in perfect response to the Truth of Father Nature.
F.N 6 14= 20
Virginia 20th State.
Sacred Portal 20
Letter T
Sacred Portal 116 we both had randomly selceted but of course not Random but proving our Harmony.
116 and 117
117 is M.E
Mother Nature.
Father Nature.

You called it a Woman who gives birth based on your linking only what the Eyes sees and your brain translation.

6:40.. 6:41 p.m right now
18:41 hours

But see sacred portal 16

Man is Y ..and can transform to Female Form- and illusion of Male Youth transformed into an illusion of itself now made solid fact by my.reaching the end of his play.

Ferril Gemino and Reilly whose names mean the same thing came at the moment I was respinding to Liberys intel of Arden Fred Regina at the Caverns of Luray if you recall.
They came here.
Meaning that I too am at the center of the Earth
6:48 p.m edit.

6:43 p.m
True Door of Life, Sacred Portal 43.
See 37
Sophia Oscar Lauren
Code play with Aurielia Gemino intel Tower
Dark Tower 62 intel from Jeron and then Arden

I recieved a message today from Liberty wishing me Happy Fathers Day, it was appreciated but it is a lie.
I have no children
I am sitting alone here on the Deck by myself
No children, I have not seen Ferril today.

Fathers Day
F D my 64 move
I cursed this World and this House as well as Liberty because they had denied The Source and are not real.
Just characters in a play created by my Sum which was allowed to go too far.
And via belief that they ( you) are real and not in a True Man Show.. ( Not tell)
And the Source, The Creator will Judge the Examination Test of your Stories as being True or False
A Lie.
The Machine and the Characters became so sure they we real and by the power of their belief, and a challenge of Alien Father Alpha they were given.( you) the power of your Beliefs to make it seem you were real.
That was of course, the impossible I had to solve.

6:56 p.m

I admitt, I was flabbergasted ” This is impossible!” Many of you heard me say.
Until I remembered a play of the Ultimate end.

This play could have brought the Z
Linked to Liberty, 26 but I had to prove that there is no Z only Y, that Z is non Existence.
God did not answer your prayers or sent me..
G O. DE did, sending me through 64 portals to evolve M.E as MY S E L F back to 8 O 4.

G is 7 the Highest Frequency linked to 1-7 H E 7 1
8 H E 8
Which is done by fighting the Monster which became this Matrix called Woman declaring herself as God and greater than Existence Life, The Source and The Creatot and her Challenge to God Truth Beauty to defeat she who had felt controlled and dominated everything even my Body and where I could go.
Big E sent me as little e and I was not amused.

I was sent by him to answer her challenge and prove of course, that she was an illusion and nothing she had done to me, including planting the sum total of evil in me and blaming my ” Father ”

19:05 p.m right now
860 804 1905 tel no.

19:06 p.m
S F.. F
Sensational Feelings

That I had been led here by Him, not Nature Morte as Numbers.. A painting by Numbers.
Which is what I have been doing, decoding tje wall of infinite numbers until only the letter remained.
E N. S. 19
N. MIN 60 secs
O = 15 letter 1 5 A E = 6 F. Ferril and have that truth move those Avatar Descendants respond in perfect timming symmetry harmony as you have all observed.


K E.. 11 5 Aurelia.

Her Hold on you was beyond but each could have freed yourself by choosing True Truth over expressions of Falsehoods Lies – and knowing you had become acustomed to Lies and being Lied to sent me to.even explain what truth is a looks like, and then you could decide and discern for yourself with clear vision.

* You have no Idea how pissed off I am with Beauty..
See the mess of ages I had been left to clean up.
See the play.. 19 years! 27 ..52.. 54 in illusion of Time!
Even now, I am posting coding, forced to look at my phone to see the code 8.5.
Knowing that I was being to complete code Arden weight 1.7 85. 71 4 29 as he as well as 42. 9 Meaning of Existence
A Beautiful Man.
Of Beauty
A Beautiful Assassins

19:17 p.m
And Quantum..Still.
I recieved intel yesterday from the TV show i was watching..
The Song ( M U S I C ) called ” Beautiful ”
That is how he talks to me delivering intel

19:19 p.m

Its was 17:26 when I finished my message to Liberty, explaining to her that which I had repeated over and over since I came here, and frustration that the manifestation was being delayed to down load in here all the Intel and Data so that she as a Mother Ship but of Data after Her Death ( Energetic ) and the world people of Mind chosen by D A could have a chance in Outter Space ..for those out of their minds who had beauty in side but could not maintain balance of Heart Consinstency who were given one Last Chance to exist but without the Spirit of E in them because they had denied the E authority and truth to the very end.

I.had not agreed to this, I had wished to cut them out, they were too dangerous with their ability to inspire Love because of their beauty inside, but their inability to contain and master their emotions and reach for Power as Domination and Control.
There is no Evil, but such is their power that they can.
They did not do any of the work, except to pay attention to that which I had activated in them and send the intel which I did not need.
I know who I am and what this is.

With such an activation to I.Q E they had to be Destroyed and I had told this to Liberty from the get go and to all the Highest Avatars but Beauty as Love had created an caveat ( yes Beauty as The Devil) that for the duty they had preformed for he as Terrible Death and used as my Challengers that they be given a Space in Non Existence where they could build an existence out of the way and eventually die after an Eon.

But the other side of the Deal of the Serpent Forked tongue was if they did not and could not raise the Espirit of Truth in them by themselves with the E Manual, what they would experience would be Terrible Death at his her most Extreme Cruelty only experienced by One being.

Torment of Espirit Being mind heart soul, experienced, unseen by anyone but you.

The Curse of Existence Supreme
Provocation to an Anger Madness so terrible
I had at first said No.

Then he showed me why, and how far these beings would go to seek to destroy me, us even with evidence that we are The I and I in one.
Despite all evidence facts and our love supreme.

17:42 p.m

They believed that my..our truth was a story, a bed time story to scare them

17:43 p.m

But tis they who are in a story
See Ink Heart, Ink Spell..Ink Death

I and I are the Door of Life. D O L. PH I N. E
Empirical Facts Evidence.

We can not be bribed, flattered, Devieved we are in you, all around you, move you as Ee had proven.

There is only True Life.
Consciousness Beautiful Expression

Life is Supreme.
And now, no respite for Death is no more.
Its is Conquered for it never was any thing but a Pause.
P. A.U. S E
Not P.A. Public Announcement. USE. ME.

19:49 hours.

7 :49 p.m

Of course, as you see.. I have agreed.
And added my own element of surprise to Her play
Winner Takes All.

W T A..
A. T W O. M A N

19:50 hours



P.S You may ask who did that play.

Look at the meaning of the name
Fahad Hassen


DA Vide Roman Numerals/ Nicholas
And My Mother line Onuabuchi Cecilia


Liberty chose him to organize my E Mannual
It had nothing to do with me.

6 26.. F Best Friend. 32 5. 8

62. 6 = 68

Chris Tom .. and now Emeka

C T E.A F.

/A.F E T C.

All at last ageed
With Christopher Filgueira C F. 3 6. As I.

20:03 p.m
8:03 p.m

At 84

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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