
6/21/2018 19:23 – Facebook Post

From Akil Apollo Davis.. A. A.D.

Sacred Portals are the True Aligned Hall of Sacred Mirrors.. And Visionary Art…

The Original journey from Within which leads you to Origins Mann and Eternal Harmonies… Eternal Home.

Yes, this is where i began the Face Book Journey from…
the play of the Sensies who moved through them- Masks Bali with Pere, ( Deception)
animated story and the Evolving Family under cover or being sent to mental institutions Evan ALexander Judson
and the Ancestors Asia Story with Tims and the Story Beyond with his girlfriend Beyond..
All at Akils Apt Green Street Brooklyn- Class-on Subway Station.
Where I met Rachael Devon Rios Sessions little sister… J S and Savannah Blair etc…

All had a piece of the puzzle, but I knew the four most accurate incarnations of the E Script belonged to E.A…
And the girls… Beyond, Rachel Rachael Devon Rios Sessions, and Savannah Blair..
Because these stories all manifested right here.
J.S..Jofia Ross I simply recollected who she was in her highest incarnation.

It was all part of a Military Academy- that is what I knew the Trues version of our gathering was and the scores of people who passed through and who I eventually addressed together..

It was very much like Enders Game, E.G And they were the Fleet going into the Universal Simulation .. a new Generation being trained to align the riddle.
Entering into the Hall of Mirrors.. the Simulation to re-enact the Truth of the Family of TEN..

( They were not in memory of course, bit would rise, then come back down to this consciousness…)

I read their Harmony so easily, because they were clean…

Enter The Dragon… E.T.D…
D.T.E… Donald Trump E… T…

Why this is so relevant, is because where we are right now,at least via the Script…
The energy moving through Akil and Evan.. A.E…
has always perfectly Mirrored the Play I had sought to bring to the Worlds attention which your very lIfe’s were reflecting without you even being aware.
But I could read …because I am the one who played the Mirror.
And what each of you reflected was the the way I navigated my way through the Matrix Mirror play of the Universal Simulation Awareness..
“Fifty Shades of Grey”
Alex Grey…
1 7…
A G E…A.. P A N G E A H….
I went to to the COSM in 2003…
And I have passed through 55-56 peoples homes in 17 Years in New York, moved handed over almost like chattle by the playing using Human Avatars to connect me one after the other to each portal..
It felt awful to be handed over from person to person like a rag, or a message in a bottle, by people most well intentioned but relieved when they found that the play and intensity which started out as Delighted Recognition also revealed a great responsibility, and work and a war …
But I had fought so long this play in New York 50 States that I eventual only fought a little when I found I could not seem to escape the Wave which has led me to Starbucks on MW and Beach Street -Delta Manor for an astounding 21 months…

I met Alex Grey…
And my going there was quite an event…and yet it was not the interpretation which I knew represented the Inner World and the Story…
It was good, but it was not clear…
I could read it .. but just like the Hitchhikers Guide To the Galaxy, it was not clear…..

It was a perverted reflection- which gave the concept of the MASKS people wear but it never asked why, or revealed the story of Deception.. or Its Inception…
Or the I.D.. E A…

The original version is on my page..
COSM Full Moon Work Shop…
Heart Center… H C 8 3.. / 3 8
Through Movement… T M… 2013.. 33….6…
Akils Dream Come True… A.D C T../ T C D A…
6-3..@3… 6 3 3…

Codes…. T S.M….. A V A…. T S…Manifest ( 2019…Blade Runner… set LA 2019… 39… C I… E GA LA XY C I 1O11…)

A V A… “And Visionary Art”..
AVA means Life…

See Sacred Portals… 19… 79… 88…( EMEKA KOLO= 88 Numerically)
76… The Awakening…
1976… I was in 105 Wiltshire Bay and had written the story of the End of the world…
I had come out from my world- became popular and began training to enter the Olympic junior Team…
My coach made me run a Victor Lap- its meaning of course being much more significant…
Then in 1977, we were “Ordered” to Nigeria- where my siblings and I had never been nor even knew the language or anything about it…
That is when we went backwards…
76 became 67… 77…was the moving from the Balance to the illusion of the past..
7:08 p.m..
78/ 87…
87 is the Sacred Portal of bringing the World to Its Senses and Sensie’s…
It did not require all these laborious work of 42 years…
The fact that I had remembered and It is Written…
That I recollected Everything and wrote the Story at the correct space 105 Wiltshire Bay… W .B…
*My phone is in the name of William Bracey.. formerly bed 4-005…
Friend of Allen Murray.. A.M…
Means that everything would have manifested naturally..
Instead 42 years were wasted in which I had to do it the way of the Ancestors Seers who saw the End of the world- a vision I had and was spirited away to see only AFTER I had written the True Story of what was to manifest…
The End of one World and the entrance into the True…
And the rebuilding of this World.

42 years… I am in Room 4B…
Ant Mannino is 42…Room 5A Bed 5-001… 5A 5 1.. 51 51.. E A.. E A…

Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy…
Meaning of Existence… M O E..

Anthony and MOE… who work at the Ambassador Cleaning and Catering staff. whose office is literally in my room…
A.M.. I see every morning.. “They wake me up….. laughing..making noise…

42 years of repeating the same thing over and over again when it was completed in 1976…

Erek Eclass Mateo who was a pivotal avatar in this story whom I met in 2002, who came to Green Street, and moved to L.A..
was born 1976…

19 79… 19 88… 19… 76…

19… Alien Father and Eluethreia… S P 19…

Sacred Portals…

“Torodial Fountain” Robert Lafant Publishing hose…

Alex Grey… Alex Ginsberg….Agusta Georgia…

L.S.D…. Delta.. S.O.L… S.P.. 37… 19 and 12 steps..

D M T… Delta Mountain…. 18 Mountain View…
Link 18 Mountain View.. Donna O Sullivan.. Jonn Delguidce Blackwell..

*The Sacred Mirrors and Visionary Art
The Sacred Mirrors series, which were created over a ten-year period between 1979 and 1988, were originally inspired by a lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) vision that Alex and Allyson Grey shared in 1976, during which they both experienced the interconnectedness of all beings and things in the form of a “toroidal fountain and drain of self-illuminating love energy, a cellular node or jewel in a network that linked omnidirectionally without end”[6] that Alex later named “the Universal Mind Lattice”. (Allyson Grey’s painting Jewel Net of Indra was similarly inspired by this shared visionary experience) This series of paintings has been exhibited internationally, and are the subject of the 1990 book Sacred Mirrors: The Visionary Art of Alex Grey, which has been translated into nine languages and sold over 150,000 copies worldwide.[7]

The sub-title of this book is now believed to be one of the key influences in the naming of a new genre now known as “visionary art”. While Alex Grey himself defines visionary art as “the creative expression of glimpses into the sacred unconsciousness” [8] and states that its ultimate purpose is “the mystical experience of spiritual illumination, unity, wisdom, and love”.[9] Claiming a lineage that includes the ancient shamanic cave-painters, the 12th century Abbess Hildegard of Bingen, Hieronymus Bosch, and the English mystical painter and writer, William Blake, contemporary visionary art is also characterized by the belief that along with traditional methodologies such as fasting, meditation, yogic exercises, breath work, and prayer, “vision drugs”[10] such as LSD, psilocybin, mescaline, and dimethyltryptamine (DMT), can also be utilized as tools by artists seeking mystical visions.”

Donna O Sullivan took DMT.. And saw Blue E.T beings but there were not animations.. Stitch and Leelo.. Lelo John… Yes… Leeloo is Jon Jason Lee…J J L.. 10 10 12… 32… Bed 3-002….
Micheal Belle is now in that bed though he is meant to have left by now and had some trouble yesterday when they tried to give his bed away…

She saw the Truth…
Beautiful 5th Dimensional Beings…
As well as seeing Numbers pouring down through her and all around her..
Go back and read…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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