
6/20/2019 0:01 – Facebook Post

8:55 p.m

H E.. E.

I woke up today as The Source… A Man.

I realized yesterday, just how sick I had become these last 18 years of disguising my True Nature under the Charm of a Boy, whom people felt more relatable to.

I did it when I found myself living in people’s homes, really portals.. the people.
As literal equations, and as I moved through the years, they became reflections of beings I knew before, first Energies, then Spirits then physical representations of my Bio Family.

And then finally my Eternal Family..
Only the latter where deep under cover and until I completed the Script of my existence in the realm of the fictious… reality where Satan holds all Humanity hostage until they solve not only all their riddles, family riddles, riddles of thier enture D.N.A, and then the Entire World.

That I could not be released or anyone in the Human Species or in Creation until all the Worlds riddles are all solved.

That is not how it really works, which is why I was astounded by this play, which demanded that I had to prove the play through all of you.

That insane..
But yet another stinky idea of Human Children just as the One where Man is born of Sin, Messiahs as Sacrificial Lambs, and Evil done for the greater good or some one pure true dying to wash away your sins..

I was stuck in a play Script which was created by Humans and not allowed to simply find the E.line
My Eternal Family
I was forced to prove Energy Truth is greater than blood and cut the link with that lie and proof my true family were E from begining to end.

Of course in my family Bio there are those who are N. Naturals evolving back to the E.
As exemplified by Stephen Filgueria and his family, and others I have met but only this much in Connecticut.
Which makes sense.. these are the people closest to the Original Truth.
They are the Reflections Mirrored and Embodied of the Avatar Messenger Descendants
A M.D directly linked to the E basically the play of the Bodies Material Nature and Natural Evolution.

But there is also a line who represent Evolution Achieved.
Bridge Line McKayla Rays…rep..
And John Mack Holly MacDonald
Seen J S M.
H M. 8 13
Who represent attainment of the Original Expression.. the Truth of the Eternals and where the One Father .. One Mother
O F.

Were All One.
The Two Men play is where the play of Particle and Wave began.
But before that E O
E O N.E..
E On E.

A Play took place today which brought for the first time Peace and Harmony.
It linked to them both playing a role of my Brother and Sister both alive and myself all on Trial to see the Truth of what happened and why after proving their Harmony, and fighting to.get their attention as well as my entire Umeano family. And their refusal and then pride to acknowledge I had done them no wrong, and had come to them with the Truth at my having to be absent because I was literally spirited away.

To evolve to E from E, you must choose consciously to represent not dna- but D ne.

My grandfather’s initials are D.N.Umeano.
It is missing the A and the E..
D N E. U. /
U E N D .

Univese Emeka Nnamdi David
All the same person which the Spirit realm of Ancestors challenged and meddled not only with the True Play through the Air Waves and Body but insisted that they were present first and that this Spirit World was all there is.
Spirit World S W
South Whitney S W

And that the Spirit realm was the Source and controlled the World.

Of course I disagreed.
And they beat me up and killed me, as people here with second sight testified from Itz Nnamdi Kanu Son
Obiora Kanu, to Albert Santana to my own Mother and Uncle
* See Mothers Day 2016 Post.

The problem was that the Spirit World was all that was in the Collective Consciousness no one I met remembered the Eternals.
At best, they had fuzzy memories of a distant realm which was transformed into the Fantasy and Comic realm.
And I found myself with the imposing task dubbed “Misssion Impossible V & V I ”
( T C. Tom Cruise. Penelope Cruz
Tree Sage Christopher Filgueira..
C T. F S… yes yes, today’s date and both born 1987.. 87 87. M W 87 69.
87 87.. 174… Q D… Quantum A G. D
see A White Raven post
Astounded Gratitude)
To prove this True, not only the Existence of the E line who understand my Language Conscious and way I see reality but that beyond The Full Circle of Light of the O or later Cosmic Egg, Viel creation universe, existed another realm, origins of Man And all Existence Beings

That play completed with that play of with Laura Walsh her post 8:24 p.m
Harmony E.M.F attained but only by that play of Nature Book.
Nature is a book and which only Naturalness and those of True Nature can read.

Today I rose as the Source, because I realized that is who I literally am, and that perhaps the World denies it, can see it..
But it was not ever of consequence
This was Nnamdi s dimension
Father Nature whose truth had been usurped by one claiming to be Mother Nature, M
N ( 27) Mother Earth..God.
M.E.. G.

I came or better still was sent to defend my Father Sons True of both the Immortal Technique
Istanbul Turkey.
Istanbul Constantinople Turkey

( Thanks Giving Turkey and Christmas ..
Gobble Gobble! A lie)

And Cleanliness Naturalness O Awareness Expressed full circle)
C. 3. N O on the last marked TEN.
14 15.
14O. Is 146
N F / Neil Furby
Which ushered in that E.K John Mack play followed by the Two Men
play replicated with
Kim Arthur Hines
Christopher Filgueria

( C K. F H. 3 11. 6 8.. Yes Mckayla your phone..)
Benjamin C. Krajewski
And Kim Arthur Hines.

( B.K E. 67. Why was it Chris had it.
4 U sd…4th Dimension ) why was my exact play from way before the Shelter, my Art Magic had been tracking Knights Templar
My Book Talking To The Silence 79
Blue Print of Existence.

Again the Story of Two Men who is One
Chris and Kim.
Chris and Emeka at South Whitney
And John Mack Newington to New Britain..
B.K. E
E.K. B.

Emmanuel Kerema..
E K.
Before there was N -E
There was E to N.
E N. U G U… I D. E…
Enu means ” Heavens, Top, Sky.. Cielo, Cello Hello… Organite.. Macchu P icchu Cone Mountains…Highest Point..

Enugu Nigeria
Where I did all my Schooling in Nigeria
West Africa W A.. U W A. Means “World”
A W. E
Adam Waldron
A W E U….

E C N. E. S F
But that was not the True World Play

England Canada Nigeria. England Spain France. Turkey America ( U S.A)

E. 3.14 Full Circle… Back to E ( 1988)
E C N. E

E S F…E…
E Stephan Filgueria..
Solid Fact E
1996 back to England ..

England Turkey. E.T.

England America… E A

10:28 p.m right now
Emeka Reign Maximus R.S

Do you see ?
E C N O. E. Full Circle
E. F.S . 6 19. Today’s date.. 1996
France to England .

E T.
E A.

2011- 12 I was at Akil Apollo Davis, Tim and Evan ALexander Judson place.
A T. E
With Rachel Sesssions. ( Rachael Devon Rios Sessions) Rachel Young..
And finally Savannah Blair

R R .. Red Roof..
18 18. 36. C F.
36O. At 9 ..Pluto..

10:36 p.m right now

R R. Full Circle S Y S.
S E YY E S…. P.
Yes Perfection
Yes the Process..

And that is what the Question Stephen expressed today..
When he commented that he had never met a perfectly impeccable person.

10:39 p.m right now

And just before I responded to that I was conversing with Jesse Macias.
And he had magically started talking when asked him if he had a question about my work and conclusion
I do no work with Jesse, I say something on Face book, I have a play no one has confirmed and with out a word of even awareness he magically acts it out.

Naturally and that is the conversation we had, how people respond to him especially women..
He was doing all he could to not come off as conceited while at the same time Jesse can not express any thing but his Truth, which happens to be The Truth
Just as he is proving each day the Truth and my Truth.

I knew the struggle he was having, I had been through through out my life, how do you tell the Truth Confidence without people seeing it as a boast and challenge invitation to cut you down
when it was simply the Actual Truth not even remotely near boasting..?

Stephen asked if I thought I was Perfectly Impeccable
P I.
I P.. yes, the day I was sent to Delta Manor 9-16-2016.. I P. T P..
( I Full Circle)
Bed E O S. Dawn.
E S P.. Recall the Light Blue Letter P magnet I found when I was moved down the same day by a Woman called Marina who sought to pit me in my place:
Bed 3-002..?

Alexis And Marina admitted me to the Shelter Alexis Marin a is the order of how I met them.

2005 Hells Kitchen
Axel Love or Marianne in Hells Kitchen
A M.
Left that book on the Table one day and I finally picked it up.

Knights Templar and Tiger Magician in my Locker..

New York Paris

I had been called by my mother mostly privately that I was a Perfect Baby.
I thought she was joking but she made it clear that she was serous an hinted ( not any more)
I was born at 8pm

In Belize Park a mystic dud my card reason and said the reading was saying the impossible
I rep Perfection.

A Yogi world famous, told me that over the phone with Erika as the Witness and the One who called him when she felt I may be dying…

Even when I told him, that not only was he mistaken because I knew my naughtiness and mischief..

I had no idea what he meant or what even Perfection meant.
Until I was summoned to this Script in which I realized and called out that I was being Tested as to what is my Truth and True Identity
who or what was I.
The Spirit World did not know who I was just as in my Bio family they recognized all of my mother’s children’s Spirit but not me.

I also called out that you were all about to be tested too.
That this was a Play of everyone Truth

Jon Jason Lee visted me once in Istanbul and accused me of seeking perfection and that when I walked flowers opened up and blossomed in my wake…
I understood his meaning about the last part but my seeking Perfection was so annoying to me, that how could he who knows me since I was 22 23 and he 19 accuse me of such a absurd goal..

Now I see it was about my simply refining and learning my lessons as I went mirrored by Jesse expression literal the same technique I had used.

But Nnamdi Emmanuel knew who I was and used me as an example to show what was the play, of how Expression Being and Doing aligned to what you create and project
( EGO OGE Sacred Portal 50.
5 O.. Y Y.
Abel De Yeshua Yeshua )

A D E. O.

Naturalness is Perfection
Nature’s Process is
P P.
16 16

3-20 2001

Who can saw who is impeccable Perfect in this world where they rape, torture kill anyone who has beautiful Truth.
How can those unimpeccable recognize perfect impeccability?
I suggested that no one here can Judge that.
That only the Force of Creation.. Truth which manifests can echo manifest and confirm that Truth.
Not any one including myself, can do that
Jealousy Envy, haters..
No only Creation Energy Truth Supreme can acknowledged and recognize Its Self

And that is what I have understood Perfection to be, from this Script, from the places I lived lay my.head through the Trail of my.Life from 11 28. 6669…
71 which is when John was born.
.8 p.m
To 8 26-8
8 24. E M F

8 pm.to Sacred Portal 8

Love Links Desire

And Facebook Friend Desiree Shantel

Divine Spark.

A White Raven
A Black Raven .

Will I A.M
I Chant a Freedom Song!

I have spoken for years. That while conducting my.James Bond 007 mission

That is what it is.
6 19.. 114. 6… A N ..O.

U. M. E. A. N O

U. M.E. A. N O.


O L O K. U N

/ N.U. K O L O.

U N E.

Muhammad Band E

K.C and The Sunshine

I spoke as The Source to E S. Today
About the Truth I represent and the message my Father Son.
Spain France
Sent me back here in 1992.
To give you a message
Judgment Day and it does not matter if your paying attention ignore it, deny it..

It’s IS.

Emmanuel K.O….


12:00 p.m

12;01 p.m


Bam El Lobo Vega

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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