
6/20/2018 23:18 – Facebook Post

Excuse me Dawn but I have to use your post once more in this absurd game to prove the Harmony you represent here…

Marino Big Dawg” C

M B D C….

Michael Belle (portal paased through)
D C 4 3…
Washington D C..
Sacred Portal 43.
E=C Me 4/3..
Got the little e…
And 43

Ant is here.
He told me that he is 42 years old.
See Sacred Portal 42..

Ah Michael Belle is still here hmm..
Just came down is sitting by Donald.

I am in room 4B .

He grew up in Californua…
Born in New York Broiklyn

His team are the Golden State Warriors..

The A I.. Mexican Migrant Workers..
One wearing lil e in Blue background and Dark Green Letters..
Burgundy Cap.

And the other in yellow or pale Gold.
A I..on sleeve..
CA L I F O R N I A .
Grey inside and cap

31st State.
11 th Statw..

Mike Flores

See my last post..
M F F F ( C O FF EE Bean) Last one 66.
MM..Mann Manifests..

Actor Writer
Producer Director..

A .W. E
D P…. T.

Awe as
Dawn Pierces
The E T..
The Extra Terrestrials
The Eternal Truth.
E T 520-25.. Y.
Guy Pierces
The Viel of Wine Red..
Longest WAVE Length..

Bed 4-015..D O O.. D F F

My coffee I am drinking right now is 66
Time now is 10:43 p.m…:44.

What this means is Outside and Inside that my Expression and Equatiin of power..
S P 42… Ohm proved the power of moving everything into one Aligment all from within by having broken down and rebuilt the Fractals of Energy Light which is what the name Theia Divina really means…
From a Story..Legend Myth..Idea .Fairy Tale..
To a True Story (T S 20-19..39…C I)
and then to actuality reaality..

Anthony Beinke A to B…
1 to 2…
Begining to End.
2 Dimensional..
Orange.. R O Y-G G B I V..
4th Color from B..
4 2
From B D.. 24 B E D..
D .E B..T…

The True DEBT… And use of EBT cards
-Food used to control the People..
Poisoning it..

Back to Divine Expression..Beautiful Truth..
Water Cleanses..
Transparency washes away all Toxins and is the Source of SIGHT. Consciousness.

T D.. 20 4@ Delta Manor..
D 4
All a story..Not Real..

Thus all who exist in that idea of Exisrence as 24 hours as a Day.
Orange to Green.. Fire Plants..Photosynthesis..
OG…Land of OG…Giants Titans of Indusrty..
Are living in make belief. Illusions..

Green to Orange G O…meaing “5” in Japanese..
7 O..Ti Oh…
Are living in the FAIR E True story and are of the Naturals Evolving back to where they never left..
The E…

An enormous Debt is owed for making me solve all this from what was transformed into my Death Bed… Should I have failed for as I state Terrible Death was “planted-Projected” on to me by Twisted Egos of the Dead..Shadows.

11:11 pm.
1 1 2..
1….. 1..



Fractaling A Emeka Eze..
By the powers of the Ancient to Modern past..
Thoughts made real by Belief..

Lewis Ant Kyle… Were here.
L A K. E..

Ladies of the Lake..?

No LA K E..

E Knows Alien Light..

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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