
6/20/2018 21:42 – Facebook Post

1165 Facebook Friends…

In perfect harmony of the play of 65 which Billy had represented.

6+5= 11…

11= K..

I almost did not play this game today,
and if it had not been for the obvious connection between my body and this play script..
As well as Theia Divina post then Anthony Bienke post
which tedious as the decoding and unraveling the Equation of the Gods-
131 Goktu…
Linked to Kyle…
The Jack And The Bean Stalk… J A T.. B S…
Both linked to Kyle Murphy and myself as Emeka Kolo with Quanma’e Lewis eliminated from the play ( Nothing personal.. and he and Human Beings should never have been used in this play…
It should have been private and thus treated in such a unheard of level of Disrespect…”

My coffee was 68 here at Star Bucks…
Kyle Murphy solved the riddle of Starbucks in his manner which was brilliant..
Celestial Beings.. Lines of Intention Reys… etc…

My coffee now is number 66…

Titans Giants…
Elemental Gods… E.G…
Sacred Portal 9…

Billy lived on 65th street but my sister is the one who represents 65 in the Script..
My sister as Noni Promise Life.. Beautiful Pride, the 4th aspect.
4 as Delta and the Wave which Kyle Murphy is on…
K M..K.E..VI..N..E..
Kevin Mathurin
Kevin Wavegodsunnyg Gordon 7-28… 5 28 hertz..
Nadee Nakandala
N N O N.Y E L U M… I J E A MA CC A… O K O L O…

N O I…
I O N…

Code 64-65…
And thus, with Michael Belle linked to Marina Burini M B M B..
Who I lived with and who sponsored this work generously
9:37 p.m.. in 2011… Where I began the Sacred Portals on my birthday 11:28 in her Loft in 2010…
Then moved down the Road to Tom Trumans Home where I began a battle to not descend but was forced to prove theE in the corrupted language of this reality for 7 years…

11.. 56… Room 5A Bed 5-006…2016-17…
11 65…Completed 2018… Through the B H was used to challenge the truth of the Black… Black Matter…
China Black…
CHI..NNA Black… Matter Mother…
is Father Fact…

9:42 p.m..

See sp.. 42… and 86…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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