
6/2/2018 2:21 – Facebook Post

12:26 p.m.


12:29 p.m.


L -Z… W..I….L.T…..Z.

Total Recall… T R… U E…. U=21, E=5…26… Z…

This is what this has all been about.

I have always had my Awakened Memories, but I had no idea what they represented.
I recall being the like the only being in the Universe

12:52 p.m. ( Good that is representing the completion of the work of E.B…)

I was responding to a comment to Jace Horsford, and I suddenly recalled how I came back from Macys’s ( 20;40 usd..) and there was Randall Michael Wiltz sitting on the other extreme of the bench I was on at Metropolitan Ave.
I had made a comment to him, since we or I had resumed my normal expression to him and he with good grace and patience had responded without grudge ( he also reads my posts.. and he said he reads them and takes what I write and posts translating it into own undertstnding of it.
But he does not twist or change my meaning)

He was speaking about Jay Z… and how he speaks deep issues by speaking about the little or small things which enable him to understand the meaning in how it relates to him.
I looked at Randall Michael Wiltz suspiciously
– the reason I did not trust him is because i know exactly who he is, and yet he is completly for the moment the Avatar Descedant of Father and David. until I realized that he was not acting.
That he harmony was completly unconscious.

And that is when I made the comment about his harmony again and that The Picture posted of me people said it reminded the of JayZee… I alslo mentioned Beyonce…
J B… Yes… I solved that riddle years ago when less people were paying attention.

But I commented that that is what My work was- which is why he said it of course….
That it is the Big things which reach Infinity are all linked to the little things…
Anchored lets say in the Human Body and Being.. whih of course comes back to my speaking over and over again about the Genie in the bottle effect and my repeating to him that I landed in the World and that no one was here in the Here and now and thus they could not see the play..
That they were living in thier heads.. worry problems past future but no one was present here..
In 2010- I literally had to conduct experiments to understand how I notced the Wave Music of my codes translated in everyone arriving in perfect timming but no one was conscious and aware of the fact.
That is when I found myself forced ( Literally by the E-Spirit within me) to write the True Conversation between Ahtom and Energy E…’ By Father.. AF A… and recived the message from Marina Burini that My mother said that I had to prove the rest as a Man…
And of course, I sad now bloody way was I going to come back to this plane after reaching the height of Recollection…

The idea and the sheer enormity, immensity of the undertalking was Mind Boggling..
Not with my awareness that the Human Species was out of thier Minds and out of thier Head and hardly even lived in Their Bodies…
I even conducted experiments on Marina Burini as I recounted on this pages…
I realized people had lost thier Senses..
The ability to literally see.. what was before them
Hear what others were …they could not hear..
Everything was being translated through thiir PTSD… Minds in Space…of Non existence…
Because that is where they lived… Dwelt… even in Fantasy Fictions Delusions Escapism…any where but here…
But the here had cleared up.. the Fog of chaos of Sacred Geometry of being was cleared up and by 2002 I could read reaity as easy as a Book
Erek Eclass Mateo will recall..
People thought is was “Magic’ But I had solved and broken down everything into codes and was able to read when down to the point of person arriving around the corner or at the door…
But I had to stay in a certain frequency Vibration..

If I came down, it was as if I came down into Smog and a polluted heavy air which put me to sleep.. or forgetting.
And so as the movie character in Memento…( MEME.N T,O./ O T.N…E M E M… Same N..TO… 2OO./ O..Full Circle.. 20 14 E M E M… K A..K A… 11 1 11 1…)

* Yes I see even now that I am earning this 62 date and code
F B… Face Book.. Facts Being… Ceaser… Etu Brutus… ( E.B)


This is what I said to Randall Michael Wiltz…
That no one is awake, not even myself that I am “speaking or aware awakened but in my Sleep..
That linked immediatly to my understanding… when I was responding to Jace Horsford comment…
I had returned from Macys and there as Randall.. I even insisted that he take a Bagel I had bought before, which alluded “by coincidence” to his recounting how he had thought of my and burst out laughing when he had gone to get two boiled eggs from the Walgrens/ Malgren..!!… Anthony Malgren bed 5-009…
CVS…( Jesus I am going to throttle Eric Nnamdi David Alberto Francis Alexander!)
( I used to buy them two.. cheap…99 cents… 99!)
And how he went to Starbucks on the 29th only to find it close…
He commented how he thought of my and my pounding, moving things around on my computer..
Steve Curry Scored 29… Lebron 51…
And when reflecting about him and father the day before a Truck with a Bagel suddenly appeared out of nowhere in frontof me with a message…
I just stared…”You gotta be kidding me”

And I had noticed that he never really took anything I offerd, I felt it was pride but I saw it more and more as manners and that which he read that I posted I was enduring through the money play which No one here gaining from the little blessing I handed out carefully ( no my money)..
As well as the play with what I had dubbed “Selfish Edward’ who I had enounterd with Randall.. though I had noticed Randal the moment he arrived…

And the Bagel was something I had always wanted before I came to New York because it reminded me of somethng quintessentially New York.. something only some one who truly knew me would know…

On my way back I ran into Randall Michael again on Beach Ave…
Then after seeing coming up to the cafeteria from the back yard there he was.. And again, as came up stair to the T.V room- he was be racous as ever, or Bean was and he like an urchin was laughing and addng his mischief…
I do not know how old R is or Bean… R lcould pass for 30 to late 40’s… Bean though looks older has youth ‘gamin’ wriitten al over him…

So that is when I realized that the whole process of my having to be forced over and over “back under water’ amd then rising back to myself was first to brig my Aware Awakened Memories to Manifest Realization to my myself through others as being not jus memories and Revollection but…
The 2010-2011 demand on my going down into that filty water or Red Zone.. band.. wave length…
Was to not only bring Total Recall for myself but for Everyone by breaking it down to its simplest… lowest common denominator…
S…L C D… like cooking reducing and reducing adding water.. reducing reducing….

1;55 A.M.

i used to litrally weep when forced to go down..
But I have never been down for this amount of time- like holding ones breath for 8 years while I had to go in to the filthy contaminated water….of human expression language an weave a sort of Net to capture the peoples attention… not trap them but pause them to see a different view…
And it was the language, what had been done to expression meaning.. E M Above and Below…
How could I bring back all 5 senses in one after what I saw had been done to Consciousness…
Awareness Being…
Kirtan was seatd behind me the whole time wearing a Red T-Shirt with the words “Filthy’

Jay Z Equation was done..
So WILTZ Could no more be Wiltz.. It has to be W.. I.L… Which is 9:12 p.m when I finished the post here the post just before going to see Billy Hung.
Infinite Love… True… Double V V..I ..L T… Z…

2;04 am..

Good Lord… Royal and Reign…
Z IS 26 8
H..Z…T L… ( 2012)…I V V… I E E…O O

I do not usually watch the Lotto Numbers, but Billy Hung will testify to Rav Singh constantly asking me if my codes can be used to win the Lotto…

( smh.. but I also wondered about it, not as the money.. well maybe a little; but more that the Ultimate Lotto would be the Winning aliggnment.)

I had often through the last 15 years in particular observed how the Lotto Mega Million New York Lotto and others would reflect in perfection the codes I was working on.
Then I realized that they were more likes Scores, which reflected that I was in alignment but had not reached the Goal…

I did not know what the Goal was and as the years past grew grumpy with the constant reminders of my alignment and yet the “Pay Day” never seemed manifest.)

But today Ceaser who is a 62 year old came up to me an told me his story…
He was mentioning 65 Years but Quanma’e Lewis said that he told him 62…
He has spoken about how he had won the lottery for being able to come to New York…

And then when I came upstairs their were the New York- Mega Millions ( MM) numbers

Winning Lottory Numbers…

05 24 52 62 66 and 17

I stared… The only number which was not confirmed in my code
( yes I got the coffee 626… yesterday but it had to align
Time Date.. T D… 20 4… Yes… 2004… Family of Ten…) and Body Being…

Ceasar who was wearing wine red from head to toe…65 – 62..
62 is F.B.

I just earned that 62…

I noticed that I am at 1161 Facebook Friends when I came on meaning the date was aligned..

And I saw Flip J Hendrixs on my way to the Chinese Takeaway but on Metropolitain…

Flip The Script…
From D.TT D
To T D… 2 04… 24… JACE.. Heaing the K.. Twins Dopplegangesrs Broken Heart.. Siamese Twins…
Siam… S I AM… The King and I…
Represented in Steve Curry Klay A Thompson ( KAT) Kevin W..”OO” D..
And Lebron “The King” Ray-Mon-E…J A. M E.. S… JA..YM ES/ S.E..MY..AJ.. 1 10… S.P… Family of E.. Eternals from Eternity the Originals…

Power Ball

17 23 26 46 68… And 20

New York Lotto.. NYL…

01 25 36 40 56 57 58..

Cash 4 Life C 4 L..

01 28 42 47 55 and O4…

Keys 17… 20… 04… “58”

2;19 a.m.

Bean arranged for extra Time… E T….

Jean Van Damme .. J VD…

2:20 a,m

200 And 2 usd…

2:21 a.m

B.. 2001… 21…

Quanma’e Lewis

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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